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单词 Hyperactive
1 Hyperactive children find it difficult to concentrate.
2 His research was used in planning treatments for hyperactive children.
3 Hyperactive children often have poor concentration and require very little sleep.
4 His work involved helping hyperactive children to use their energy in a constructive way.
5 Keith, hyperactive and aggressive, a naughty boy.
6 Do you have a hyperactive child?
7 Nineteen out of every twenty hyperactive children are boys.
8 They pre-knew, pre-accepted, presumed that Casey was hyperactive.
9 He is very hyperactive and on medicine for it.
10 Roger was hyperactive and inattentive as a child.
11 The City is full of hyperactive executives who never stop rushing around.
12 To say a child is hyperactive does not say very much!
13 Our youngest daughter was hyperactive, and it had a damaging effect on the whole family.
14 Even too much oxygen makes people hyperactive, until they eventually become less productive.
15 Despite his Harlem location and hyperactive career, expectation out stripped his accomplishments.
16 It's an additive that the Hyperactive Children's Support Group recommends eliminating from the diet of susceptible children.
17 A hyperactive monetary policy may sometimes be harmful.
18 His mind was hyperactive, turning over possibilities, sketching sceneries.
19 A hyperactive new drug a hyperactive thyroid gland.
20 B is hyperactive, and B is quiet.
21 He was a slow developer and hyperactive.
22 Deborah had worried for a while that Scott was hyperactive and had considered taking him to get evaluated.
23 If the concrete were to stop pouring-because of a blockage in the pipe, for example-the already hyperactive melee would become frenetic.
24 It was like a lightning rod that drew to itself all the negative impulses of a hyperactive time.
25 At higher temperatures, development is faster and the larvae are hyperactive, thus depleting their lipid reserves.
26 His Chanel show blasted the audience to the backs of their seats with 20,000-volt fashion and hyperactive disco music.
27 This brochure is full of sociable holidays for the hyperactive.
28 Surely a most inappropriate colour scheme for the bedroom of a hyperactive child?
29 In person, the Esquire columnist and author of four books is hyperactive, edgy and funnier than any stand-up comic.
30 Deep tendon reflexes are usually diminished, but in cases with prominent lateral column disease may be hyperactive with extensor plantar reflexes.
31 In an era of general grumpiness with a hyperactive federal government, a Pew poll shows that 61% of Americans nonetheless want stricter restrictions on financial firms.
32 Most are prescribed Ritalin (methylphenidate hydrochloride), the same amphetamine-based drug used for hyperactive children.
33 To exercise the ferret: to have sex. An unromantic male expression equating the penis with the aggressive, hyperactive animal and its well-known proclivity for wriggling into crevices and tunnels.
34 The process sweeps from hyperactive America to Europe and reaches the emerging countries with unsurpassed might.
35 In fact, small colonies may sometimes rely on a single hyperactive overachiever.
36 Doctors prescribe Ritalin to hyperactive kids to calm and increase their attention span.
37 Conclusion: Hyperhidrosis, sialorrhea, and excessive tearing are traits that may indicate a phenotype that predicts resistance to hyperactive airway diseases such as exercise-induced asthma in humans.
38 Pyridoxine (vitamin B6): Was found to be more effective than methylphenidate (Ritalin) in treating a group of hyperactive children in a double-blind, crossover study.
39 Fiery guitar - work embellishes the already hyperactive music, injecting ardent fury and cosmic demeanor.
40 Most children can be inattentive , hyperactive, or impulsive at times.
41 It felt like "a wet,() jellylike bag of hyperactive worms".
42 Alarm will affect the person's mood, make person waking after hyperactive spirit.
43 His sculptures embody the excesses of an often unreflective and hyperactive consumer society, and his architectural installations brim with dystopic energy.
44 Having a large account is a great advantage, but whatever your size, do not be hyperactive.
45 Children with the syndrome are hyperactive and often smiling and laughing.
46 Crataegus fruit demonstrates inhibition effect on hyperactive smooth muscles in rabbit duodenums while it slightly increases the contraction of relaxed smooth muscles in rat stomachs .
47 The smaller animals like dogs, cats , etc , which are restless hyperactive, breath fast and die fast.
48 A hyperactive deep tendon reflex was noted, but there was neither muscle weakness nor hepatomegaly.
49 Nationalist netizens in China's hyperactive blogosphere are more luridly anti - western than China's current rulers.
50 It's a process in which your senses are hyperactive and yet your self-awareness is strangely diminished.
51 You can imagine prizing open Nintendo's finest artists heads and being assaulted by streams of colourful invention, pirouetting toward the sky like a hyperactive jack-in-the-box.
52 If he's the calm type, he'll become more hyperactive around you.
53 Ever since, South Korea's hyperactive blogosphere has been churning out conspiracy theories by the dozen.
54 Digital watermark is wrapup marks in the way of signal processing in digitized hyperactive data imbedded.
55 The scatty, glancing quality of a hyperactive but unfocused intelligence ( London Review of Books ).
56 In early work in a social skills program for hyperactive children, Dr. Fine found that they could be more easily taught how to behave calmly if allowed to handle his pet gerbil.




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