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单词 FT, the
释义  Related topics: Measurementft British English, ft. American EnglishTMthe written abbreviation of foot or feet / foot 或 feet 的书面缩写 ,英尺 a board 6ft x 4ft 一块6英尺×4英尺的木板Ft.the written abbreviation of fort, used in the names of places / fort 的书面缩写,堡〔用于地名〕 Ft. Lauderdale 劳德代尔堡FT, F/T  the written abbreviation of full-time / full-time 的书面缩写 ,全日制的[地];专职的[地] → PTnthe FTFT, the /ˌef ˈtiː◂/  nthe financial timesFrom Longman Business Dictionaryft.ft. written abbreviation for FOOT or FEETftFt.FTFT, theLDOCE OnlineChinese  abbreviation Business feet foot of or written the




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