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单词 constructor
释义 Word family  noun construction reconstruction constructor construct verb construct reconstruct  Related topics: Building, Industrycon·struc·tor /kənˈstrʌktə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  TBTIa company or person that builds things 建筑公司;建筑商Examples from the Corpusconstructor• All this is wonderful testament to the life's designers and constructors.• Aerospace manufacturers and racing car constructors can afford the necessary time and trouble; the car majors can not.• We need to write a custom constructor which takes the data needed to set up the values of its fields.• In doing so he departed from the precedent set by many of the best known formula constructors, including Flesch and Dale.• In the more traditional agrarian societies these mobile constructors formed an important bridge between rural and industrial life.• We see how each of the laws arises out of our informal understanding of how occam constructors work.• If materials are not to hand when they are needed, progress suffers and costs to the constructor increase.con·struc·tor nounChineseSyllable  a or things builds that company person Corpus




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