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单词 Frequently
1. Those who believe money can do everything are frequently prepared to do everything for money. 
2. One who frequently looks back can't go far.
3. He frequently donates large sums to charity.
4. At one time we met frequently.
5. He used to practise usury frequently.
6. He is frequently misquoted in the press.
7. We had to pause frequently for breath.
8. Congestion frequently reduces traffic to walking pace.
9. How frequently do the trains come?
10. The author frequently quoted Shakespeare.
11. He frequently exhibits at the art gallery.
12. They frequently hold conferences at that hotel.
13. Consonants are frequently assimilated to neighboring consonants.
14. These thatched roofs frequently catch fire .
15. One who frequently looks back can nit go far.
16. The pilot checked the fuel gauge frequently.
17. Instead of defending traditional values, the church frequently seems weak-kneed and irresolute.
18. Lean hard-training women athletes may men-struate less frequently or not at all.
19. The girl had been molested frequently by her stepfather from the age of eight.
20. She's written a program to find words which frequently occur together.
20. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
21. The sobs came less frequently, then stopped altogether.
22. The Prime Minister was frequently lampooned in political cartoons.
23. The actress needed to be prompted frequently.
24. The illness frequently coexists with other chronic diseases.
25. I like that you should call on me frequently.
26. Her advice has frequently been less than wholly helpful.
27. Tension began to build as they argued more frequently.
28. Historians frequently ask to consult the collection.
29. Limestone was frequently used as a building material.
30. I see him quite frequently.
1. He frequently donates large sums to charity.
2. Congestion frequently reduces traffic to walking pace.
3. How frequently do the trains come?
4. The author frequently quoted Shakespeare.
5. He frequently exhibits at the art gallery.
6. They frequently hold conferences at that hotel.
7. Consonants are frequently assimilated to neighboring consonants.
8. These thatched roofs frequently catch fire .
9. The pilot checked the fuel gauge frequently.
10. Instead of defending traditional values, the church frequently seems weak-kneed and irresolute.
11. Lean hard-training women athletes may men-struate less frequently or not at all.
12. The girl had been molested frequently by her stepfather from the age of eight.
13. She's written a program to find words which frequently occur together.
31. George trips frequently to London.
32. The buses run less frequently on Sundays.
33. Brougher clashed frequently with Browder.
34. She has frequently expressed Republican sympathies.
35. A quarter of 4-year-olds frequently wet the bed.
36. Inflammation is frequently accompanied by fever.
37. Rapid eye movements frequently accompany dreaming.
38. He frequently invokes animal metaphors in his poetry.
39. His refrigerator frequently looked half empty.
40. This happened frequently during the Nixon Administration.
41. Turn the meat frequently to seal it.
42. I frequently use sunflowers as symbols of strength.
43. The group have frequently used bully-boy tactics.
44. The most frequently used method is radiocarbon dating.
45. Ruth had frequently sicked up her bottle milk.
46. We frequently shy away from making decisions.
47. It frequently appears that Bell mistrusts all journalists.
48. Bill got the boot for frequently coming late.
49. Buses run frequently between the city and the airport.
50. Projects were frequently abandoned through sheer inertia.
51. Buses run frequently from the city to the airport.
52. The disease occurs most frequently in rural areas.
53. You might write more frequently.
54. The actor needed to be prompted frequently.
55. Stores of grain are frequently attacked by pests,[Sentencedict] especially rats.
56. As a politician Jefferson frequently lashed out at the press.
57. As a child, she frequently withdrew into her own fantasy world.
58. It is frequently mentioned in the poetic writings of the period.
59. When we first met, we had a row, and we have rowed frequently ever since.
60. A shuttle bus runs frequently between the Inn and the Country Club.
61. He often talks in circles, frequently contradicting himself and often ends up saying nothing.
62. Women frequently say that they feel awkward taking the initiative in sex.
63. By this time she was in her nineties and needed help more and more frequently.
64. Decisions are frequently delayed in the labyrinth of Whitehall committees.
65. He frequently expressed his love for her in words if not in deeds.
66. I frequently paint between 10 and 20 insets for my murals.
67. His unwise remark was frequently thrown back at him by his colleagues.
68. One of Oscar Wilde's most frequently quoted epigrams is "I can resist everything except temptation".
69. The program automatically selects and stores the most frequently used data.
70. A young baby may frequently get a bout of hiccups during or soon after a feed.
71. Check your rope frequently, as friction against the rock can wear it away.
72. Basic food products are frequently unavailable in the state shops.
73. White marble is frequently streaked with grey, black or green.
74. His outspoken views would frequently bring him into conflict with the president.
75. A sensitive bladder can make you feel the need to pass water frequently.
76. Women are frequently underpaid for the work that they do.
77. If you travel frequently, find an agency that will change one foreign currency directly into another.
78. Frequently sufferers of this kind of allergy are also sufferers of asthma.
79. In recent years she has appeared in public less frequently.
80. Frequently,[http:///frequently.html] men who check answer have not actually had the experience of being repeatedly rejected by women.
81. The reality of mothering is frequently very different from the romantic ideal.
82. He was a confirmed jingoist and would frequently speak about the dangers of Britain forming closer ties with the rest of Europe.
83. They frequently plumb the depths of loneliness, humiliation and despair.
84. Governments frequently ignore human rights abuses in other countries if it is politically expedient to do so.
85. This reason is mentioned most frequently, but the most frequently mentioned reason.
86. Donna could tear your work to pieces, and frequently did.
87. Research has shown that men are likely to fantasize far more frequently than women.
88. Transactions in land are frequently handled by an estate agent.
89. Her name crops up frequently in writings about the Renaissance.
90. Iron and folic acid supplements are frequently given to pregnant women.
91. Use a toothbrush on your tongue as well, and rinse your mouth frequently.
92. Paul visited the local bars more frequently than was decent for a senior lecturer.
93. The relationship between the old Duke and the young woman was put down to the salacity which is frequently found in rich old men. People imagined all manner of things, except the truth.
94. The train stopped frequently at lonely little stations,which resulted in a sleepless night.
95. Stop frequently to rest during exercise until you are fitter.
96. They are frequently admonished for their failure to act quickly.
97. Depressed people frequently feel a sense of alienation from those around them.
98. This type of pneumonia frequently afflicts elderly people.
99. Scouts frequently go hiking and camping.
100. Frequently, however, these battles came bunched together.
101. Baste frequently with pan drippings and remaining butter mixture.
102. Just as frequently, Buchanan denies those accusations.
103. Functional dependency is frequently illustrated by an arrow.
104. In prison camps, cigarettes frequently reach that status.
105. Emotionally unstable, his aggressive attitude frequently culminates in violence.
106. Objections are frequently raised by affected personnel, and methods to input documents automatically are thus highly desirable.
107. Although he was to become Britain's most successful cat burglar, Peace showed no early aptitude, and was frequently arrested.
108. When you try to get credit for taxes paid by your employee, one of two problems frequently arises.
109. Frequently neither of these strategies will be practical for smaller businesses.
110. But frequently the asthma sufferer learned to hold back both feelings because neither are acceptable to the family.
111. Payback period analysis is frequently used in assessing the merits of energy conservation investments.
112. Impulses of attraction towards beautiful forms or faces troubled him frequently for the next two years at Oxford.
113. Rosemary was frequently absent or tardy and alternated between verbally abusing her teachers and flat-out ignoring them.
114. It had further taught them that bomb casualties in Protestant districts frequently included a substantial proportion of Roman Catholics.
115. Frequently we tend to be led astray by the fanciful language of introspective psychology.
116. However[ ], these warnings frequently appear at the bottom of advertisements in the tiniest of print.
117. This natural sequence of events is frequently obscured when the condition is treated without taking the constitution into account.
118. Can some one explain how kids' birthday parties became mandatory and, frequently, icky?
119. They were the sort of conflicts that frequently flare up along any ill-defined border which is straddled by farming communities.
120. Frequently, the support teacher becomes the source of all forms of support as the boundaries between education and counselling are blurred.
121. Frequently, the indictment also included charges alleging one or more of the offences against the person.
122. I make no apology for the title of this chapter because it was an expression which my cousins used very frequently.
123. He is more accessible than most tycoons and is frequently seen dining in the works canteen at Wapping.
124. These frequently stand vacant but provide an anchorage and storage space.
125. Drug warriors frequently remind us that there are few cocaine or heroin addicts who did not smoke marijuana first.
126. Nevertheless dinosaurs, remarkably, were frequently able to stay ahead in the game.
127. The approach for bridging this gap is frequently called a strategy.
128. The local police frequently arrested students for exceeding the speed limit or other minor infractions of the law.
129. These passage-graves were covered with cairns of stone, frequently mixed with shells in coastal districts.
130. The porpoises delight in riding on the bow waves of motor boats, which has frequently proved to be a fatal mistake.
131. However, Fahey and Narayanan comment, in practice scanning frequently detects environmental change that is already at an advanced state.
132. His indignation frequently boiled over to a point where he thought and demanded that a libel writ should be issued.
133. All too frequently, Conservative Members are wrongly accused of being anti-local authorities.
134. As all readers will appreciate, this change of course occurs quite frequently and sometimes has to be decided upon very quickly.
135. Very frequently, speechwriters are recruited from the ranks of journalism, which accounts for a great deal.
136. Zeinab cried frequently at the opera, never, up till now, anywhere else.
137. Trading Bonds for a pitcher is an unacceptable risk because pitchers break down so frequently.
138. The dwindling supplies of crude oil and natural gas are frequently discussed in newspaper articles.
139. Frequently he slid out from behind the pulpit and sauntered along the aisle as he spoke.
140. Some chips contained a bug that caused computers to crash frequently.
141. Availability of resources and their actual use seem frequently to bear little relationship to each other.
142. The inhabitants of the shanty towns have frequently achieved stability and social organisation through the establishment of personal networks and voluntary associations.
143. Increased integration of the patient and carers is encouraged, combatting the isolation which has frequently preceded referral.
144. Women's caring responsibilities frequently include the welfare of male partners as well as children.
145. The analogy between cultural and genetic evolution has frequently been pointed out, sometimes in the context of quite unnecessary mystical overtones.
146. In addition, coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular accidents and in particular intermittent claudication occurred more frequently in diabetics of both sexes.
147. They would frequently receive strange glances from those in other booths but she just ignored it.
148. This could, for example, be your address complete with tab and carriage return settings, or a frequently used sentence.
149. The story of the purchase of Sarah's burial plot is comedy, and comedy frequently takes delight in debunking heroes.
150. Public libraries frequently have computers that people can use to brush up on their skills.
151. Yet when he spoke of himself, his gaze frequently wandered, as though in search of visual ballast.
152. Frequently used in discussions about scanners as a measure of their ability to capture halftone images.
153. He started to plot lines of ancient sites and quickly got a feel for those which cropped up most frequently.
154. One of these combinations is p53 and c-ras, both frequently activated in large bowel cancers.
155. Mystics frequently speak of enlarging, of loss of body sensations, bubbling up, or becoming airborne.
156. Napoleon Kaufman, making his third consecutive start, certainly wants to touch the ball more frequently.
157. The river banks were frequently lined with curious onlookers who struggle to eke out an existence in this harsh environment.
158. A statistical analysis selected those strategies more frequently used in successful than unsuccessful situations.
159. Clarke could be a martinet, and as such was frequently a buffer for Alvin.
160. In everyday economic discourse, nothing is more frequently taken as an index of economic growth than the volume of capital formation.
161. Frequently our younger engineers had leisure activities involving strenuous physical activity.
162. A bladder which is frequently emptied does not expand to its full capacity and needs gentle stretching to bring this about.
163. Which, of course, is what gay academics frequently argue when they advance the theory of social constructionism.
164. Frequently the theatre-in-education group is associated with a historical site, although their workshops can stand alone and take place in school.
165. Obviously this flexibility was frequently to the client's advantage, but it was also open to abuse.
166. They reach too frequently the people who could easily afford to buy their own.
167. After-care sessions initially on a weekly basis but later less frequently, are recommended for up to two years.
168. Laboratory tests are frequently normal in patients with unequivocally active disease and viceversa.
169. Union meetings were often held in a restaurant that frequently refused to admit blacks, the suit said.
170. Yet many people with drugs and alcohol problems move frequently between areas,[ ] and may have no settled residence.
171. My father called us frequently from Tokyo to keep us abreast of the legal work, which sounded complicated to me.
172. He was also frequently ill with bronchitis and colds, adding to the stress.
173. There is frequently a hidden agenda in the use of games.
174. Furthermore, respiratory and bowel motion cause movement artefacts that frequently degrade the image.
175. Frequently, this is part-time and is managed - albeit with difficulty - alongside other family responsibilities.
176. These-spells of autocracy were once frequently longer and of indefinite duration, sometimes, indeed, extending over decades.
177. The horizontal axis has the most frequently preserved part of the bone, namely the distal humerus and proximal femur.
178. Few of us are comfortable with confrontations because they frequently lead to full-fledged blow-ups.
179. Working Conditions Accountants and auditors work in offices, but public accountants may frequently visit the offices of clients while conducting audits.
180. It is a central theme throughout the book, and she criticises frequently the Catholic beliefs and customs.
181. She spoke frequently in the Debating Society in favour of progressive causes such as abortion, animal rights, state education and nuclear disarmament.
182. Women at fifth and higher parity required blood transfusions twice to three times more frequently than did women of low parity.
183. Compassion is not just feeling with someone, but seeking to change the situation. Frequently people think compassion and love are merely sentimental. No! They are very demanding. If you are going to be compassionate, be prepared for action! Desmond Tutu 
184. One manager anticipated that she would be called upon frequently as arbiter in disputes between subordinates and customers.
185. They are about the need for social acceptance and, frequently, about the need to be sexually attractive.
186. It's a good buy, particularly if you frequently heat convenience foods.
187. He's a performer who is frequently mentioned in the same breath as Mick Jagger.
188. Worse yet, their presence frequently meant indiscriminate artillery bombardments against innocent villages suspected of harboring the Vietcong.
189. Reagan was an avid reader of the conservative monthly Kuman Events, and frequently quoted from it at length.
190. The most striking finding is that individuals which most frequently gave aid are those which most frequently receive it.
191. After that the President and I talked about the economic aspects of summitry frequently.
192. He claimed she had frequently discussed her alleged suicide attempts with him.
193. Worse, however, is the situation regarding the back catalogue: once initial stock are exhausted the titles frequently disappear for ever.
194. Old Rottweilers may need to be let out more frequently to answer the call of nature, but for shorter periods.
195. If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed. Adolf Hitler 
196. Certainly we're called on to make a large number of personal appearances, frequently for worthy causes.
197. Travellers' contact with social work services frequently resulted in the loss of children into care and an alien culture.
198. Sally would leave photos of herself in a special photo album for Hannah and call home frequently.
199. But boilerplate actually refers to any sequence of keystrokes that is repeated frequently.
200. Later generations were frequently reminded that they were once members of a slave community whom the Lord had mercifully redeemed from bondage.
201. As the road, at this point, was frequently flooded a raised causeway or footpath was built to give access.
202. They examine abandoned nests for prey remains, dissect pellets and talk frequently to local shepherds.
203. Frequently on smaller contracts, builders do not formally obtain consent and assume that it would be granted.
204. Even so the struggle between the plant eaters and their predators was frequently finely balanced.
205. Frequently this is accomplished by changing the baton's form as it is in motion.
206. Ozone occurs more frequently at higher altitudes, so uplands may be particularly at risk.
207. Between that moment and his last column Tuesday, McCarthy has affected many a life, as I heard frequently last week.
208. Frequently the behaviors associated with dependency are also associated with poor self-esteem.
209. At the end of the season their leaves are frequently dulled and disfigured by powdery mildew.
210. Then, trials frequently proceeded without defense attorneys because only 3 percent of defendants could afford them, Gahima said.
211. Normally, some records are accessed more frequently than others, and this tendency can be used to decrease average access time.
212. They frequently shifted and broke apart under the warming sun, sounding like thunder, booming cannonades and shotgun blasts.
213. The most vulnerable cells were those which the body renews most frequently; especially the white blood cells, including the lymphocytes.
214. Frequently, the latter have funnel-shaped access ways on to them and former forest from the enclosed areas around.
215. Steamers could carry larger volumes of cargo than sailing vessels and do it more frequently and regularly.
216. Although only four birds had ever been recorded before 1948, Little Ringed Plovers have bred in Sussex frequently since 1950.
217. Overhead, lightning flickered frequently as the static electricity accumulating in the ash cloud discharged.
218. These have frequently been made in response to pressure from major international aid donors.
219. He frequently implies that knowledge is to be had by experience and by careful observation of the world.
220. This means that the censors can access frequently used pages quickly, without having to check their suitability each time.
221. Only V. dubyana is frequently cultivated as a decorative aquarium plant.
222. Many of the peers also described how conflicts frequently arose between themselves and the subordinates.
223. The question has been frequently asked: Just how intelligent were our early modern ancestors?
224. Frequently, companies adopt standard forms of Articles of Association which are prescribed under the Companies Act 1985.
225. Governments have frequently made matters worse by granting concessions to cattle ranchers on terms that have created incentives for reckless exploitation.
226. But there will frequently be considerable advantages in being able to deal anonymously.
227. We met frequently during this time of crisis at a bar on G Street called the Exchange.
228. We frequently telephone asking him to illustrate some obscure or abstract concept.
229. It can frequently be the one with the best abilities to make complex calculations about what the others are up to.
230. With her husband frequently away on business,[sentencedict .com] Berenice turns to a close friend for help and support.
231. Stewart frequently would drive to Avon for weekends, often bringing a carload of friends.
232. Water frequently accumulates on old factory and tip sites absorbing various kinds of powerful pollutants.
233. Forearm training is frequently omitted because of all the work the forearms do while training other body parts.
234. A supreme baseliner, he approached the net about as frequently as Michael Heseltine visits a coal mine.
235. Sutton identified Tizhe as a customer who frequently came into the branch office to make large overseas wire transfers.
236. Moscow is a grey city; comfort there is always tied to power, and power too frequently to abuse of power.
237. Frequently we abstract from this covenant by singling out the Ten Commandments and ignoring much of the remainder of the Mosaic code.
238. Midvale veterans would recall frantically pumping out buildings frequently flooded in the low basin at the foot of Germantown.
239. Table 5 show the results. Traditional boundary types have frequently been replaced by post and wire fences.
240. Living constantly in a nightmare frequently leads to severe burnout.
241. He said du Pont frequently carried a. 38-caliber pistol on the estate and abused cocaine and alcohol.
242. They often fought each other and attacked humans until slain by a brave hero, frequently at an ancient site.
243. For his own good she frequently reminded him of the horrors and deprivations that would befall him there.
244. The characteristic is looked that resembles stockily but actually insincere, frequently quarrels with the same table of Pakistan.
244. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
245. In old times we find things were frequently valued according to the number of cattle.
246. Under the centuries - long feudal serfdom, the Tibetan serfs were politically oppressed, economically exploited and frequently persecuted.
247. In the Pacific Theatre during World War II, coconut water was frequently used in the field as an emergency plasma transfusion for wounded combatants.
248. Using register for frequently-used variables: this tells the compiler that the register variable is going to be frequently used, so it should be allocated to a register with a very high priority.
249. The mechanism most frequently appears to be due to automaticity.
250. Methyl orange and phenolphthalein are other indicators frequently used by chemists.
251. Epigastric discomfort or pain is a common symptom and is most frequently of intra - abdominal origin.
252. Chemical industry equipments are essential production equipments for the chemical manufacturers, how to antisepticize is a question being discussed frequently.
253. However, the frequently serious accident of mine has caused the seriously personnel casualty and the economic loss.




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