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单词 trade
释义 Word family  noun trade trader trading verb trade  Related topics: Trade, Occupationstrade1 /treɪd/ ●●● S3 W1 noun  1  buying/selling 买/卖 [uncountable]BBT the activity of buying, selling, or exchanging goods within a country or between countries 买卖,交易,贸易 SYN commercetrade between There has been a marked increase in trade between East and West. 东西方贸易已有显著增长。 international trade agreements 国际贸易协定 unfair trade practices 不公平的贸易行为trade in Trade in ivory has been banned since 1990. 象牙贸易自1990年起已被禁止。the arms/drug/slave etc trade (=the buying and selling of weapons, drugs etc) 军火/毒品/奴隶等交易 → balance of trade, free trade, → trade war at war(3)2  the hotel/tourist etc trade BBTBUSINESSthe business done by companies, hotels etc 酒店业/旅游业等 → industry Working on Saturdays is usual in the retail trade. 零售业周六工作很平常。3  amount of business 营业额 [uncountable] British EnglishBBTBUSINESS business activity, especially the amount of goods or products that are sold 营业额,交易量 SYN business A lot of pubs nowadays do most of their trade at lunchtimes. 现在许多小酒馆的大多数生意都是在午饭时。passing trade (=customers who go into a shop when they are passing it, not regular customers) 过路客生意 Souvenir shops rely mainly on passing trade. 纪念品商店主要靠的是过路客生意。 → do a roaring trade at roaring(3)4  an exchange of things 物品的交换 [singular] American English a) when you exchange something you have for something that someone else has 交换 Let’s make a trade – my frisbee for your baseball. 我们做个交换吧——我的飞盘换你的棒球。 b) when a player on a sports team is exchanged for a player from another team 〔球队之间的〕队员交换 The Celtics star demanded a trade after talks with management broke down. 和管理层的谈判失败后,这位凯尔特人队的球星要求交换转会。5  the trade BBTBUSINESSa particular kind of business, and the people who are involved in it 某一行业;某一行的人 I could get Ron to look at your car for you; he works in the trade. 我可以让罗恩给你看看车子,他是干这行的。6  job/work 工作 [countable, uncountable]BOJOB/WORK a particular job, especially one needing special skill with your hands 〔尤指需要特殊手工技巧的〕行当,手艺 Brian insisted that his sons learn a trade. 布赖恩坚持要他的儿子们学一门手艺。 My grandfather was a plumber by trade (=that was his job). 我祖父是干管子工这一行的。tools of your trade (=the things that you need to do your job) 干你这一行所需的工具 → stock-in-trade, jack-of-all-trades, → ply your trade at ply1(1), → tricks of the trade at trick1(7)n COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + trade international/foreign tradeInternational trade is essential for long-term economic growth. global/world tradeWe want the poorer nations to benefit from increased global trade.the arms/timber/book etc tradeBritain is heavily involved in the arms trade.the drugs/slave tradethe country’s thriving drugs tradethe tourist tradeThe wildlife and scenery have helped to make the tourist trade Alaska's second industrythe retail trade (=businesses which sell goods in shops to customers)Advertising encourages the retail trade to stock and display the product. the wholesale trade (=businesses which sell goods in large quantities at low prices to other businesses, rather than to the general public)In the domestic market, the wholesale trade and retail trade developed rapidly. trade + NOUNtrade barriers (also barriers to trade formal) (=things that make trade between two countries more difficult or expensive, such as taxes)The removal of trade barriers will help our trading partnership.a trade agreementOn April 3 a new trade agreement between Romania and the USA was signed.a trade embargo (=an official order to stop trade with another country)Delegates urged the US government to lift its trade embargo against talks/negotiationsA further round of trade talks begins this week in Geneva.a trade deficit (=the amount by which the total goods one country sells to others is less than the amount it buys from them)The foreign trade deficit widened by 42% compared with the previous year.a trade surplus (=the amount by which the total goods one country sells to others is more than the amount it buys from them)Scotch whisky is a major contributor to the UK trade balance, with a large trade surplus.Examples from the Corpustrade• Most had not previously been covered by a trade union unemployment scheme.• Young men and women can learn a trade in the military.• The U.S. has maintained a trade embargo against Cuba since 1962.• The war has created favorable conditions for the illegal arms trade.• His father had been a bricklayer by trade.• The free trade zone failed in various incarnations, and investment has been only sporadic.• South Korea and Japan have signed an important trade agreement.• This was in line with the Government's legislation aimed at preventing militancy in trade unions.• New agreements will increase trade between the two countries.• The introduction of the Euro should make trade between European countries much easier.• The Wizards could make more trades that could alter their salary cap structure and the makeup of the team.• Strong exports of services helped the overall balance of trade.• After agriculture, overseas trade accounts for the largest portion of the economy.• Most of the men had worked in skilled trades such as carpentry or printing.• The repression against members of the party, the trade union movement and other progressive organizations increased.• So it was that the trade emulated this sliding scale system for the populace at large.• The trade deficit with China remains high.• The trade in data processing between countries is likely to grow faster than the trade in trade• They include: Jonathan Lux, an international trade and insurance expert at Ince & Co.• The basis for international trade between countries can be explained in terms of the economist David Ricardo's theory of comparative costs.• Economic interdependence First in the economic field-in international trade, investment and finance.• This insight into the ethics of international trade comes from the Geneva-based World Economic Forum, a research organization.• We are firmly opposed to international trade in rare and protected species such as rhinoceroses, cheetahs, leopards, and bears.passing trade• So they left the chef in charge in case any passing trade should appear.• Others are simply roadside cafes where the owner keeps a couple of women for passing trade.• The recession has taken it's toll; they need passing trade to survive.• Coun Walsh said he did not believe the bypass would hit the Guisborough economy by taking passing trade away from shops and garages.make a trade• Frequent curfew and the security forces make trade almost impossible.• We have, however, shown that there exist reasonable conditions that when satisfied, make trade gainful.• They make trading simpler and reduce the associated costs leading to increased employment and better quality goods for consumers.• The company is due to make a trading statement tomorrow.• Last Thursday, the last chance for teams to make trades, no move was the wise move for the Clippers.• If you were trying to make a trade, where would you begin?• The rebels want to make a trade - two of their prisoners for one of the government's.• That would make trade among the republics even harder.learn a trade• A Solution: The Job Corps provides room and board to disadvantaged young adults while they complete their studies and learn trades.• Runs a women's training centre with child care so that women can learn trades and skills.• Too many associates come into the big firms and feeler are led to feel-that they are only here to learn a trade.• She enrolled in the tech school to learn a trade.• I started to learn a trade so many times, and never finished.• He tried hard to wean them away from crime by persuading them to learn a trade instead.Related topics: Stocks & sharestrade2 ●●○ S3 W3 verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]BBT to buy and sell goods, services etc as your job or business 买卖(货物),进行贸易,从事交易trade with India began trading with Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries. 印度于15和16世纪开始和欧洲进行贸易往来。trade in The company trades in silk, tea, and other items. 该公司从事丝绸、茶叶等货品的贸易。 They had to travel into town to trade the produce from their farm. 他们不得不到镇上去出售他们农场的产品。2  [intransitive]BBT British English to exist and operate as a business 做生意,开展业务 The firm now trades under the name Lanski and Weber. 这家公司现在以“兰斯基和韦伯”之名营业。cease trading (=stop being a business because you are bankrupt) 停业3  [transitive]BFS to buy or sell something on the stock exchange 从事〔股票交易〕 Over a million shares were traded today. 今天有一百多万股的交易量。n Grammar Trade is usually passive in this meaning.4. trade insults/blows etc EACH OTHERto insult or hit each other during an argument or fight 对骂/对打等5  [intransitive, transitive] especially American EnglishEXCHANGE to exchange something you have for something someone else has 用…交换…,互相交换 SYN British English swap We traded necklaces. 我们交换了项链。trade something with somebody I wouldn’t mind trading jobs with her. 我想和她换个工作。trade (somebody) something for something I’ll trade you my camera for your drill. 我用我的相机来换你的钻机。 PHRASAL at something phrasal verb if shares etc trade at a particular price, they cost that amount to buy 〔股票等〕交易价格为…7 trade down phrasal verb SELLto replace something you own with something cheaper, or buy a cheaper type of thing than before 以便宜的东西取代;购买较便宜的东西 to Many of their customers are trading down to cheaper cigarettes. 他们的很多顾客都开始降低消费购买较便宜的香烟了。8 trade something ↔ in phrasal verb EXCHANGEto give something such as a car to the person you are buying a new one from, as part of the payment 以〔某物〕折价换购 for He traded his old car in for a new model. 他把旧车折价换购了一辆新款汽车。 → trade-in9 trade something ↔ off phrasal verb EQUALto balance one situation or quality against another, in order to produce an acceptable result 以…作为交换〔以求得某种结果〕;协调平衡 for/against Companies are under pressure to trade off price stability for short-term gains. 各公司都迫于无奈,要牺牲价格的稳定来换取短期的利益。 → trade-off10 trade on/upon something phrasal verb USE A PERSONto use a situation or someone’s kindness in order to get an advantage for yourself 利用〔某一形势或某人的善良〕 If you ask me, they’re just trading on Sam’s good nature. 要我说的话,他们只不过是在利用萨姆的善良。11 trade up phrasal verb BBTEXCHANGEto replace something you own with something better, or buy a better type of thing than before 以更好的东西取代;买更好的东西 to/from It also encourages existing home owners to trade up to larger accommodation. 这还可以鼓励现有的房主置换更大的住所。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpustrade• They were trading 31 lower at 1,035 earlier today.• "What do you have for lunch, a peanut butter sandwich?" "Want to trade?"• We liked each other's clothes, so we traded.• Over a million shares were traded during the day.• How far depended on a firm's skills at trading for its own account.• That rule calls for a one-hour trading halt if the industrial average ever falls 250 points.• Japan is one of our major trading partners.• Ellis was trapped after Liverpool trading standards officers, posing as dealers, smashed a nationwide network of underground sellers.• The debating chamber is often simply used as a platform for trading verbal abuse.• The West is accused of trading weapons for hostages.• The two nations have not traded with each other for over 30 years.• There was always a difficulty in obtaining enough currency, a major barrier to trading with the west.• I'll trade you my baseball for those two with• The U.S. has not traded with the country since the early '90s.cease trading• Under the Celuform scheme, the Company guarantees that faulty workmanship and materials is put right even if the installer has ceased trading.• Unfortunately Carrera have been experiencing financial difficulties and ceased trading.• They represent a crystallised situation, which would have arisen if Hook Harris had ceased trading and been sold off.• Of those individuals that cease trading, half enter full-time employment, further education or training programmes.• The other butcher thought to be involved ceased trading in 1989.• The arrangement ended on 1 January when the Soviet Union ceased trading with its former allies on a convertible rouble basis.• If remedial action is not forthcoming we would cease trading with them.From Longman Business Dictionarytradetrade1 /treɪd/ noun1[uncountable]COMMERCE the activity of buying, selling, or exchanging goods within a country or between countriesTrade between Hong Kong and eastern European countries has been very limited.Restrictive practices in their home market have given Japanese industries an unfair advantage ininternational inThe Reptile Protection Trust wants to ban the trade in pet turtles.2[uncountable]ECONOMICS the value of a country’s imports and exports, especially when these are comparedThe statistics on UK trade provided some basis for optimism.Hungary’s total net trade fell between the last two quarters of the year.The newtrade figures were released today. → external trade → fair trade → foreign trade → free trade → international trade → invisible trade → overseas trade → visible trade3the hotel/banking/motor etc trade(s)COMMERCE the business done by hotels, banks etcThe figures suggest an improvement in theretail trade (=business done by shops).For years, the building trade was in heavy recession.4the rag trade informal the business of making and selling clothes5[singular, uncountable]COMMERCE the level of activity in a company, industry etcTrade is very slow at the moment.Garden centres do most of their trade at weekends.They were doing a brisk trade (=doing a lot of business) in Christmas trees right up to the 24th.The restaurants on Boat Quay were doing a roaring trade (=doing a lot of business). → passing trade6[countable]JOB a particular job, especially one needing special skills with your handsSimilar rates of pay apply in other trades, including carpentry, plumbing and joinery.7[countable usually plural, uncountable]FINANCE buying and selling shares, bonds etc on a stock exchange, or an occasion when people do thisShares of the company were down $265 at $693 in morning trade.For trades of 2,000 or more shares, the charge will be $60 plus five cents a share. → insider trade → wash trade → see also balance of trade, barrier to trade, chamber of tradetradetrade2 verb1[intransitive, transitive]COMMERCE to buy and sell goods, services etc as part of your businessThe agreement allows metals and plastics to be traded among 24 inThey intended to start up a business trading in electronics withThese countries can trade with Britain without having to pay import duties.2[intransitive]COMMERCE to exist and operate as a businessThe joint venture willtrade under the name of Do It All chain.The company currently trades on the American Stock Exchange.3[transitive]FINANCE to buy or sell shares, bonds, currencies, COMMODITIES (=oil, metal, farm products) etc115 million shares were traded, more than 15% of the company’s stock. → trade at something → trade down → trade something ↔ in → trade something ↔ off → trade up→ See Verb tableOrigin trade1 (1300-1400) Middle Low German “course, way, track”trade1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1trade2 verb →n GRAMMAR1 →PHRASAL VERBS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  of activity goods within buying, or Corpus the selling, Business exchanging




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