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单词 meet-and-greet
释义  ˌmeet-and-ˈgreet noun [countable]  1  an event that is organized for famous musicians, writers, artists etc to meet and talk to their fans 〔著名音乐家、作家、艺术家等和崇拜者的〕见面会;歌迷会 There will be a meet-and-greet after the show. 演出之后将有见面会。2. a service that sends people to greet and help a person or group when they arrive at an airport 接机服务3. an event in which parents go to their child’s school and meet the teachers and other people who work there 〔学校的〕家长会ˌmeet-and-ˈgreet nounChineseSyllable  




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