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单词 Chain
1. One lining broken, the whole chain is broken. 
2. A chain is no stronger than its weakest lining. 
3. A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. 
4. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. 
5. Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together. Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe 
6. I have detached the watch from the chain.
7. She wore a gold chain around her neck.
8. He now owns a chain of 970 food stores.
9. The pendant was hanging by a thin gold chain.
10. She wore a heavy gold chain around her neck.
11. The mayor wore his chain of office.
12. She had a gold chain around her neck.
13. He owns a supermarket chain.
14. She wore a long gold chain round her neck.
15. Can you do chain stitch?
16. I'd chain your bike up just in case.
17. Yes, he's a chain smoker.
18. A lot of links fitted together form a chain.
19. The whole food chain is affected by the over-use of chemicals in agriculture.
20. Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment; not only about survival.
21. I didn't want to chain you down, feel free to use your own ideas.
22. My bike chain was clanking in an alarming way as I pedalled along.
23. The fashion chain is still in hock to the banks.
24. The police have reconstructed the chain of events leading to the murder.
25. The young girl had a gold chain about her neck.
26. The powder immediately ignited and set off a chain reaction of explosions.Sentencedict
27. Firefighters formed a human chain to carry the children to safety.
28. Remember to put the chain on the door when you lock it.
29. I choose for my subject faith wrought into life, apart from creed or dogma. By faith I mean a vision of good one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles. Faith is a dynamic power that breaks the chain of routine and gives a new, fine turn to old commonplaces. Faith reinvigorates the will, enriches the affections and awakens a sense of creativeness.
30. The gates were locked with a padlock and a heavy steel chain.
1. She wore a gold chain around her neck.
2. She wore a heavy gold chain around her neck.
3. The mayor wore his chain of office.
4. She had a gold chain around her neck.
5. He owns a supermarket chain.
6. She wore a long gold chain round her neck.
7. Yes, he's a chain smoker.
8. A lot of links fitted together form a chain.
9. The whole food chain is affected by the over-use of chemicals in agriculture.
10. My bike chain was clanking in an alarming way as I pedalled along.
11. The fashion chain is still in hock to the banks.
12. The police have reconstructed the chain of events leading to the murder.
13. The powder immediately ignited and set off a chain reaction of explosions.
14. Firefighters formed a human chain to carry the children to safety.
15. The gates were locked with a padlock and a heavy steel chain.
16. The rope fouled the anchor chain.
17. There has been an unbroken chain of great violinists in the family.
18. Plankton is at the bottom of the marine food chain.
19. Individualism has been the secret ingredient in developing his chain of fashion stores.
31. She caught her skirt up in the chain of her bicycle.
32. a chain of small islands in French Polynesia.
33. She had strung the shells on a silver chain.
34. Symonds is third in the chain of command.
35. The rope fouled the anchor chain.
36. A chain of volcanoes girdles the Pacific.
37. The mayor was wearing his chain of office.
38. My keys dangled from a chain.
39. His open shirt revealed a fat gold chain.
40. Death is the last link in the chain.
41. The lead biker broke his bike chain.
42. The incident sparked off a whole chain of disasters.
43. The anchor chain was spooling off.
44. She wore a chaste gold chain around her neck.
45. He wore a gold chain round his neck.
46. She wore a locket hanging on a silver chain.
47. A heavy iron chain was clamped around his wrists.
48. Let the dog off its chain.
49. Chain smokers don't care about the dangers of smoking.
50. A chain of beacons was lit across the region.
51. A gold chain swung free around his neck.
52. The company runs a chain of restaurants.
53. This hotel is part of a large chain.
54. Insects are fairly low down the food chain.
55. I'll lock the doors and chain you up.
56. The chain is formed from 136 links.http://
57. Shares of the jewellery-store chain spurted $6.
58. These two pieces of the chain hook together.
59. He joined the ends of the chain.
60. The bicycle chain needs oiling.
61. Pesticides work their way up the food chain from plants, through insects and birds to humans.
62. The Aleutian chain is a long arc of islands in the North Pacific.
63. The Rockies are a mountain chain/range in the western USA.
64. Their chain of pubs and restaurants brings in millions of pounds a year.
65. The Government fear the strike may produce a chain reaction in other industries.
66. The dogs continued to paw and claw frantically at the chain mesh.
67. There has been an unbroken chain of great violinists in the family.
68. The company owns a chain of hotels along/on the Atlantic seaboard.
69. It set off a chain reaction in the international money markets.
70. The opened link is used to join the two ends of the chain.
71. The change of plan set off a chain reaction of confusion.
72. Some people believe that work is a better means of order and discipline than chain and castigation.
73. Apart from his earnings as a football coach, he also owns and runs a chain of sports shops.
74. Pollution is affecting many creatures lower down the food chain.
75. Put the chain on the door if you are alone in the house.
76. We witnessed a remarkable chain of events in eastern Europe in 1989.
77. I kept the key on a chain round my neck.
78. There are savings to be made where retailers are bypassed in the chain of distribution.
79. The responsibility was a ball and chain around my ankle.
80. The sales manager is regarded as the weakest link in the chain.
81. Students tried to form a human chain around the parliament.
82. The Knightsbridge branch is the jewel in the crown of a 500-strong chain of stores.
83. Round her neck was a cross on a silver chain.
84. Mary was wearing a beautiful silver chain around her neck.
85. Daylight disclosed a chain of lakes and rivers in the distance.
86. She went straight for the one weak link in the chain of his argument.
87. She wore a small silver cross on a chain round her neck.
88. He wore the watch and chain looped round his neck like a medallion.
89. She had a silver peace symbol hanging on a chain around her neck.
90. They quickly formed a human chain to move the equipment.
91. This poses a threat to agriculture and the food chain, and consequently to human health.
92. The people formed a human chain to pass the supplies up the beach.
93. Jonson has run the gamut of hotel work, from porter to owner of a large chain of hotels.
94. The war risked setting off a perilous chain reaction that would endanger the whole world.
95. His resignation triggered a chain of events that led eventually to the downfall of the government.
96. The lower-tech side of the business was seen as a ball and chain.
97. Each link that makes up a chain is equally important.
98. The hotel chain has recently installed a new booking system.
99. She has built up a chain of 180 bookshops across the country.
100. Did you mean what you said, or were you just yanking my chain?
101. The gang laundered the stolen money through their chain of restaurants.
102. Every animal in the food chain draws nourishment from other animals or plants.
103. They are not only the world's biggest fast-food chain, but also the industry's trendsetter.
104. The mayor wore her chain of office round her neck.
105. The driver had forgotten to fasten the safety chain and the trailer came loose .
106. Firefighters formed a human chain to carry the brothers to safety.
107. The ball was attached to a length of thin chain.
108. She wore a gold cross on a chain around her neck.
109. A chain can only be as strong as its weakest link, so we must look at the least committed country to see if the alliance will hold.
110. Cushman is director of marketing for a chain of Italian restaurants.
111. The manager of the hotel chain claims that they have turned the corner.
112. The brothers opened a chain of electrical shops in the eighties.
113. Volunteers formed a human chain to rescue precious items from the burning house.
114. A sudden drop on Wall Street can set off a chain reaction in other financial markets.
115. The old chain only needed a couple of yanks before it snapped.
116. Food production,[] processing and marketing are different links in the chain from farmer to consumer.
117. She told a rags-to-riches story of a child brought up in poverty becoming the owner of a hotel chain.
118. The slump on Wall Street set up a chain reaction in stock markets around the world.
119. Plankton is at the bottom of the marine food chain.
120. The islands lie at the southern end of the Kurile chain.
121. The salesmen are just one link in the chain of distribution.
122. They kept the dog on a chain all day long.
123. When she had an affair with her friend's husband, she wittingly set off a chain of crises.
124. Individualism has been the secret ingredient in developing his chain of fashion stores.
125. As part of the centenary celebrations a chain of beacons was lit across the region.
126. The French company holds a majority stake in the retail chain.
127. She wore a small gold cross on a chain around her neck.
128. The chain of volcanoes is known, appropriately enough, as the 'Ring of Fire'.
129. Put the chain on the door before you go to bed.
130. After twenty years as a chain smoker Mr Nathe has given up the habit.
131. The chain has fretted into the wood and damaged it.
132. The chain has fallen foul of some plants in the water.
133. She sees the bar as a starting point and eventually plans to run her own chain of country inns.
134. She wore a little gold chain around her neck.
135. Traders sitting elbow to elbow formed a human chain.
136. He rode between cars, gripping the heavy chain.
137. Clasp the chain like so.
138. On one ankle she wears a gold chain.
139. At which point she unlocked her ball and chain.
140. The chain saws then started like angry bees.
141. For personal care the chain of complaint is: physician, charge nurse, nursing supervisor, hospital administrator, hospital director.
142. The only true amateurs left are the ones on the bottom end of the highlights-film, commercial-endorsement food chain.
143. You may be surprised to find that she doesn't want to shackle you with a ball and chain.
144. According to their localization, these deletions or duplications frequently provoke major respiratory chain function defects, with consequent cellular energy supply deficiencies.
145. Ruthie had been a budget analyst and then comptroller for a hospital chain for much of her working life.
146. Elizabeth had let him wear a gold chain of hers round his neck.
147. Proteins are asymmetric in an absolute sense in that every copy of the polypeptide chain has the same orientation.
148. Haulage firms would then be allowed to take cattle to abattoirs,[] with the animals being slaughtered before entering the food chain.
149. To the west of the river a chain of trackways and paths provide a more appealing route.
150. Loyalty to a petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul. Mark Twain 
151. Branching out: A northern store chain is helping to open branches of a different kind.
152. We worked with one hotel chain that avowed to the point of dementia its commitment to customer service and comfort.
153. Chain your steering wheel to the clutch, brake pedal or a seat.
154. The abattoirs are licensed to slaughter cattle not destined for the food chain.
155. It was a gold chain, and on the end of it was a picture of a very beautiful woman.
156. He did a stint on a chain gang, and he became a professional boxer for a while.
157. Both the anorexic and the mystic are impervious to this simple chain of events.
158. This belief was like a ball and chain for the allied war effort.
159. Selling price is around £30, from Argos, Texas, other major chain and d-i-y stores, and specialist electrical shops.
160. We regularly take it that a causal circumstance is linked by way of a causal chain or sequence to its effect.
161. He slid the bolts on the front door and put the safety chain across.
162. Firefighters formed a human chain to carry the four brothers to safety but they found to be dead at hospital.
163. I heave on the baseball bat, and wrench the chain from the big guy's hand.
164. If her grandfather removed the ball and chain, he wrote, would she visit?
165. And heaven forbid that you should be served by some one in a chain coffee house with a regional accent.
166. In reality, of course, they are the result of a long chain of conscious decision making.
167. In order to break the chain of causation the third party act must be independent of the breach of duty.
168. The second accident did not break the chain of causation as it was a natural consequence of the first accident.
169. The huge beast strained at the great iron chain clasped to the collar round its neck.
170. Even after he had clubbed it to death it was part of him, his ball and chain.
171. A reduced short chain fatty acid concentration has also been reported in pouch contents from patients with pouchitis compared with those without.
172. In general, the longer the chain, the less stable the interacting web to environmental disruption.
173. Thrifty Payless Inc., the largest drugstore chain in the West, operates 1, 048 stores in 11 Western states.
174. No one at Safeway Stores, the other major grocery chain in the Washington-Baltimore area, was available for comment.
175. The chain had not been replaced, nor would it ever be, and warm, fresh blankets covered her.
176. The warder peered through the observation slot then selected a key from the long chain that dangled from his belt.
177. And walked back to the hotel minus her ball and chain.
178. Later I removed the back wheel, refitted it,[] adjusted the chain tension and replaced a headlight bulb.
179. It was attached to a rusty chain hidden in the bracken.
180. A handful of new outlets will be launched next year and if successful, will lead to an even bigger chain.
181. I was a very small link in an immensely long chain.
182. The defendant was held liable for the loss, as the thief's act did not break the chain of causation.
183. He began his retailing career in 1964 when he founded Habitat, a chain of stores selling well-designed modern furniture and furnishings.
184. Simply put, the longer the chain, the easier it is for an alcohol to mix with fat.
185. His hands are on the table, but they are held together by manacles, to which a chain is attached.
186. They had dropped out of the human chain of ancestors and descendants that had formerly bound them all together.
187. Some retailers use distinctive packaging for their own brands, eg one supermarket chain packaged everything in bright yellow.
188. Clare could see more rusty chain around the slender, peeling, silver trunk of a nearby birch tree.
189. If not correctly understood it can be the Achilles' heel of a complicated chain of investigations.
190. At her girdle hung a gold chain and cross, and she carried a handkerchief and a little prayer book bound in gold.
191. We didn't care about the magazine we just wanted to trace back the gold chain see who handled it.
192. If the act should have been foreseen by a reasonable man as likely, it would not break the chain of causation.
193. Lately, the restaurant chain, which caters mainly to blue-collar diners, has been hurt by competition.
194. He swung his left arm up in a reverse backstroke, and grasped the chain.
195. Chain superstores are crowded, yet the fastest-growing sales sector by far is on the Internet.
196. Gold bracelet, sports shirt, and a small crucifix dangled from a 24-carat chain round his throat.
197. The importance of such an outcome is very different depending on where in the causal chain the third variable comes.
198. From an operations district manager from a large retail chain.
199. We can form a human chain of Berliners along the Wall which no one dare break, nomatterhow many soldiers they send.
200. The death blow to drug chic actually may have been struck by a fast-food chain.
201. A number of companies have submitted bids to buy the supermarket chain.
202. The Lechmere chain traces its roots to merchant Abraham Cohen,() who opened a harness store that bore his name in 1913.
203. Ask a grown-up to attach a hooked chain to the centre top bar.
204. However, nobody had made the conclusive step of considering the consequences of this, namely the chain of muon catalysis reactions.
205. Months later it merged with the considerably larger Mothercare chain in a reverse take-over.
206. The critical composition at which phase separation is first detected is then and which indicates that at infinitely large chain length.
207. We have already seen that amorphous materials such as polymers have chain structures.
208. Typically,[http:///chain.html] engines are activated by a remote that fits on a key chain.
209. It consists of a chain of carbon atoms, with one hydrogen atom attached to each carbon.
210. They were linked by a slack, heavy, silvery chain that swayed lazily when he raised his hands.
211. They form the links, at various angles to their neighbours, of a continuous chain.
212. This short call sets off a chain reaction of events.
213. Thus any breakdown in the cold chain could be quantified.
214. About every third property boasted a brand-new chain link fence, erected to corral Cod knows what kind of beast.
215. It is defined as an average distance from the centre of gravity of a polymer coil to the chain end.
216. As the chain turns the buckets bite into the canal bed and scoop out the mud.
217. They key to the parent was the longest chain of carbon atoms.
218. Today, major chain stores and automakers are slated to release December sales figures.
219. The crowd was on the point of becoming a lynch mob, but were still linked in a human chain.
220. This process is repeated indefinitely, with a stream of input samples being taken and passed along the chain of capacitors.
221. Rally organizers with colored arm-bands link hands, forming a human chain at the crosswalks.
222. In the case of the supermarket chain, size, not necessarily sole ownership, affects the quality of the food.
223. Its grip consisted of brass knuckles, was a chain of rings through which Weary slipped his stubby fingers.
224. The defendants were held not liable for this injury, as the plaintiff's unreasonable conduct broke the chain of causation.
225. Hemoglobin C is an abnormal hemoglobin in which lysine replaces glutamic acid in position 6 of the beta chain.
226. He came to the defense of his younger brother, Von, by swinging a chain at his attacker.
227. Consider Britain, where Tesco, a supermarket chain, is now the brand with the biggest ad budget.
228. Like a couple of convicts bound together by a ball and chain, neither could betray the other without exposing himself.
229. The forces between atoms on a polymer chain are about two orders of magnitude stronger than those between chains.
230. He considered whether the boys' acts broke the chain of causation.
231. And, by the same token, the world will come to be filled with the links in this causal chain.
232. Where the third party act is negligent, it may or may not break the chain of causation.
233. When the Petrini family sold the chain in 1987, it had annual sales of about $ 150 million a year.
234. Perhaps the most impressive beast of all, is the Current Trends Lion with a heavy duty bicycle chain for its mane.
235. Councillors are desperate to attract the supermarket chain to a site in Grange Road occupied by the Caldaire bus company.
236. The chain had two boxing glove pendants and was valued at £65.
237. Grease the bike's chain and any other areas that need attention.
238. Wearing a chic, low cut dress and heavy gold chain she meets our gaze with a challenging look.
239. The Andean goose alters the same junction to the same effect, but with an alteration in the opposite chain.
240. With a half-life of 12 years, tritium could build up in the Tamar estuary and eventually enter the human food chain.
241. She too was calm and stood patiently while he attached the chain to a length of rope around her neck.
242. This will be treated as a novus actus interveniens which breaks the chain of causation.
243. The 125-year-old chain filed for Chapter 11 protections from creditors in July after years of anemic earnings and dwindling sales.
244. Check out the prices for buying into a hamburger or a pizza chain.
245. Sometimes, in their anxiety to reach a female, four or five males cling to one another and form a chain.
246. The fit between CypA and the binding edge of CsA is excellent and centres round the protruding side chain of MeVal-11.




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