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单词 twitchy
释义  twitch·y /ˈtwɪtʃi/ adjective  NERVOUSbehaving in a nervous way because you are anxious about something 焦急的;紧张的 I was very twitchy about the way things would turn out. 我非常担心事情会怎样发展。Examples from the Corpustwitchy• Skinheads, on the other hand, are nervous and twitchy.• The charity world is getting twitchy.• She felt twitchy about that vile Angel who hovered shadowy in the background, waiting to perform some dreadful mischief.• Lynda Steadman is delightfully twitchy and broken as Annie, the more sensitive friend.• She took it all in good humour, though Stuart seemed as twitchy as a rabbit's septum.• Frankie's twitchy legs and itchy scalp pulled his thoughts back to the present.• twitchy legs• But these days the Tories are an unusually twitchy lot.• a twitchy moodtwitch·y adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus because nervous in way are behaving a you




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