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单词 unemployed
释义 Word family  noun employee employer employment ≠ unemployment unemployed employ adjective employed ≠ unemployed employable ≠ unemployable verb employ  Related topics: Employmentun·em·ployed1 /ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪd◂/ ●●● S2 W3 adjective  BEwithout a job 没有工作的,失业的 SYN out of work an unemployed actor 没戏演的演员 I’ve only been unemployed for a few weeks. 我只失业了几个星期。n RegisterIn everyday English, people often say out of work rather than unemployed:He’s been out of work since January. THESAURUSunemployed someone who is unemployed does not have a job 没有工作的,失业的Fifty percent of the men in this town are unemployed. 这个镇上50﹪ 的男人失业。out of work unemployed, especially for a long period of time, when you had a job before 〔尤指长期〕失业的I’ve been out of work for two years. 我已经失业两年了。redundant British English if someone is redundant, they have been told that they no longer have a job 被裁员的,被解雇的He was made redundant earlier this year. 今年年初他被裁员了。redundant miners 被裁的矿工be on the dole British English, be on welfare/on unemployment American English to be receiving money from the government because you do not have a job 领取政府失业救济金I didn’t want to go back on the dole. 我不想再去领失业救济金。Many people on welfare don’t have anyone to take care of the kids while they train for a job. 许多领失业救济金的人参加工作培训时没有人帮他们照顾孩子。be looking for work if someone is looking for work, they do not have a job and are trying to find one 待业,在找工作How long have you been looking for work? 你待业多久了?jobless people who are jobless do not have jobs – used especially in news reports 失业的,无工作的〔尤用于新闻报道〕The jobless totals have risen by 6% in the last year. 去年失业者总数上升了6﹪。jobless youths 失业青年Examples from the Corpusunemployed• They were glad to be working, especially in these years of drought when so many people were unemployed.• Fifty per cent of the men in this town are unemployed.• The government is not doing enough to help the unemployed.• An estimated 40 percent of the population is unemployed.• How can he explain that when 71,000 people in the city of Liverpool alone are currently unemployed?• My father, who was a well-qualified master mariner, was unemployed for four years in the 1930s.• The accused man is an unemployed labourer from South London.• Body Shop staff adopt a young unemployed person on a one-to-one basis, helping with job applications, for example.• Finally, there was Miss Marita Calagarri, who described herself as an unemployed ship's cook.• an unemployed steel workerunemployed2 noun  the unemployed [plural]BE people who have no job 失业者the long-term unemployed (=people who have not had a job for a long time) 长期失业者 a retraining scheme for the long-term unemployed 长期失业者再培训计划Examples from the Corpusunemployed• But with 3.8 million people unemployed and violence against foreigners on the rise, immigration remains a politically charged issue here.• Easy payment schemes are often possible and for the unemployed or those in receipt of benefits colleges often waive tuition fees.• These were the dummy variables representing the unemployed and the retired.• But there is no evidence that the unemployed or the poor are being pushed to crime by the deteriorating economic conditions.• Most courses cost around the L100 mark but would be free to the unemployed or those in receipt of certain government benefits.• But then, labor has always had a funny relationship with the unemployed.From Longman Business Dictionaryunemployedun‧em‧ployed1 /ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪd◂/ adjective without a jobI have been unemployed for two unemployed accountantunemployedunemployed2 noun [plural] the unemployed people without jobsShe may soon be joining the ranks of the unemployed (=lose her job).The £230 million jobs package was aimed at helping the long-term unemployed (=people who have not had a job for a long time).un·em·ployed1 adjective →n REGISTER1 →THESAURUS1unemployed2 nounLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  a Corpus Business job without




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