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单词 traffic
释义  Related topics: Roads, Transport, Trade, Crimetraf·fic1 /ˈtræfɪk/ ●●● S1 W2 noun [uncountable]  1  TTRthe vehicles moving along a road or street 路上行驶的车辆,交通 There wasn’t much traffic on the roads. 路上车辆不多。 The sound of the traffic kept me awake. 车辆来往的嘈杂声令我无法入睡。2  TTthe movement of aircraft, ships, or trains from one place to another 〔飞机、轮船或火车的〕往来,交通 air traffic control 空中交通管制 the problems of air traffic congestion in Europe 欧洲空中交通拥塞的问题3  formalTT the movement of people or goods by aircraft, ships, or trains 〔飞机、轮船或火车运送人或货物的〕交通运输traffic of Most long-distance traffic of heavy goods is done by ships. 重型货物的长途运输大都使用轮船。4  BBTSCCthe secret buying and selling of illegal goods 〔秘密进行的〕非法买卖,非法交易 drugs traffic 毒品买卖traffic in traffic in firearms 非法枪支交易 COLLOCATIONSverbsbe stuck/caught/held up in traffic 遭遇交通阻塞Sorry I’m late – I was stuck in traffic. 对不起,我迟到了——我遇上了堵车。avoid/miss the traffic 避开车流I left early, hoping to miss the traffic. 我早早出发,希望避开车流。cut/reduce traffic 减少车流nThe congestion charge did cut road traffic in central London.traffic moves/flows 车辆川流不息nAt last the traffic was moving again.traffic is diverted (=made to go in another direction) 车流改变方向nTraffic was diverted onto the A166 as emergency services cleared the wreckage ADJECTIVES/NOUN + trafficheavy 繁忙的We ran into heavy traffic near the airport. 我们在机场附近遇到了堵车。light 少的The traffic is fairly light at this time of day. 每天这个时候路上车很少。bad/terrible 糟糕的nThe traffic was terrible this morning.slow/slow-moving 缓慢的nTraffic’s very slow going out of New York.rush-hour traffic 高峰时段的交通I left early to try to miss the rush-hour traffic. 我早早出发,希望避开车流。local traffic 地方交通nThere is quite a lot of local traffic.nmotorway traffic British English, freeway traffic American English:As motorway traffic worsens, commuters may have to find other ways of getting to and from work.oncoming traffic (=traffic coming towards you) 迎面而来的车流nThe driver, too busy watching oncoming traffic, doesn’t notice the pedestrian ahead.traffic + NOUNa traffic jam (=a line of cars that have stopped, or are moving very slowly) 交通阻塞She spent two hours sitting in a traffic jam. 她在堵车中干坐了两个小时。traffic congestion (=when the roads are full of traffic) 交通拥堵efforts to cut traffic congestion 减少交通拥堵的努力traffic flow (=the steady movement of traffic) 车流nThe road widening should help to improve traffic flow. a traffic accident 交通事故nHe’s been involved in a traffic accident.nthe traffic police (=police dealing with traffic problems and illegal driving)The teenagers got stopped by the local traffic police.ntraffic noiseYou get a lot of traffic noise living here.phrasesthe volume of traffic 车流量The new ring road will reduce the volume of traffic through the village. 新的环路将会减少通过该村的车流量。a stream of traffic (=a long continuous series of cars, trucks etc) 车流nThere was a constant stream of traffic.nthe roar/rumble/hum of trafficThe only noise was the distant rumble of traffic on the coastal road.Examples from the Corpustraffic• It shows steady increases in accidents with injuries, as traffic volumes mounted.• The answer to the first problem is obviously to try to do something about your domestic traffic problems.• People are running, roller-blading, dancing in traffic.• Ballymena Division Warden Street, Ballymena - single lane traffic on existing one-way street.• There had been little traffic so far: mostly long-distance lorries.• There's been a lot more traffic around here since they opened the mall.• At present, around half of transatlantic telephony traffic is carried via satellite.• And the traffic is thick along the Grand Loop, which carves a large figure-eight through the center of the park.air traffic• By 17 May all air traffic had been halted and the Post Office workers had struck.• This was not an aircraft taxi-ing down the runway, only to be called back by air traffic control.• We've got air traffic on to it.• The co-operation of air traffic control is central.• Clash looms over air traffic control Many critics of Railtrack accuse it of putting profits above passenger safety.• She could see a highwire directly overhead, above that, air traffic, and beyond--.• They questioned whether air traffic controllers should have over-ruled Captain Fuchs and insisted on him using a remote runway.• The pilot had been in regular contact with air traffic controllers but did not report any difficulties.traffic of• The increased traffic of crude oil in the gulf means a higher risk of oil spills.traffic in• Hughes admits that his company trafficked in stolen documents.• illegal traffic in marijuanatraffic2 ●○○ verb (trafficked, trafficking) [transitive]  1 to take someone to another country and force them to work, for example as a prostitute 贩卖〔人口〕 He had made a fortune by trafficking young women. 他靠贩卖年轻女性发了财。2 traffic in something phrasal verb SCCBBTto buy and sell illegal goods 〔非法地〕贩卖,交易 Lewis was found guilty of trafficking in drugs. 刘易斯被判贩卖毒品罪名成立。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpustraffic• The charges include armed robbery, distribution of stolen property, illegal gun sales and use, and drug trafficking.• By 2015, bitter enmities played themselves out in gang warfare, narcotics traffic, and addiction.• Most of those arrested were reported to have been previously convicted of drug and arms trafficking and violent crimes.• He was immediately flown to Florida to face drugs trafficking charges.• Those now being accused of trafficking in stolen property are dismayed.• During 1989 a total of 99 people had been beheaded, many of them for drug trafficking offences.From Longman Business Dictionarytraffictraf‧fic1 /ˈtræfɪk/ noun [uncountable]1the movement of planes, ships, trains etc from one place to anothera telecommunications network for controllingair traffic.2TRANSPORTTRAVELthe movement of people or goods by air, ship, train etcThe airline saidpassenger traffic dropped 29% in February.traffic ofthe extensive traffic of Chinese goods to Canada → container traffic3COMPUTING the movement of computer DATA or other electronic information from one place to anotherThe three companies now control 90% of the nation’sphone traffic.a digital service used fordata traffic4MARKETING the number of people buying a particular product or using a particular serviceIf consumer spending picks up, there will be keen competition forconsumer traffic. → see also page traffictraffictraffic2 verb (trafficked, trafficking) → traffic in something→ See Verb tableOrigin traffic1 (1500-1600) Early French trafique, from Old Italian traffico, from trafficare “to trade”traf·fic1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1traffic2 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  or road vehicles a street along the Business moving Corpus




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