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单词 Round in
1, The road went round in a tight curve.
2, She twirled the pencil round in her fingers.
3, They handed the flower round in quick order.
4, She walked the horse round in a circle.
5, The children gather round in a circle.
6, Things are working round in my favor.
7, The picture is round in shape.
8, The discussion kept going round in circles.
9, In the zoo we saw many monkeys running round in the cage.
10, The boy pulled the boat's head round in order to avoid the conflict with the boat in front of him.
11, I seem to have been running round in circles all day and yet I've got no progress to show for it.
12, She looked round in shock.
13, They wheeled round in amazement.
14, I reeled round in a daze.
15, Don't scold the boy; he'll come round in time.
16, I'll be round in an hour.
17, Questions started buzzing round in my head.
18, Tom is hanging round in the street.
19, These cruise ships can turn round in two days.
20, The children stood round in a circle .
21, The log twiddled round and round in the river.
22, He whirled her round in his arms.
23, Now they are built round in all directions.
24, The plane flew round and round in wideloops.
25, I scouted round in the bushes.
26, Don't push him; he'll come round in time.
27, My father always goes round in circles when he tries to show me how to do my homework.
28, We decided to come the long way round in order to see the countryside.
29, We've argued this point for nearly two hours and we're just going round in circles.
30, If you follow the road signs you will simply find yourself going round in a circle.
1, The road went round in a tight curve.
2, She twirled the pencil round in her fingers.
3, They handed the flower round in quick order.
4, She walked the horse round in a circle.
5, The children gather round in a circle.
6, Things are working round in my favor.
7, The discussion kept going round in circles.
8, In the zoo we saw many monkeys running round in the cage.
9, The boy pulled the boat's head round in order to avoid the conflict with the boat in front of him.
10, We've argued this point for nearly two hours and we're just going round in circles.
11, I seem to have been running round in circles all day and yet I've got no progress to show for it.
31, There are not enough desks to go round in the classroom.
32, I came round in hospital and did not know where I was. Everything was a complete blank.
33, She swivelled round in her chair and picked up the phone.
34, I've been running round in circles trying to get all the reports finished before the meeting.
35, He seemed to be working hard, but was just running round in circles.
36, 'Liquid Gold' had the only clear round in a nine-horse jump-off.
37, The thought kept going round and round in her head.
38, No, I haven't finished that job yet — I seem to have spent the whole morning going round in circles, getting nowhere!
39, She wandered round in a daze, not quite sure what to do.
40, The revolving sign was spinning round and round in the wind.
41, Peter's been running round in circles since half his department resigned.
42, He has a theory about why dogs walk round in circles before going to sleep.
43, Susan twisted round in her seat until she could see Graham and Sabrina behind her.
44, He's quite mad: he goes round in very odd clothes.
45, The goldfish swam round and round in their tiny bowls.
46, He managed to twist himself round in the restricted space.
47, It all keeps going round and round in my head till I don't know where I am.
48, He was out for more than an hour and came round in the hospital.
49, I twisted round in my seat to speak to her.
50, That's Tony going round in his coracle again.
51, Two old ladies look round in my direction.
51, try its best to collect and create good sentences.
52, Saunders wins round in fight for legal aid.
53, She hated being wheeled round in a wheelchair.
54, She swivelled round in her chair.
55, The guests milled round in confusion.
56, He turned round in an instant, but the silence of the granary mocked him: he was alone.
57, White twisted round in his seat to start opening the hatch.
58, Going round in circles Meetings are infamous for getting stuck and going round in circles.
59, She wheeled round in a rage, holding the candle high.
60, It does not take much imagination to appreciate what that means in terms of wandering round in circles.
61, The rest stood round in groups or knelt on half-bald knees stained by the grass.
62, The station was only round a few corners - I must have walked round in circles the day before.
63, They reached the third round in four consecutive years, a feat equalled by very few lower division clubs at the time.
64, We go round in this sort of threesome at playtime.
65, In a dusty room in the Pearce Institute the children sat round in a circle.
66, Roll round in the gutter as much as you like, but don't call me to tell me all about it.
67, Also, the posts were round in cross-section, whereas we always worked with square ones.
68, Mrs Chalk was clattering round in the kitchen, and a savoury aroma was wafting from that region.
69, For I appear to be going round in circles in answer to a question which has been worrying me for some time.
70, To my great surprise[], the television crews gathered round in order to interview me about my project.
71, Round in childhood, she became stout in middle age and the auburn of her hair was maintained by henna.
72, His greater strength over mine would have sent the boat turning round and round in circles.
73, You dance round and round in a circle until ... Well, everybody knows what happens in the end.
74, The affair was venerated by later revolutionaries as the opening round in their battle against the autocracy.
75, With heavy heart, fearing the worst, I felt round in the cold nest.
76, She remembered how he had looked at her-awed, his eyes round in his face - and laughed, imagining it.
77, He closed the diary and swivelled round in his chair to unlock the wall safe.
78, As it travels outwards, the fluid tends to curve round in the flow direction.
79, One false feint to the groin, then up and round in a semi-arc to slice the enemy between helmet and hauberk.
80, I roll the flavour of the month round in my mouth.
81, We drove round in circles for an hour and now we're back in the Butcher Building.
82, Jerkily she rose en pointe on one wooden leg and twisted round in a pirouette.
83, The Major encouraged him, then walked him round in a circle,(http:///round in.html) conversing with him in low reassuring tones.
84, Carrie's thoughts were like bits of jigsaw, whirling round in her head.
85, Don't grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form. Rumi 
86, The army ride round in jeeps, rifles in the crooks of their arms.
87, As it crawls round and round in circles it keeps revisiting the same pebbles.
88, We debated hopelessly, going round in ever decreasing circles: the Alps too crowded, the Himalaya too frightening.
89, Estate land swings round in a crescent to the east, up to the A19.
90, I wrenched the wheel round in a tight turn, hitting the pavement as I went.
91, I can really see Cadfael rattling round in his black cloak, taking a short cut on his errands round the town.
92, Why do I keep walking round and round in circles?
93, Frozen gooseberries are available all year round in most major supermarkets.
94, They were round in shape, and about three-sixteenths of an inch in width.
95, Mr Tench swivelled round in astonishment as the men burst through his office door.
96, But the Kula itself simply drove identifiable valuables round in a circle giving no utilitarian advantage to anyone.
97, But on the way back to town that phrase from Topaz's last note was going round and round in my mind.
98, Flight rather weak, but buoyant swimmers, like tiny gulls, often spinning round in circles and picking insects off surface.
99, My thoughts went round and round in circles, as I tried to grasp all the implications at once.
100, The road goes round in a loop and rejoins the main road about 2 kilometres past the town.
101, Dealing with your children's friends who pop round in the evening calls for consummate diplomacy and the setting of time limits.
102, Mostly, they go round in circles, reflecting only the idiom of the day.
103, We had a good field of fire all round in case the enemy came out of the sunken road or over the hedge.
104, So he took up the longest and sharpest, wrapping its hilt round in his leather apron, and waited.
105, Kicking down the side-rest as he jumped clear, he spun round in time to see Mariana slide down the bank.
106, They recently won one round in their he said-she said wars.
107, At dawn I was still going round in circles in a five mile stack over Edinburgh airspace.
108, As I looked round in the pale dawn light, a piece of paper caught my eye.
109, At the same time a gentle bell sounded, causing both men to look round in surprise.
110, Figures went round and round in her head all the time now.
111, Smith round in some mystification.
112, Smith looked round in some mystification.
113, Why are manhole cover round in shape?
114, Or round in circles, added Spook.
115, Her voice was so abrupt and hoarse that the two women thought they heard the voice of a man; they wheeled round in affright.
116, In thinking about Hanna, going round and round in the same tracks week after week, one thought had split off, taken another direction, and finally produced its own conclusion.
117, The verbal skirmish is viewed as the opening round in negotiation schedules to start next Tuesday.
118, CT scans demonstrated the lesion was round in 13 cases, irregular in 6, low density focus like a large cyst in 5, diffuse miliary in 1 and cauliflower-like mass at hilum of spleen in 4.
119, The fallen leaves turn round and round in the wind.
120, Turning round and round in the small rooms, life seemed just one big grievance.
121, Yuanxiao is sticky, sweet and round in shape, symbolizing family unity, completeness and happiness.
122, Round in shape, tang yuan symbolizes family unity, completeness and happiness.
123, An intelligent mail is an active program which can be executed and solve many problems during the time it goes round in networks.
124, Five from the Chinese national team qualifying round in the process, so far so excited Farina.
125, There's a considerable number of people who like him, round in society; they're very fash able just now.
126, Two new projects came in and made us going round in circles.
127, Thoughts whirr round in my head. I don't have that ability switch off.
128, Yuanxiao is sticky, sweet round in shape, symbolizing family unity, completeness and happiness.
129, I imagine you often have to work the clock round in a job like yours.sentencedict .com
130, First time of Beijing Olympic Games allows network media to enlist video report, this is each big website compares the superexcellent opportunity that spell in the round in this domain.
131, But there are times when even the most creative person gets bored, starts going round in circles, or hits a cul-de-sac.
132, Just before him lay right across the empty space down the middle, on the bare floor, a sick man, probably a Cossack, for his hair was cut round in basin shape.
133, Like to see them sitting round in a ring with blub lips, entranced, listening. Still life.
134, He had me running round in circles and thought of nothing else.
135, The nurse said I'll be able to pull round in a few days.
136, In fact, the Secretary will provide guidance for the next round in the defense budget process by the beginning of July, thereby rendering the QDR essentially null and void.
137, We look round in a new world, full of life , and motion , and ceaseless progress.
138, Is it permissible to practice on the course before a round in Match Play or Stroke Play?
139, Teams picked in inverse order of their records in the second round in all succeeding rounds.
140, Let me say only that it was round in form and blue-grey in colour.
141, England's World Cup came to an unfortunate end on Sunday, as they succumbed to defeat against Germany in the Second Round in Bloemfontein.
142, They've won one playoff series since 1976, ousting Denver in the first round in 2006 before losing a second-round series to Phoenix in seven games.
143, We all joined hands and danced round in a circle.




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