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单词 Intrigued
1. He was intrigued by her reaction.
2. He was intrigued out of power.
3. Other people's houses always intrigued her.
4. They constantly intrigued against each other.
5. You've really intrigued me-tell me more!
6. The notice intrigued many students.
7. The idea intrigued her.
8. Throughout history, people have been intrigued by the question of whether there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.
9. The men intrigued against their king.
10. They were intrigued with the colour of our skin.
11. The film intrigued all of us.
12. I would be intrigued to hear others' views.
13. Most children are intrigued with fary-tales.
14. He had intrigued with his brother against the king.
15. The novelty of the situation intrigued him.
16. He was intrigued by her story.
17. When I studied weaving, I became intrigued with natural dyes.
18. The natives were intrigued with the colour of our skin.
19. I'm intrigued to know what you thought of the movie.
20. She was intrigued to know what he planned to do next.
21. Intrigued,(/intrigued.html) she followed his gaze.
22. She intrigued him and enticed him and infuriated him.
23. Specialists were intrigued by a woman who writes upside-down.
24. The final part of the letter intrigued him greatly.
25. But he was intrigued by his idea.
26. I was intrigued to find that she spoke Aramaic.
27. Visitors to the castle are often intrigued by the engravings and paintings to be seen above fireplaces and doorways.
28. Intrigued, she followed the car until the driver noticed she was being followed and pulled over.
29. I was going to knock for I was still intrigued by him but Benjamin called me so I let the matter rest.
30. He was used to being in control of events, not the victim of circumstance; even so, the situation intrigued him.
1. He was intrigued by her reaction.
2. Other people's houses always intrigued her.
3. You've really intrigued me-tell me more!
4. The notice intrigued many students.
5. The idea intrigued her.
6. Throughout history, people have been intrigued by the question of whether there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.
31. It was handy since it opened directly on to the parking slots for office staff, much prized and intrigued over.
32. By the time dawn came Dinah Asshe was intrigued with the possibilities of her own physical self.
33. Intrigued, the aliens monitored the few lyrics they could hear rising up from this outdoor roller ritual.
34. In the inevitable lecture series that followed, few would be intrigued by a grossly overweight, fortyish prude.
35. I was intrigued to learn that our Chinese host had spent many years in Chicago.
36. The theological certainties he found in others intrigued, but never convinced Eyre.
37. I am intrigued by the capstan winches fitted to the Range Rovers on the Darien Gap crossing.
38. Amid all the organizational changes of the past few years we be-came intrigued by the human aftermath of this turmoil.
39. But I had been sufficiently intrigued by the stories I had heard of William to want to find out.
40. Many foreign visitors, intrigued by her story, used to visit Maria Clementina.
41. I arranged to meet club members on Oxford Crag and was immediately intrigued.
42. If I wanted Evan to be intrigued by the Capitol buildings and monuments, I should have helped this to happen.
43. I was intrigued by what we were doing, but no one would ever eat or drink from it.
44. One question has particularly intrigued those working on this study.
45. He looked deep in thought as he approached but the thing which intrigued Annie most was the way his mouth moved.
46. I was intrigued by this and so he went to the store room and eventually returned with a pile of prints.
47. He looked momentarily intrigued as he saw her, as though he actually cared about what she might be doing.
48. She seems most intrigued by the situation, attracted and repelled at the same time.
49. Jay was delighted with the compliment and intrigued to see inside Lucy's flat.
50. He had been reading microbiology texts and became intrigued by DNA and how it replicated itself.
51. When you first meet her you're intrigued to know what happened to those missing teeth.
51. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
52. Mariscotti was intrigued and as there are no government archives he had to piece the story together.
53. Diana was intrigued by Sue's cryptic message on the answerphone.
54. I am intrigued by this old man who seems so unimpressed by everything we find attractive and interesting.
55. Visitors were intrigued by the live specimens, marionettes and innovations such as the Mouse Alert and the mini bubble.
56. I am still intrigued by its drama and fascinated by its ideas.
57. Suzy even seemed intrigued when he told her he kept a snake as a pet rather than disgusted.
58. Even my boys, who are otherwise obsessed by Jackie Chan, admit to being intrigued.
59. Researchers there were intrigued by findings that red wine, in test-tube experiments, was found to be an antioxidant.
60. The lad intrigued him, with his curiously flattened nose, like a cat's, and his extremely coarse straight hair.
61. One item that intrigued them was a key to a safe deposit box, which was apparently left for them to find.
62. Kurland was intrigued with the concept and joined with Arnold to take Noise Pop to the next level.
63. What intrigued investigators most was Saveria's reference to sending on a fleecy jacket and snow trousers that her husband had requested.
64. Anybody outside his close immediate circle was intrigued by the Guinness enigma.
65. This phrase always intrigued Bob; as if the speaker could split herself in two, providing a doppelganger companion.
66. But he was intrigued, I knew, by the after-school showdowns at Casey Junior High.
67. Like Messager, Cadieux is intrigued by encounters, meetings of bodies, embraces.
68. Somewhere they must have an affinity for it; hearts inclined to flower arrangements, minds intrigued by cleaning products.
69. She stood transfixed, and didn't notice the expression of intrigued interest that he wore as he watched her.
70. Ruth Halpern, who had just been brainstorming about the idea with a death-penalty defense lawyer, was intrigued.
71. He had seemed puzzled but intrigued by the clogged, uncouth sketches of peasants.
72. You'd think they'd be intrigued at a chance to play detectives.
73. His classmates were all intrigued to learn about and see his ducks.
74. Most of all, the Colonel was intrigued that the wet blanket had absorbed the energy of the pistol shots.
75. They are intrigued by the process, interested in the machinery and most impressed by the skills of the people.
76. Intrigued by their free and easy life style, the Parker's find their long held values being easily manipulated.
77. However, on this occasion she was intrigued and agreed readily enough.
78. A tall order, perhaps, though Mena Iskander was a lady of resource and intrigued by the whole situation.
79. Scientists became intrigued by the rock, which appeared to have come from outer space.
80. Man has been intrigued with blood coagulation.
81. Intrigued by the idea of artificial organs, a biomedical engineer uses computer-chip technology to craft tiny livers.
81. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
82. Whether it be bird, fish or beast, porpoise is intrigued with anything that is alive.
83. Yet today I am intrigued that his rebelliousness was not expressed during those rare times when Papa was not in the house.
84. About that time, Hitchcock became intrigued by photography and started working in film in London.
85. His nonfigurative pursuit toward his life during this period has intrigued many scholars who have made deep researches into it with their own thinking and emotional experience.
86. Intrigued by the thermomagnetic motor concept, Peck offered to underwrite Tesla's research.
87. However, the Bell System was intrigued by touch-tone because it increased the speed of dialing.
88. Hermann Hesse's, an important writer in the world literature in the 20th century, also a characteristic thinker, was intrigued by China and its culture.
89. Health experts are increasingly intrigued by a group of good fats called omega - 3 fatty acid.
90. Like any student of Hitchcock, Chabrol was intrigued by the wealth of reasons for and the emotional neediness in murder.
91. Whether it be bird, fish or beast , the porpoise is intrigued with anyting that is alive.
92. Whether or not they were dating at the time, Mr and Mrs Smith remains of interest to anyone intrigued about the biggest Hollywood hook-up of a generation.
93. This time I was intrigued by Lincoln’s faith — and how he read the Book of Job when he needed redirection.
94. On my first job as sports editor for the Montpelier (Ohio) Leader Enterprise, I didn't get a lot of fan mail, so I was intrigued by a letter that was dropped on my desk one morning.
95. He ran a gloved finger over the patterns, intrigued by the geological oddity.
96. Tracy McGrady: I may be in the minority, but I'm intrigued.
97. Howell liked to introduce himself with a bottle of Chateau Mouton Rothschild. The name intrigued him.
98. We may be sceptical yet intrigued to find out more about the would - be magic Methods : Used.
99. Whether it be bird, fish or beast, the porpoise is intrigued with anything that is alive.
100. Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, Germaine Greer, and many others hammered home their ideas with a persistence that aroused and intrigued many of the brightest and most able women in the country.
101. Sappho is intrigued at the prospect, but her answer is no: 'I loved the adulation and applause, but administration bored me.
102. The French missionary was intrigued by the stories he heard about these peculiar deer.
103. The Bangor scientists are intrigued to find out and believe that the clams may have evolved exceptionally effective defences which hold back the destructive ageing processes that normally occur.
104. It was a little red leather book with gilt-edged pages, and I was most intrigued by its little gold lock.
105. Scrap dealer Devair Ferreira, who bought the source, was intrigued by the blue glow it emitted in the dark.
106. He is intrigued by the idea that synaesthesia could explain auras , but doesn't see a way to prove it.
107. Being intrigued with this finding, I conducted a similar study in a larger sample of metabolically healthy men and women as part of my PhD thesis.
108. Arran's ambitions lie elsewhere with a prime number problem intrigued and frustrated mathematicians for 150 years.
109. The best way to approach Mandelbrot's observation is to ponder the answer to the very simple question that intrigued the mathematician as a young man: "How long is the coast of England?"
110. So I was intrigued when I recently found, buried in an old 1977 paper by Richard Nesbitt and Timothy DeCamp Wilson, an experiment that showed an inkling of product placement via word ambiguity.
111. If you're intrigued, and I suspect you are, come visit me at the ruins of Fort Farragut.
111. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
112. Wolf Hanke at the University of Rostock inGermany and colleagues were intrigued by thermal images showing intensephysiological activity in the pits on the upper jaw of the dolphins, Sotaliaguianensis.
113. Adam Smith was quite intrigued by the disparity between "value in use" and "value in exchange".
114. His latest work, three-wheeled vehicle called Hodge Hawk has now intrigued many people including me.
115. Most students who begin to study plasma physics are intrigued by the unstable nature of plasmas.
116. Manyrulers of Europe were either entranced or intrigued by this fashionable newdoctrine of physiocracy, and endeavored to find out about it from its majortheorists.
117. Poor China and India, however, are each saddled with two mascots, each a handy indicator of whether Western readers are supposed to be terrified of or intrigued by Asia's emerging powers.
118. In the summer of 2003 we began to zero in on one microfossil type whose complex morphological characteristics particularly intrigued us.
119. Complex behavior in insects, fish and lower mammals has intrigued scientists for centuries.
120. Edward stayed with some friends, and although he was there for only a few days, there was enough time to get to know the lively, dark-haired young woman who intrigued him from their first meeting .




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