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单词 tummy
释义  tum·my /ˈtʌmi/ ●●○ noun (plural tummies) [countable]  HBHstomach – used especially by or to children 肚子〔尤为儿语〕 He was up all night with tummy ache. 他肚子疼,整晚都睡不着觉。tummy bug/upset British English (=an illness of the stomach that makes you vomit) 反胃Examples from the Corpustummy• Six out of 10 travellers get a tummy bug abroad.• Once more her tummy contracted in memory.• A baby placed on her tummy was discovered dead two hours later, facedown in a pool of milk.• My 11-year-old son is always complaining his tummy hurts.• Mommy, my tummy hurts.• She was doodling in the sand and I was on my tummy watching her.• In the last act of King Lear, Regan complains of a spot of tummy trouble.• As they straighten, curve the spine and pull in the tummy, as if you have just received a blow.• Relax the tummy muscles, then repeat.tummy ache• They tell me he's got toothache and tummy ache from eating too many sweets.• They may also have nightmares, tummy aches or headaches.Origin tummy (1800-1900) stomachtum·my nounChineseSyllable  to stomach Corpus by especially children used – or




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