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单词 unauthorized
释义 Word family  noun authority authorization authoritarian authoritarianism adjective authoritarian authoritative authorized ≠ unauthorized verb authorize adverb authoritatively  un·au·tho·rized (also unauthorised British English) /ʌnˈɔːθəraɪzd $ -ˈɒː-/ ●○○ adjective  SCLET/ALLOWwithout official approval or permission 未经授权[批准]的 the unauthorized use of government funds 对政府资金的擅自动用 Unauthorized personnel are not allowed on the premises. 未经允许不得入内。Examples from the Corpusunauthorized• Her biography of Sinatra was unauthorized.• Congress also allows the Department of Transportation to reference additional but unauthorized amounts in full-funding agreements.• An author who does not register a copyright will not be able to maintain a suit against anyone who makes unauthorized copies.• Other hallways have warning signs prohibiting unauthorized entry.• Shelley goes, too, and she and her aunt slip away on an unauthorized escapade.• Thus it has no power to determine whether unauthorized interceptions are taking place.• These new steps will also ensure that Verio customer information is not disclosed to unauthorized parties.• This area is closed to all unauthorized persons.• The security programs typically alert users with warning messages whenever an unauthorized program is attempting to send information out into the Internet.• Pro-Mobutu troops surrounded the parliament building with tanks and armoured vehicles on Oct. 5 to protect this unauthorized session.un·au·tho·rized adjectiveChineseSyllable  approval or without official permission Corpus




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