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单词 Relief
1, He gave a little murmur of relief.
2, The booklet contains information on pain relief during labour.
3, It brings some relief from the merciless summer heat.
4, I breathed a sigh of relief.
5, We made a contribution to the famine relief fund.
6, Afterwards I felt a great sense of relief.
7, They made no plea for relief.
8, Most of the relief work was done by volunteers.
9, Hearing the news, he breathed a sigh of relief.
10, The drug gives some relief from pain.
11, She sighed with relief that it was all over.
12, News of their safety came as a great relief.
13, Much to my relief the car was not damaged.
14, This medicine will give you some relief.
15, Charities are non-profit-making organizations and get tax relief.
16, With immense relief I stopped running.
17, He contributed all his savings to the relief fund.
18, I felt a huge surge of relief and happiness.
19, The port is vital to supply relief to millions of drought victims.
20, He gets tax relief because he supports his old mother.
21, We all breathed a sigh of relief when he left.
22, The agency says international relief agencies also have pitched in.
23, He smiled with relief.
24, Government officials visited the earthquake zone on Thursday morning to co-ordinate the relief effort.
25, A shortage of funds is preventing the UN from monitoring relief.
26, The news of his appointment was received with a certain relief by most people.
27, A UN official said aid programs will be suspended until there's adequate protection for relief convoys.
28, She can always be relied on to provide comic relief at a boring party.
29, All I remember of childbirth was the unbearable pain and the relief when it was all over.
30, Pop stars have raised millions of pounds for famine relief in Africa.
1, He gave a little murmur of relief.
2, The booklet contains information on pain relief during labour.
3, It brings some relief from the merciless summer heat.
4, I breathed a sigh of relief.
5, We made a contribution to the famine relief fund.
6, Afterwards I felt a great sense of relief.
7, They made no plea for relief.
8, Most of the relief work was done by volunteers.
9, Hearing the news, he breathed a sigh of relief.
10, She sighed with relief that it was all over.
11, News of their safety came as a great relief.
12, Much to my relief the car was not damaged.
13, Charities are non-profit-making organizations and get tax relief.
14, With immense relief I stopped running.
15, He contributed all his savings to the relief fund.
16, I felt a huge surge of relief and happiness.
17, The port is vital to supply relief to millions of drought victims.
18, Government officials visited the earthquake zone on Thursday morning to co-ordinate the relief effort.
19, A shortage of funds is preventing the UN from monitoring relief.
20, We all breathed a sigh of relief when he left.
21, The agency says international relief agencies also have pitched in.
22, The news of his appointment was received with a certain relief by most people.
23, A UN official said aid programs will be suspended until there's adequate protection for relief convoys.
24, She can always be relied on to provide comic relief at a boring party.
25, He smiled with relief.
26, All I remember of childbirth was the unbearable pain and the relief when it was all over.
27, Pop stars have raised millions of pounds for famine relief in Africa.
28, The money was destined for the relief of poverty, but was diverted by corrupt officials.
29, His accident with the microphone brought some welcome comic relief to a very dull party.
30, There was a palpable sense of relief among the crowd.
31, The money was destined for the relief of poverty, but was diverted by corrupt officials.
32, His accident with the microphone brought some welcome comic relief to a very dull party.
33, There was a palpable sense of relief among the crowd.
34, It was a relief to be able to talk to someone about it.
35, Laughter is the tonic, the relief, the surcease for pain. Charlie Chaplin 
36, She sighed with relief.
37, The floods have been a major hindrance to relief efforts.
38, There was an audible sigh of relief when the news came through that nobody was hurt.
39, He hugged her out of sheer relief.
40, The holiday was a welcome change/break/relief.
41, Mary Ann was flooded with relief .
42, A great sense of relief flooded over him.
43, Volunteers provide regular help to give relief to carers.
44, She gave an audible sigh of relief.
45, I felt happiness and relief flooding over me.
46, The relief is clearly shown on this plan.
47, The scene provided some comic relief for the audience.
48, To his great relief the engine came to life.
49, It took some effort to conceal her relief.
50, It's a great relief to find you here.
51, The scene has been carved in high relief.
52, To my relief(), they spoke English.
53, The painkillers brought almost immediate relief.
54, I felt enormous relief once they phoned.
55, She felt almost overcome by a tide of relief.
56, His relief was tinged with sadness .
57, The news came as a welcome relief to Brian.
58, Please give generously to famine relief.
59, To my immense relief, he didn't notice my mistake.
60, I leave with a guilty sense of relief.
31, It was a relief to be able to talk to someone about it.
32, She sighed with relief.
33, The floods have been a major hindrance to relief efforts.
34, There was an audible sigh of relief when the news came through that nobody was hurt.
35, I sighed with inward relief.
36, They send relief to those who made homeless by floods.
37, The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, headed by the Emergency Relief Coordinator, coordinates all UN emergency relief.
61, The injection gives complete pain relief.
62, Her feelings were part anger, part relief.
63, It's a great relief to know you're safe.
64, Relief agencies are drowning in frustration.
65, The international relief effort appears to be gathering momentum.
66, Organizing famine relief presents huge logistical problems.
67, One million dollars was allocated for disaster relief.
68, His unemployment threw him back on government relief.
69, UN troops supervised the relief operations.
70, There was little comic relief in his speech.
71, His feelings were part anger, part relief.
72, To her relief, Julius dropped the subject .
73, Tom gave a deep sigh of relief.
74, She could barely repress a sigh of relief.
75, This appointment was greeted with relief.
76, The famine relief money was channelled through the UN.
77, We sighed with relief when the noise stopped.
78, Tears of relief were mixed with tears of sorrow.
78, try its best to collect and make good sentences.
79, Rainy weather brings blessed relief to hay fever victims.
80, The doctors are affiliated with the Relief Fund.
81, He watched with relief as the girl nodded.
82, There were undertones of relief as the visitors left.
83, Relief and gratitude were written all over his face.
84, The relief agency distributed food among the poor.
85, I sighed with inward relief.
86, Robert could not conceal his relief.
87, The news was a huge relief to her.
88, Rebecca heaved a sigh of relief .
89, It's a relief to have the matter settled.
90, His relief was all too visible.
91, A great sense of relief flooded through her.
92, I felt a tremendous sense of relief and exultation.
93, Emergency aid is being provided by non-governmental relief organizations.
94, Relief workers were handing out emergency rations .
95, Marijuana can provide pain relief for some cancer patients.
96, I felt a sense of indescribable relief.
97, We all heaved a sigh of relief.
98, Coins have pictures on them in relief.
99, The organization provides emergency famine relief.
100, The relief for the military guard is expected soon.
101, The mountain stood out in sharp relief against the evening sky.
102, The 20-strong advance party will be followed by another 600 soldiers as part of UN relief efforts.
103, Relief workers in alliance with local charities are trying to help the famine victims.
104, Thousands of people could die because the relief effort has fallen so far behind.
105, To my great relief/Much to my relief, I wasn't late.
106, The relief supplies are being flown from a warehouse in Pisa.
107, The president is sending in almost 20,000 military personnel to help with the relief efforts.
108, The snow - capped mountains stood out in sharp relief against the blue sky.
109, Relief agencies say the immediate problem is not a lack of food, but transportation.
110, There was manifest relief among the workers yesterday at the decision not to close the factory.
111, Their differences have been thrown into sharp relief by the present crisis.
112, His plan for tax relief is fine as far as it goes but will not be sufficient to get the economy moving again.
113, It was a great relief to be back on dry land after such a rough crossing.
114, The decision came as a great relief to us all.
115, It was a relief to share my secret worries with him.
116, As a relief from work she allowed herself a few small indulgences.
117, He felt a deep sense of relief after the phone call.
118, The news will come as a great relief to the French authorities.
119, As he drew nearer, his anxiety gave way to relief.
120, It was a relief that his real name hadn't been appended to the manuscript.
121, A UN spokesman said that the mission will carry 20 tons of relief supplies.
122, The UN withdrew its relief personnel because it judged the situation too dangerous.
123, They send relief to those who made homeless by floods.
124, 'Thank goodness for that!' she said with a sigh of relief.
125, He warned the army to stay out of the way of the relief effort.
126, I breathed/heaved a sigh of relief when I heard he was safe.
127, The column was decorated in high relief with scenes from Greek mythology.
128, Much to my relief, the conversation turned to another topic.
129, The doctor said it was just the flu. What a relief!
130, I'm glad you've arrived - we could all do with a little light relief!
131, When he left, Karen found herself heaving a huge sigh of relief.
132, The army said the relief flight would be too dangerous as none of its helicopters had Red Cross markings.
133, The UN has suspended relief flights because of shelling around the airport.
134, The comical characters are brought into the story for a little light relief.
135, Congress has agreed an $11 million relief package for victims of the hurricane.
136, The coach was full so a relief was put on.
137, The British Red Cross has sent four planeloads of relief supplies to the stricken areas.
138, The song provides some comic relief from the intensity of the scene.
139, The hills stood out in sharp relief against the dawn sky.
140, She said that the fighting has halted almost all relief work in the area.
141, His jokes provided some comic relief in what was really a dull speech.
142, I felt great relief when I heard I had passed the examination.
143, "Ah, you're here[], " she said and heaved/let out/gave a sigh of relief.
144, The UN system will be in a position to support the extensive relief efforts needed.
145, Amongst relief workers, the immediate sense of crisis has moderated somewhat.
146, A wave of relief washed over him as he saw that the children were safe.
147, The proximity of the wealthy suburb to the squatter camp throws the plight of the squatters into even sharper relief.
148, The article throws into sharp relief the differences between the two theories.
149, The cool room provided relief from the terrible heat outdoors.
150, Marauding gangs of armed men have been looting food relief supplies.
151, There was a big sigh of relief once the economic reform plan was agreed.
152, 'What a relief!' she said, as she took her tight shoes off.
153, Sugar gives quick relief to hunger but provides no lasting nourishment.
154, His words provided some comic relief in what was really a dull speech.
155, They have begun marshalling forces to send relief to the hurricane victims.
156, The tree stood out in stark relief against the snow.
157, The snow-capped mountain stood out in sharp relief against the blue sky.
158, You can get tax relief on private health insurance premiums.
159, Bands of gunmen have hijacked food shipments and terrorized relief workers.
160, to contribute food and clothing for the relief of the poor.
161, He throws his hands open in a gesture which clearly indicates his relief.
162, A doctor's task is to work for the relief of patient's suffering.
163, We all needed a little light relief at the end of a long day .
164, The undulating planes of the countryside provide relief from the hard horizontals and verticals of the urban scene.
165, She could sense his relief when she said she wouldn't be leaving.
166, We all breathed a sigh of relief when it was over.
167, It was a relief to see the last of them.
168, There was none of the drama and relief of a hostage release.
168, try its best to collect and make good sentences.
169, It's a relief to know that something positive is being done.
170, The country's politicians are already heaving a collective sigh of relief.
171, Butler and Stone concur that the war threw people's lives into a moral relief.
172, The relief agencies are trying to provide food and other basic essentials.
173, Campaigning to change government policy is ancillary to the charity's direct relief work.
174, The continuing civil war is frustrating the efforts of relief agencies to feed thousands of famine victims.
175, It was a relief to be back in familiar surroundings .
176, We all breathed a sigh of relief when we heard they were safe.
177, Relief agencies are stepping up efforts to provide food, shelter and agricultural equipment.
178, The next crew relief comes on duty at 9 o'clock.
179, No one was hurt, and we all breathed a sigh of relief .
180, No tax relief is available in respect of this loss.
181, The holiday was a welcome relief from the pressure of work.
182, I don't think they can last out till the relief troops come to the rescue.
183, She became involved in social and relief work among the refugees.
184, I hate to say it, but it was a relief to have him out of the house.
185, Donors pledged a total of $1,000 million in relief aid.
186, He believes that relief only comes from helping others with their suffering.




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