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单词 Milking
1) She bailed a cow up for milking.
2) The government was accused of milking the people.
3) He's just milking the company dry.
4) The farmer hasn't finished milking.
5) Milking a cow by hand is a skilled process.
6) They had risen at 5.30 to do the milking.
7) She is milking her success for all it's worth.
8) The cow is milking heavily.
9) The cows will be in for milking soon.
10) He seems to be milking the incident for all it's worth .
11) His illegal deals were steadily milking the profits from the business.
12) He stood in the door of the milking house,[http:///milking.html] holding out the buckets for her to take.
13) Those with milking herds had a ready market for farm gate sales of butter and cheese.
14) In the evening after milking she walked in the garden alone, thinking about it.
15) They had just been moved into a new milking shed and they were in completely strange surroundings.
16) They are using it - milking it for their own financial gain.
17) Owned by Jo Rutherford, Trigo rounded up the milking herd and brought it back to the milking parlour in Devon.
18) No buzzing saw mills, no electric milking machines humming away.
19) I know he's had a hard time lately, but he's certainly milking it for all it's worth .
20) Among his peers, only Jack Benny was more adept at milking a laugh than Groucho.
21) She had been up before daylight, helping Johann with the milking, as she often did.
22) And shrewd businesswoman that she has quickly become, she is milking the phenomenon for all it is worth.
23) Opening the door, he splashed his way across the farmyard to the milking parlour.
24) You can not expect to be taken seriously with a bovine's milking tackle perched on your bonce.
25) Those services include self-employed people providing labour-only, for example, holiday-relief milking.
26) As the cow eats, a robotic arm and connects the animal to the milking machine.
27) If the teat enters the cup, the suction of the milking machine ensures that it becomes attached.
28) He's sitting in the distance on a stool, humming , milking a cow - squish, squish - into a tin bucket.
29) This paper introduces a new type of multifunctional automatic breast pump and milking machine.
30) Teat injury injuries can also cause mastitis, so be careful during milking.
31) She found an old milking stool that had been discarded, and she placed the stool in the sheepfold next to Wilbur's pen.
32) He does not milk the cows by hand: he has an electric milking machine.
33) Teat injuries can also cause mastitis, so be careful during milking.
34) Teat injuries also cause mastitis, so be careful during milking.
35) Whether it's milking venomous spiders or picking up roadkill, the secret to career fulfillment is not to follow your passions, but to chase your opportunities.
36) Teat engeries injuries can also cause cause mastitis . So , so be careful during milking.
37) As the cow patents, a robotic arm cleans and connects the animal to the milking machine.
38) As the cow eats, a robotic armclings arm cleans and connects animal to milk milking machine.
39) Yaks(Bos grunniens)distributed in and around Hongyuan County have a good milk performance and milking characteristics.
40) He was allowed neither to dress himself nor to cut his own food; and into his teens, milking what remained of his marketability as a prodigy, she forced him to wear short pants and long hair.
41) Teat injuries can also cause mastitis, so be careful before during milking.
42) While a farm girl was milking a cow, a bull tore across the meadow toward her. The girl did not stir, but continued milking.
43) Her misgiving was such that at dusk, when the milking was over, she walked in the garden alone, to continue her regrets that she had disclosed to him her discovery of his considerateness.
44) He designed a goat milking machine that does not require any electricity or motors.
45) The effect of proper milking procedure on reducing mastitis of dairy cow was investigated.
46) Postpartum oestrus inducement in milking ewes can shorten the time between yeaning and next pregnancy effectively and use ewes'fertility farthest to enhance economic returns of cultivation.
47) He sat within earshot, milking the cows by the light of a lantern, which I seized unceremoniously, and, calling out that I would send it back on the morrow, rushed to the nearest postern.
48) Teach enerages Teat injuries can also calls mestitages cause mastitis, so be careful during milking.
49) As the caw eat cow eats, a robotic arm cleans and animal to the milking machine.
50) The number of nitrogen fixing bacterial counts and nitrogenase activities at the yellow maturity stage of the crop was much less than that of the milking stage.
51) Sewing clothes for her family on the old Singer treadle machine, cooking meals and baking bread, planting and tending a vegetable garden, milking the goats and scrubbing soiled clothes on a washboard.
52) The company is committed to the domestic large dairy farm milking workshop equipment building.
53) The average milking time with the Henry Milker is 10 minutes.
54) He wore the ordinary white pinner and leather leggings of a dairy-farmer when milking, and his boots were clogged with the mulch of the yard; but this was all his local livery.
55) As the cow eats, a robotic arm cleans and connects the animal to the milking machine.
56) As the cow eats our, a robotic arm cleans and the animal to the milking machine.
57) The majority of cattle farms and the cow plot milking machine's pulsator and the pulse tube are the sound conditions, but some cow plot's pulse tube existence rots the damage phenomenon.
58) The results indicated that the test rate of milking cow non_dominant mammitis was 36.4%.
59) The effect of oil origanum additive on milking performance and antioxidative function of dairy cows was observed through experiment.
60) SHEEP MILK: Sheep milk is the normal lacteal secretion practically free of colostrum, obtained by the complete milking of one (1) or more healthy sheep.
61) Teat injuries can also called mass titerscause mastitis, so be careful during milking.




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