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单词 hymn
释义  Related topics: Music, Religion & thoughthymn /hɪm/ ●○○ noun [countable]  1  APMRa song of praise to God 圣歌,赞美诗 He liked to sing hymns as he worked. 他工作时喜欢唱赞美诗。2  a hymn to something a book, film, song etc that strongly praises a person or idea 歌颂某事物的书[电影,歌曲等] Their first single was a hymn to selfishness called ‘Looking After Number One’. 他们的第一首单曲是颂扬利己的一首歌,名为《珍惜自我》。3. be singing from the same hymn book/sheet British English used to say that two or more people understand each other and are thinking about something in the same way 〔两个或更多的人〕彼此理解且想法相同Examples from the Corpushymn• a hymn book• There were two organs in the Great Chamber and hymns were often sung.• Even though they are momentarily looking at the same hymn book, they are singing different songs.• He liked the hymns and ever afterwards admired the Congregational hymn book.• This year, I am delighted that my hon. Friends have at least found the same page of the hymn book.• We would play the hymns just the way we played here at the Helios.• This hymn is full of symbolism.sing hymns• Prayer and worship and singing hymns - all silly and useless.• The video also shows McCovery, eyes tightly closed, singing hymns in church or dripping wet after her baptism last August.• Afterwards they had sung hymns in Hindi which were also about the flowing ocean of love.• J., singing hymns and gospels with her family.• Then, as the condemned man sang hymns with a chaplain, he bowed his head and wept.• Every Masai sings hymns to cattle.• At the foot of the Piccadilly Line escalator at Leicester Square a drunk man squatted, singing hymns.• He liked to sing hymns as he worked his way up cliff faces.Origin hymn (800-900) Latin hymnus “song of praise”, from Greek hymnoshymn nounChinese  God Corpus praise of a song to




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