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单词 unimportant
释义 Word family  noun importance adjective important ≠ unimportant adverb importantly  un·im·por·tant /ˌʌnɪmˈpɔːtənt◂ $ -ɔːr-/ adjective  UNIMPORTANTnot important 不重要的 SYN trivial unimportant details 无关紧要的细枝末节 THESAURUSunimportant not important 不重要的The exact details are unimportant. 具体细节并不重要。Girls' education was seen as unimportant. 女孩的教育不被重视。of no/little importance not important, or not very important. These phrases sound a little more formal than unimportant 不/不太重要〔该短语比unimportant稍显正式〕If you're capable of doing the job, your age is of no importance. 只要能胜任这个工作,年龄无关紧要。It's of little importance whether or not this story is true. 该说法是否属实并不重要。minor small and not very likely to have an important effect – used especially about changes, problems, injuries, damage, or differences 〔尤指变化、问题、伤害、损失或区别〕小的,无关紧要的I've made a few minor changes. 我进行了一些小修改。The driver suffered minor injuries. 司机受了轻伤。These are just minor problems. 这些只是小问题。trivial very unimportant and not worth worrying about or spending time on 微不足道的,没有价值的They had a disagreement about some trivial matter. 他们在某个枝节问题上有分歧。She tends to get upset about trivial things. 她往往会因为一点小事就不高兴。insignificant very small and unimportant, especially when compared to other things 〔尤指与其他事物相比〕无足轻重的Her own problems seemed insignificant. 她自己的问题好像并不重要。The amount of carbon they produce is relatively insignificant. 相对而言,他们的碳排放量就无足轻重了。negligible extremely small and not important – used especially about effects, amounts, differences, or risks 〔尤指效果、数量、区别或风险〕微不足道的,可以忽略的So far, the program has had a negligible effect. 到目前为止,这个计划收效甚微。The difference in price is negligible. 价格差别可忽略不计。secondary not as important as something else 次要的These issues are of secondary importance. 这些问题是次要的。For many women, a career is secondary to being a mother. 对许多女人来说,事业不如生儿育女重要。Examples from the Corpusunimportant• Employees' opinions were often treated as unimportant.• This is not to say that dreams are unimportant.• Although Durkheim did not see economic developments as unimportant, for him they were in no way basic.• Everything he had done was just window-dressing, unimportant in itself.• It had reappeared around the side of some crumbling, unimportant rock structure.• And what part did the cripple play who had sat like a malignant spirit guarding a make-shift bridge over an unimportant stream?• If these be the parties, it is entirely unimportant what may be the subject of controversy.• And it also served to draw stings: it ensured the main issue got cloaked in unimportant wranglings.un·im·por·tant adjective →THESAURUS1ChineseSyllable   Corpus important not




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