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单词 constructive dismissal
释义  conˌstructive disˈmissal noun [countable, uncountable]  British English when your employer changes your job or working conditions so you feel forced to leave your job 变相解雇,推定解雇〔雇主改变员工的职位或工作环境以迫使该员工辞职的做法〕Examples from the Corpusconstructive dismissal• If you do not do so, you may be left in some doubt as to when a constructive dismissal occurs.• Practical implications Almost all constructive dismissal cases involve an unfair dismissal claim.• Mr Rump was not dismissed; he resigned, claiming constructive dismissal.• But what exactly is constructive dismissal?• Naturally, some cases of constructive dismissal are clear-cut.• Remember that unreasonable behaviour on your employer's part will not amount to constructive dismissal if the contract is not broken.From Longman Business Dictionaryconstructive dismissalconˌstructive disˈmissalHUMAN RESOURCESLAW when someone chooses to leave their job but feels they have been forced to leave because their employer has treated them badly or asked them to do something that is not in their contractIf your new boss forces you to leave by deliberately making your life hell, you can claim constructive dismissal. → dismissalconˌstructive disˈmissal nounChineseSyllable   Business conditions or working changes job your when your employer Corpus




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