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单词 Cash in hand
1, This company is expected to have cash in hand by March next year of £680m as well as having an insignificant debt burden.
2, I pulled up, cash in hand.
3, There cash in hand, but also whether there is now boredom good investment opportunities?
4, BEA Credit Card - details on the latest promotions in town, Concert and Movie Offers, "Cash in Hand" Programme applications, and year-round dining and shopping offers.
5, It is crucial to have cash in hand if UN organisations are to act quickly and strategically to address urgent issues.
6, I have no cash in hand. Can I pay by credit card?
7, Finally, with cash in hand, someone translated the message, "Watch out for these guys, they come to take your land."
8, "We only have 18 million of that cash in hand, " said Sheeran.
9, "For those developers with sufficient cash in hand, it is natural for them to enter the mining market for greater profits, " he said.
10, If you have cash in hand or a credit card in your wallet, it’s a lot easier to buy that trinket than if you didn’t have the cash or the credit card with you.
11, I have no cash in hand -- I am out of cash.
12, Basic banks are obliged to maintain certain reserves,(http:///cash in hand.html) which consist of cash in hand and deposits at the National Bank.
13, Credit is a method of selling goods or services without the buyer having cash in hand.
14, Young people nowadays don't have too much confidence in rewards in heaven. They prefer to take the cash in hand and let the credit go.
15, China has policies that force residential buyers to have enough cash in hand (30% for your first home and 50% for your second) to minimize leverage and risk.
16, These two features of business in Italy—small firms and cash in hand—make tax evasion easier.
17, LCD TVs were on sale during the anniversary celebration, which made consumers wait to buy with cash in hand.
18, Surveys are one thing. But what happens when people have cash in hand, and an order to spend that money before sundown?




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