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单词 New Age
1. Astrology and alternative medicine are part of the New Age movement.
2. New age hippie loves fashion but do not want to be fashion victim.
3. I don't buy into all that New Age stuff.
4. A new age for mankind is dawning.
5. My massage therapist always plays New Age music to help me relax.
6. She was involved in many New Age activities such as yoga and healing.
7. A new age dawned with the invention of the radio.
8. Molecular biology is pushing medicine into a new age .
9. New Age travellers were on the road again today, looking for a place to hold their midsummer festival.
10. New Age thinking seems to be a hotchpotch of old and new ideas.
11. This cooperation is not a new age spiritualism.
12. A new style was devised for the new age.
13. The New Age is not one vast organisation.
14. Today she runs her own New Age self-help business, Kismet, employing four staff.
15. Yet she is also known for her New Age spiritual writings and teachings about past lives, a higher self and reincarnation.
16. These two truly began the new age of cloning-which means they initiated a new age of biotechnology.
17. He is a throwback, the New Age kid who is making millions, but plays because he likes to play.
18. Ken found it hard to adapt to the new age.
19. That anecdote, told in Beatrice Hastings' New Age column, seems true to life.
20. The first explosion of the atomic bomb prophesied of change and a new age.
21. The radio, that most ubiquitous of consumer-electronic appliances, is about to enter a new age.
22. On that basis, we shall survey some of these New Age and occult forms of divination.
23. Descartes also claimed that the new rationalist methodology would bring human mastery over nature and a new age of human well-being.
24. The traditional outcast or pariah becomes the hero in this new age.
25. We could, therefore, stand on the threshold of a new age of crisis.
26. Perhaps we are emerging from the Dark Ages of Community Care and we are moving into a new age of enlightenment.
27. Arthur Schlesinger keeps writing about cycles of history, while New Age psychotherapists rhapsodize about biorhythms.
28. None the less,[sentence dictionary] there is cautious optimism at the dawning of a new age.
29. And Greenness can be seen as the political wing of the New Age.
30. There is a ban on alcohol and drugs and new age travellers will be discouraged.
1. Astrology and alternative medicine are part of the New Age movement.
2. The first explosion of the atomic bomb prophesied of change and a new age.
31. This is not a plea for New Age pantheism by the back door.
32. Before November, the president may proclaim a new vision of government for a new age.
33. Sam hoped he wasn't one of those New Age mystical types.
34. The opening of the £133m Manchester Metrolink in April was heralded as the new age of the tram.
35. This indicated to her that she was being associated with occult and New Age practitioners, since becoming a registered Aromatherapist.
36. We laugh it off as a bunch of California New Age woo-woos playing with rocks.
37. Johanna likes a lot of New Age music, for instance.
38. The symbol of the new age is the new Euston, an all-purpose combination of airport lounge and open-plan public lavatory.
39. The findings of my own investigations into New Age groups and publications are also noteworthy.
40. Some New Age softie who babbled about using the right side of his or her brain.
41. A publishing company named Lucifer was established in 1922, which distributed the writings to an increasing network of New Age groups.
42. There's also been success in the battle against illegal gatherings of new age travellers.
43. And while there are fundamental differences between Eastern and Western medicine, this is no new age fad.
44. The new age had dawned, and the signs of its presence were experienced.
45. As we mentioned in Chapter 3, the new Age of Psychology promotes and emphasizes the development and self-fulfilment of the individual.
46. Standard high-tech stuff like ultrasound imaging and the latest hypertension drugs are available along with various New Age prescriptions.
47. I mean, you've heard all his New Age stuff about them being soul mates destined for each other.
48. His success put the Windham Hill label, also strongly associated with New Age music, on the map.
49. This new age of anonymity and adopted identity portends great impact on our traditional notions of discourse and protected speech.
50. Marconi's invention was the beginning of a new age.
51. Happy New age to the globle's prime pare notnts!
52. Yet in this new age, such attitudes are self-defeating.
53. The French Revolution ushered in a new age.
54. Does Paganism belong under the New Age umbrella?
55. In 1977, the country appeared poised on the brink of a new age, with recent events having organized themselves in such a way as to make a clean-energy future seem tantalizingly close at hand.
56. For young Japanese entrepreneurs, " Son-san" was more than just an adversary to Japan's buttoned-up corporate world; he was the messiah for a new age.
57. Find the meaning in numerology; learn all about numerological blueprints and mystical numerology in this free video on numerical divination and new age symbolism.
58. This new age mobile application Egg Timer will keep you roast tender and the smoke away.
59. The pure pollen oral liquid exclusively sold here initiates a new age for women's cosmetology.
60. The new age exalted love,[] self-gratification and passive philosophies that aimed at helping people resign themselves to the status quo.
61. The establishment of the Lutheran Church turns on a new age of Protestant Church and settles the foundation of religious practices for the upcoming establishment of National Church.
62. They discussed secret revelations, the coming of the new age, the Spear of Destiny, the magical violet black stone, and making contact with ancient peoples and distant worlds.
63. Only then can Hong Kong remain at the forefront of new age with vigour and vibrancy.
64. Stories change form freely as they inhale the air of each new age.
65. I promised I wouldn't get into the new age, touchy-feely stuff in this article, but I have to mention this: Your frame of mind has a significant impact on your creativity.
66. I know this sounds new age and hokey, but it works.
67. This new age of technology and exhibitionism allows us to transmit ourselves, and our experiences, to millions of recipients in an instant and allows them to respond.
68. Fiber optic hydrophone is just suit for this request. As a new age of acoustic detector, it must have high sensitivity and large dynamic range.
69. His criticism has affected the literature creating and criticising during the new age widely and lastingly.
70. Whenthe world gets into new age, this kind of international wrangle will last long-lastingly, complicatedly and even fiercely.
71. Practical and creative abilities are the basic demands for highly qualified personnel in the new age.
72. Let's not get misty-eyed about a new age of Sino-American cooperation here.
73. Chapter three analyzes some classic cases of creation practice on photoplay views in new age.
74. My hobbies are bridge, chess, ballad guitar, piano, bottle gourd, seal cutting, tea savoring. classical music, world music, new age music, reading, games.
75. Either way there is no doubt that her remarkable synthesis of western occultism and eastern traditions became a foundation for the New Age.
76. New Age hippies love fashion but don't want to be fashion victims.
77. Tom: In the old days, people were fogyish , the new age people are very fashionable.
78. Ronna Herman is a spiritual astrologer, counselor, new age practioner and teacher.
79. The remaining "New Age" travellers left Kerry just 30 minutes before the deadline set for their eviction.
80. Masanori Takahashi , better known as Kitaro, is a Japanese new age musician, composer and multi - instrumentalist.
81. It had burst into popular consciousness a decade earlier with the publication of The Secret Life of Plants, a New Age classic which also discussed orgones and dowsing.
82. A new age takes flight . A new rough draft begins.
83. In the old days, people were fogyish, the new age people are very fashionable.
84. This New Age is one of awakened consciousness where people give up their limited third-dimensional survival mode of existence and awaken to a higher, more enlightened world.
85. He had demonstrated for them all that the old ways of devout placation had no place in this new Age.
86. The theme of this exhibition is" Multiaspect Reflection, Whose New Age", which deeply imbedded in the artist's reflection on the status quo of Chinese art and contemporary Chinese society.
87. One of the latest fashions of the academic world is New Age science and the transpersonal psychology that is a part of it.
88. Including Era Sports, CTTV Sports,[] New Age TV have also Live broadcasted on the games.
89. The 21st century will be a new age with the originative activities directing the trend of social development form the angle of the developing tendency of economy and science and technology.
90. Tom: In the old days, people were fogyish, the new age people are very fashionable. We can know this from their clothes.
91. New Age An umbrella term for a wide range of personal and individual beliefs and practices influenced primarily by eastern religions, paganism, spiritism .
92. In the old days, people were fogyish, the new age people are very fashionable. We can know this from their clothes.
93. The irony is, that the behind the scenes owner of this new age automat, is McDonald's.
94. Now we must summon all of our might and moral suasion to meet the challenges of a new age.
94. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
95. It's not all mystical New Age spiritualism , or even overt religiosity.
96. Yet we are still heirs to a noble struggle for freedom. And now we must summon all of our might and moral suasion to meet the challenges of a new age.
97. Fifty-eight years after the film Roman Holiday introduced the Vespa to the world, Hollywood has reclaimed it as a symbol of this new age of austerity.
98. Oh, come on. That sounds like a bunch of New Age hooey .
99. In the new age if we want the political thoughts education get active effect, we must take full advantage of the favorableness factors and resist and eliminate the negative affects.
100. Eco - civilization and harmonious socialist society construction is the major program of CPC in the new age.
101. The compilation of New Age English-Chinese Dictionary is a justifiable example of the systemic union of scientific and humanistic spirits in China's contemporary bilingual dictionary compilation.
102. The arrival of DG 300 signal a new age of garment decoration.




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