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单词 Weekend
(1) She packed a small suitcase for the weekend.
(2) I've been toiling away at this essay all weekend.
(3) She has gone to see her sister this weekend.
(4) 'Where are you going this weekend?' 'Nowhere special.'
(5) Every so often, she takes a weekend in London.
(6) He blamed Fiona for a lousy weekend.
(7) Are you doing anything over the weekend?
(8) The office is closed at the weekend.
(9) We have guests staying this weekend.
(10) The city centre really comes alive at the weekend.
(11) I gave the kitchen a spring-clean at the weekend.
(12) I don't work at the weekend.
(13) I'm going to spend the weekend just relaxing.
(14) The weather should continue to improve over the weekend.
(15) Thomas came down with chickenpox at the weekend.
(16) We're going hiking in the Lake District next weekend.
(17) Rain is forecast for the weekend.
(18) You can stay for the weekend if you like.
(19) The fountain plays only at weekend.
(20) Cooler weather is forecast for the weekend.
(21) Two men were shot during fierce fighting last weekend.
(22) I picked up a bug last weekend.
(23) Are you free this weekend? --Yes, I am.
(24) We are expecting guests this weekend.
(25) We asked her round for dinner on the weekend.
(26) The office is closed on the weekend.
(27) I think I'll tackle the repairs next weekend.
(28) Are you doing anything nice this weekend ?
(29) What are your plans for this weekend?
(30) What did you do at the weekend?
(1) She packed a small suitcase for the weekend.
(2) I've been toiling away at this essay all weekend.
(3) She has gone to see her sister this weekend.
(4) 'Where are you going this weekend?' 'Nowhere special.'
(5) He blamed Fiona for a lousy weekend.
(6) Are you doing anything over the weekend?
(7) The office is closed at the weekend.
(8) We have guests staying this weekend.
(9) The city centre really comes alive at the weekend.
(10) I gave the kitchen a spring-clean at the weekend.
(11) I don't work at the weekend.
(12) I'm going to spend the weekend just relaxing.
(13) The weather should continue to improve over the weekend.
(14) Thomas came down with chickenpox at the weekend.
(15) We're going hiking in the Lake District next weekend.
(16) Rain is forecast for the weekend.
(17) You can stay for the weekend if you like.
(18) Cooler weather is forecast for the weekend.
(19) Two men were shot during fierce fighting last weekend.
(20) I picked up a bug last weekend.
(21) Are you free this weekend? --Yes, I am.
(22) The office is closed on the weekend.
(23) I think I'll tackle the repairs next weekend.
(24) Are you doing anything nice this weekend ?
(25) What are your plans for this weekend?
(26) What did you do at the weekend?
(27) She often works at the weekend.
(28) We went fell walking last weekend.
(29) I like to go out on a weekend.
(30) We've packed the kids off for the weekend.
(31) She often works at the weekend.
(32) We went fell walking last weekend.
(33) I like to go out on a weekend.
(34) We've packed the kids off for the weekend.
(35) I spent the weekend just knocking about the house.
(36) He spends every weekend tinkering with his car.
(37) Bud has invited us to go sailing this weekend.
(38) Have you got anything planned for the weekend?
(39) He used to box every weekend.
(40) He'll chair a weekend workshop on politics.
(41) I took Friday off, and spent a long weekend visiting friends.
(42) We spent the weekend gadding about London and generally enjoying ourselves.
(43) I'm going to meet Richard's parents for the first time this weekend.
(44) We have enough food to tide ourselves over the weekend.
(45) She had agreed to have dinner with him in town the following weekend.
(46) She's just had an article published in their weekend supplement.
(47) Have a nice weekend.
(48) I put my shoulder out of joint last weekend lifting heavy boxes.
(49) Have you got anything exciting lined up for the weekend?
(50) My new neighbor moved in last weekend and already we're on speaking terms.
(51) Can you lend me some money to tide me over till the weekend?
(52) Have a good weekend!
(53) As a young girl, she spent every weekend riding her pony.
(54) The club was fined for not fulfilling its fixtures at the weekend.
(55) We've got a troop of Scouts camping in one of our fields this weekend.
(56) She was asked to work the weekend shift but she tried to beg off.
(57) We'll have to get some food in for the weekend if we're having visitors.
(57) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(58) Is there any possibility that you'll be back by the weekend?
(59) This is the fifth consecutive weekend that I've spent working, and I'm a bit fed up with it.
(60) She knew I wanted to try the boat out at the weekend.
(31) I spent the weekend just knocking about the house.
(32) He spends every weekend tinkering with his car.
(33) Bud has invited us to go sailing this weekend.
(34) Have you got anything planned for the weekend?
(35) He used to box every weekend.
(36) He'll chair a weekend workshop on politics.
(37) I took Friday off, and spent a long weekend visiting friends.
(38) We spent the weekend gadding about London and generally enjoying ourselves.
(39) I'm going to meet Richard's parents for the first time this weekend.
(40) She had agreed to have dinner with him in town the following weekend.
(41) She's just had an article published in their weekend supplement.
(42) Have a nice weekend.
(43) I put my shoulder out of joint last weekend lifting heavy boxes.
(44) Have you got anything exciting lined up for the weekend?
(45) My new neighbor moved in last weekend and already we're on speaking terms.
(46) Have a good weekend!
(47) We've got a troop of Scouts camping in one of our fields this weekend.
(48) She knew I wanted to try the boat out at the weekend.
(49) It happened on the weekend of 24 and 25 April.
(50) 'What do you say to a weekend in New York?' 'Sounds like fun.'
(51) This weekend, visitors will get a rare chance to visit the private apartments.
(52) I had a lousy weekend.
(53) Allen is going go visit us thin weekend.
(54) Let's go to the seaside at the weekend!
(55) I want to buy an electric razor this weekend.
(56) I was wondering where to spend the weekend.
(57) My niece was left in my trust for the weekend.
(57) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(58) He spent the weekend stalking deer in the Scottish highlands.
(59) She will go home to take part in the Thanksgiving dinner this weekend.
(61) It happened on the weekend of 24 and 25 April.
(62) I was wondering if you were doing anything this weekend.
(63) 'What do you say to a weekend in New York?' 'Sounds like fun.'
(64) This weekend, visitors will get a rare chance to visit the private apartments.
(65) We did nothing at the weekend.
(66) What are you doing at the weekend?
(67) I've been rostered to work all weekend!
(68) We're going up to London next weekend.
(69) We had a busy weekend lined up.
(70) They've gone swanning off to Paris for the weekend.
(71) Before the weekend, Madrid was level with Barcelona.
(72) I don't think we've got anything on this weekend.
(73) We usually do our shopping at the weekend.
(74) My sister's family is descending on us this weekend.
(75) Leeds are playing at home this weekend.
(76) We've got visitors coming this weekend.
(77) Would you care to visit us this weekend?
(78) We had a weekend break in New York.
(79) We slipped away to Paris for the weekend.
(80) I'll let her off the housework this weekend.
(81) What shall we do this weekend?
(82) It was just an ordinary weekend for us.
(83) She packed a change of clothes for the weekend.
(84) We're going down to Bournemouth for the weekend.
(85) Jack showed off his latest squeeze at the weekend.
(86) The weekend break was just the tonic I needed.
(87) We will jet to Las Vegas for the weekend.
(87) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(88) He put his worries away for the weekend.
(89) Will you mow the lawn at the weekend?
(90) The clocks go forward this weekend.
(91) Chin up! It'll soon be the weekend.
(92) Jeff's loaned us his car for the weekend.
(93) We cleaned the house manically over the weekend.
(94) I really must get my bike repaired this weekend.
(95) The teacher spent all weekend grading the children's essays.
(96) What made her start off on this weekend marathon?
(97) We spent a long weekend with my parents.
(98) One of her closest friends died at the weekend.
(99) There are regular weekend excursions throughout the summer.
(100) We're seeing friends at the weekend.
(101) We spent the weekend in London.
(102) I'm going to clip the hedge this weekend.
(103) We had friends to stay over the weekend.
(104) They decided to spend the weekend varnishing their boat.
(105) I'll give you a call at the weekend.
(106) What are you doing over the weekend?
(107) We go boating on the lake every weekend.
(108) They arranged for a concert on the weekend.
(109) Allen is going go visit us thin weekend.
(110) My little brother's been driving me insane all weekend.
(111) Hurricane Louis is expected to hit at the weekend.
(112) Rain has been forecast for the weekend.
(113) Are you going to the dance this weekend?
(114) Why don't you come down for the weekend sometime?
(115) What did you get up to at the weekend?
(116) They've got a weekend cottage in Sussex.
(117) I've had a brainwave! Let's go this weekend instead.
(118) We spent the weekend in Paris.
(119) I'm ready to cut loose and enjoy the weekend.
(120) Every weekend he drinks and gambles away his earnings.
(121) I want to buy an electric razor this weekend.
(122) We did some fairly serious walking over the weekend.
(123) They spent the weekend in Scotland shooting grouse.
(124) Win a weekend in Rome, courtesy of Fiat.
(125) Jamie whisked her off to Paris for the weekend.
(126) I've lent my car to George for the weekend.
(127) We are open every weekend throughout the year.
(128) We went up to London last weekend.
(129) We spent a luxurious weekend at a country hotel.
(130) Roz and I went clubbing last weekend.
(131) Every weekend you see him working on his car.
(132) Tony has been unwell over the weekend .
(133) Do you have any double rooms available this weekend?
(134) The office is closed over the weekend.
(135) I was wondering where to spend the weekend.
(136) What I do at the weekend is my affair.
(137) He goes climbing nearly every weekend.
(138) I spent the weekend catching up on lost sleep.
(139) My boyfriend's coming down from Scotland this weekend.
(140) Sally is putting me up for the weekend.
(141) A weekend by the sea was the perfect tonic.
(142) Melissa's spending the weekend at her parents' house.
(143) That's most inconvenient for me. I'm working that weekend.
(144) I visit my parents every other weekend.
(145) We hopped over to Paris for the weekend.
(146) Why don't you come up to New York for the weekend?
(147) If she asks me to work over the weekend I'll tell her to shove it up her ass!
(147) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(148) Do it in a spare moment at the weekend or whenever - it really doesn't matter.
(149) If need be, I can do extra work at the weekend.
(150) I need to crack on with my project work this weekend.
(151) I tried to phone her, but all I got was a recorded message saying that she was away for the weekend.
(152) You can rely upon it that it will rain this weekend.
(153) The racial killings at the weekend have triggered off a wave of protests throughout the country.
(154) I'm playing in a concert at the village/church hall next weekend.
(155) I like to get away from London at the weekend.
(156) The only bright spot of the weekend was our trip to the theatre.
(157) The talks between the two leaders look likely to spill over into the weekend.
(158) Temperatures will soar into the eighties over the weekend say the weather forecasters.
(159) The rain had kept me indoors all weekend and I was beginning to get cabin fever.
(160) We're going to Paris for the weekend to see the sights.
(161) Sorry, I can't help you this weekend - I've got too much on already.
(162) I overestimated the amount of milk we'd need for the weekend.
(163) The last thing he wants to do is to cocoon all weekend in that same house.
(164) The roads will be busy on Monday as it's a holiday weekend.
(165) We can't go to Julia's party because we're going away that weekend.
(166) We're hoping to get in a game of golf over the weekend.
(167) I'm trying to get the house straight before the weekend.
(168) She likes to retreat to the country to relax at the weekend.
(169) We escaped from the hustle and bustle of the city for the weekend.
(170) The factories are staying open all weekend to try to meet the consumer demand for this product.
(171) I'm only here for the weekend - just a flying visit this time.
(172) There's no way I'm going to pay £300 just for a weekend in Paris.
(173) They made a firm offer on the house over the weekend.
(174) Rioters hurled rocks and petrol bombs in clashes with police at the weekend.
(175) Julie went to a wedding at the weekend and had the time of her life .
(176) The police officers are backed up by extra teams of people at the weekend.
(177) Weekend tours are ideal for families who want a short getaway.
(178) I should get it finished over the weekend without too much trouble.
(179) That weekend in Plattsburgh, he convinced her to go ahead and marry Bud.
(180) My niece was left in my trust for the weekend.
(181) Any plans I'd had for the weekend were by now well and truly snookered.
(182) I must say the offer of a weekend in Barcelona quite tempts me.
(183) It looks as though we're going to be lumbered with Uncle Bill for the whole weekend.
(184) First prize is a fortnight in Barbados and second prize is a weekend in Rome.
(185) Have a think over the weekend and tell me what you've decided.
(186) Every weekend,he make a 80-mile drive to his $700000 getaway.
(187) Listen, we really need to sort out our insurance claim this weekend.
(188) We'd planned to go away for the weekend, but it all went pear-shaped.
(189) After another incident at the weekend, the club's reputation for violence is beyond redemption.
(190) I'll try to jolly my parents into letting me borrow the car this weekend.
(191) The special air fare discount will be blacked out by the airlines over the holiday weekend.
(192) We had arranged that I would go for the weekend.
(193) I was supposed to do some work this weekend but I couldn't be arsed.
(194) My weekend was boring I just floated about or watched TV.
(195) We really appreciate all the help you gave us last weekend.
(196) I met up with one of my old girlfriends at the weekend.
(197) I want to break the back of this translation before the weekend.
(198) Is there any possibility that we'll see you this weekend?
(199) He made an embarrassing gaffe at the convention last weekend.
(200) He asked me to work at the weekend, but I refused point-blank.
(201) I am going to visit my folks at the weekend.
(202) He finally snapped when she prevented their children from visiting him one weekend.
(203) That weekend in Venice was definitely the highlight of our trip.
(204) Let's go away for a weekend. What do you say?
(205) The unrest capped a weekend of right-wing attacks on foreigners.
(206) They live in London during the week and go to the country at the weekend.
(207) I had a wonderful weekend but it went awfully quickly.
(208) When she went off to see her parents for the weekend I thought nothing of it.
(209) All the pleasures and indulgences of the weekend are over,(http:///weekend.html) and I must get down to some serious hard work.
(210) Her ex-husband has charge of the children during the week and she has them at the weekend.
(211) We packed a lot of sightseeing into our weekend in New York.
(212) She's a doctor, so she's often on call at the weekend.
(213) Last weekend the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland held a conference, attended by 450 delegates.
(214) I'm fully occupied these days. I still have lots of work to clear up by the weekend.
(215) The programme will be shown on television during the weekend.
(216) The cold weather played hell with the weekend sports schedule.
(217) We then checked into the hotel for a weekend of unashamed luxury.
(218) I'd like to clear up my work by the weekend.
(219) The town was captured after a fierce battle with rebels at the weekend.
(220) I'm going to clean the house from top to bottom this weekend.
(221) She will go home to take part in the Thanksgiving dinner this weekend.
(222) I found the radio - it'd been left in the shed all weekend.
(223) Let's get away for the weekend. A change of scene will do you good.
(224) My brother's getting divorced so I'm going home for a family powwow this weekend.
(225) Today Sophie and her sister have healed the family rift and visit their family every weekend.
(226) The computer system will be shut down over the weekend.
(227) I've got a few odd jobs to do this weekend.
(228) If you don't want to work at the weekend, say so - don't let the boss walk all over you.
(229) Send the coupon with your deposit to House Beautiful Weekend, FAO Heidi Ross.
(230) He sounds about as much fun as a wet weekend in Carmarthenshire.
(231) However, for many Americans today, weekend work has unfortunately become the rule rather than the exception.
(232) His picture was plastered all over the newspapers on the weekend.
(233) The local youth band will lead the parade this weekend.
(234) My son and his girlfriend have had yet another row, but no doubt they'll patch it up by the weekend.
(235) If you see Adrian, can you tell him I'm in London next weekend?
(236) Many of the hotels featured in the brochure offer special deals for weekend breaks.
(237) So you've got the whole house to yourself this weekend?
(238) It's just possible that we might be going away that weekend.
(239) I get a chance to sleep in at the weekend.
(240) The arrival of a group of friends on Saturday infused new life into the weekend.
(241) How much would a weekend for two in Amsterdam cost?
(242) Motorists are being warned to avoid the centre of London this weekend.
(243) It's a good job they didn't go camping last weekend - the weather was awful.
(244) I really didn't want to go away this weekend but, oh well, it can't be helped.
(245) He's given us the loan of his car for the weekend.
(246) I spent the weekend driving the kids here, there, and everywhere.
(247) The sender of the first correct entry drawn will win a weekend for two in Venice.
(248) The actors have en-tertained us so splendidly during this weekend, I think it's time we returned the compliment.
(249) The whole weekend was so wonderful I haven't come down yet.




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更新时间:2024/7/21 6:32:33