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单词 Sided
1 A hexagon is a six - sided figure.
2 Frank sided with David against their mother.
3 Mr. White sided with me in the argument.
4 The kids always sided with their mother against me.
5 She sided with her brother against the others in the class.
6 The Port Commission sided with the tenants in 1989.
7 Staunton now plays left sided midfield for Ireland.
8 But Fujisaki sided with the defense and bumped her.
9 Franken sided with his father, a Nixon supporter, against his mother, the Kennedy advocate.
10 Nineteen patients had left sided colitis and five patients had more extensive or total colitis.
11 A trial judge sided with Burroughs, however, and threw out the patent challenges before they ever reached a jury.
12 Yes, she's sided against you with your ex but do you really want to hurt her?
13 Sixteen percent of the patients with left sided colitis developed malignant strictures compared with 31% of the patients with universal colitis.
14 In the civil war he sided with Parliament, though the strength of his commitment is unclear.
15 A federal trial court sided with Lockheed, and threw out the claim.
16 In the past, juries have usually sided with the industry, holding smokers liable for the damage they inflict on themselves.
17 The steep sided mountains with a dense covering of trees rose majestically from the valley floor.
18 The fabric of society collapsed, as people sided with the King or Parliament.
19 Angela sided with her new in-laws and said the spread was terrific.
20 Circuit Court of Appeals sided with the state last year.
21 Illustration board: One - sided heavy drawing card.
22 In my opinion, both views are lop - sided.
23 There were 47 patients with universal colitis and 12 patients with left sided colitis.
24 Of the patients with benign strictures, 32 had universal colitis and 10 had left sided involvement alone.
25 The unpaired t test was used to compare the mean levels of diabetic control in two groups by means of a two sided test.
26 The third range is called Colorplush and is a double sided velour.
27 She was strict, but in the ongoing struggle between children and adults she sided with the children.
28 That was when everything could have got really ugly if the man hadn't sided with her.
29 When the two kings had resolved their differences,[] Dynamius sided firmly with Childebert.
30 Deer mandible chewed by small rodents showing the elongated and parallel sided double grooves characteristic of rodent gnawing.
31 The villagers sided with the rich landowner.
32 In the Mise, Louis sided entirely with Henry.
33 Specialize manufactured double sided and multilayer PCB from 1986.
34 Love mostly is double sided. dedication at front, appropriation at back side.
35 The system provides uniform distribution of oil finish by double sided application to each individual threadline.
36 Application: Single - sided printing board , green oil, EL, flexible printed board and so on.
37 The 4-1 decision upholds a lower court ruling that sided with Jennifer Henn and her former employer, the Times-Tribune of Scranton.
38 Yellow flowers clustered in a one - sided umbel of the plant.
39 Conclusions The right hepatic lobectomy is ideal and effective treatment for right - sided hepatolithiasis.
40 The securing means 4 of the active device mount base 2 comprises a resilient, four sided, rhombic-shaped structure extending from the base 2 and encompassing the can 8 of the active device.
41 The H - shaped dipole radiator changes the single - sided radiator oscillator into double - sided.
42 Try to avoid being subjective and one - sided when looking at problems.
43 Governmentstandard consciousness lives actually to behave be many sided mediumly in the society, and have catholicity.
44 The "ultras" as they are known, have long tangled with police and during the revolution one year ago sided with the protesters.
45 Oversimplified, one - sided or arbitrary arguments will not serve the purpose.
46 So it is one - sided to compare only Taiwan's somewhat higher average income with the mainland's.
47 Next, It'studies all - sided aspects of DNC system detailedly including communication structure, function and classification.
48 I Have Desired to Go by Gerard Manley Hopkins I have desired to go Where springs not fail, To fields where flies no sharp and sided hail, And a few lilies blow.
49 This is dangerous, leading to a one - sided , triumphalist portrayal of the war.
50 On the other hand, Mr Obama never sided unequivocally with progressives as the debate dragged on.
51 All carpets floor covering must be affixed with double - sided tapes.
52 Eurasian primrose with yellow flowers clustered in a one - sided umbel.
53 Adjustable cutter head: uniquely cyclotron cut - off, double sided cutting edge with a long service life.
54 In Nehru's times, - American economic ties mainly embodied India's - aided loveone - sided desire for American economic aids.
55 I had to take up the gauntlet; otherwise they would think truth sided with them.
56 Second, the two - sided kidney stone , nearby two must operate, the baby withstands with difficulty.
57 Ispecializes in high -, medium - and low - grade single - sided matching welcome Corrugating Machine.
58 As Croce attributes all human activities to the results of expression of man' s soul, his "Theory of Expression" , naturally and inevitably, cannot avoid being lop-sided or one - sided.
59 Lop - sided stress first on grain, and then on side - lines and industrial crops.
60 A small little kitchen appliance company wanted him to endorse a little two sided electric grill and put his name on it.
61 Reports say Ambassador Galbraith has sided with the Canadian chairman of the Electoral Complaints Commission, Grant Kippen, to take a hard line and toss out all tainted ballots.
62 The Straight Sided Insert is a threadless check valve designed to be inserted into any cavity where a check valve is needed and threads are not desired.
63 Disperse dye microcapsules were applied in thermosol dyeing, transfer printing, multi-color and multi-dot printing and double sided printings.
64 The WG series, (double guided wedge parallel grippers), achieves synchronous motion with a double acting piston attached via the piston shaft to a double sided wedge.
65 At present , many double - sided, multi - layer boards still insist on cutting, before or after baking sheet.
66 If the communication is one - sided , it denotes telepathy.
67 Was it in Paris that the black hard - sided Globetrotter bag was lost?
68 Take the concern that metaphysical one - sided point of view observes and treats both, can cause internecine.
69 They are usually located in ileocecal valve or right - sided colon.
70 Russia sided with France and Germany to block a Bush-backed U.N. resolution sanctioning military conflict to disarm Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.
71 The development, technical principle, equipment structural characteristics and application cases of the technology of settling separation in narrow tilting upflow are described in a whole - sided way.
72 You need to confront those who have sided against you.
73 Under the indirect laryngoscope sees: The two - sided vocal cord movement is normal.
74 In left - sided pneumonectomy patients, R volumes were normal whereas L ejection fraction was abnormally low.
75 Glue leftover cards, double sided tape or rubber cement and hang as holiday artwork.
76 As one of special forms of complicity, one - sided accomplice possesses special constituents.
77 Square Sided Labeling System is an ideal choice for the daily chemicals, food and beverages, pharmaceutical and other light industries automatic sides labeling on square bottles.
78 Double - sided card printing effect is unable to impersonate.
79 However, it is not only the one sided flexibility, the "military adventurism" must be left behind at first by the North Korea.
80 The necessity that he shall conform, that he shall cohere, is not one - sided.
81 Dynamic end effect of single sided linear induction motor (SLIM) is caused by the eddy current in the secondary with the increase of SLIM speed.
82 Our Middle Class consists of Equilateral or Equal - Sided Triangles.
83 Be careful to avoid being subjective and one - sided.
84 Double - sided adhesive tape, conductive tape, tied to tape, PE foam, such as Taiwan.
85 One - sided and introspective mathematical speculation leads into sterile fields.
86 OPP packing tape, double sided tape , masking tape, kraft tape, copy paper.
87 A method that deals with the inductive coupling between pipelines is also given, which extends the application range of the double sided elimination method.
88 Finally all - sided to review the women's status of the Renaissance Italy under the dowry system.
89 The dodecahedron (12 sided) shaped object you see actually consists of 12 speakers which allow for non-directional 360 degree sound field.
90 Economy and politics are impartible an economy course, political action and influence are many sided.
91 There was a certain combativeness in her voice, as if those who did not help had sided with the dark forces responsible for litter, decay and dilapidation .
92 Four - sided rectangle shape that can be customized by dragging any selection handle.
93 It has characteristics of variations of form, denseness of distribution, all - sided functions and trenchancy of effect.
94 Hoxha and Shehu apparently decided in May or June 1960 that Albania was assured of Chinese support, and they openly sided with China when sharp polemics erupted between China and the Soviet Union.
95 Three judges on a federal appeals court had earlier sided with the city of New Haven.
96 Brian sided with his sister, which led his mother to accuse him of being disloyal.
97 To oppose the subjectivist, one - sided approach to problems, we must demolish dogmatist subjectiveness and one - sidedness .
98 Horizontal double sided NC combined drilling machine is specially designed for the machining of main shaft journal hole and crank arm journal straight oil hole of crankshaft with six cylinders.
99 And both one - sided implementation and one - sided one - sided accomplice with non - existence of one - sided organization and one - sided abetment.
100 The wheels, spoiler and motor tuning guarantee even more driving pleasure with the many - sided car.
101 Shortly after endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography procedure , right - sided pneumothorax , subcutaneous, retroperitoneal, and mediastinal emphysema were noted.
102 The company has Heidelberg Subaru four - color, color, offset lithography, double - sided printing presses, such as printing equipment.
103 Six - sided shape that can be customized by dragging any selection handle.
104 Three - sided equilateral triangle that can be customized by dragging any selection handle.
105 Blocking the open - sided porch, framed by the enveloping fog, stood a tall grave - faced policeman.
106 The thought is notional of one - sided, utility consciousness and right consciousness are emphasized.
107 In the split decision, Chief Justice John Roberts, a conservative, sided with the dissenters.
108 The Patent and Trademark Office has sided with the proponents and has issued thousands of patents on genes of various organisms, including on an estimated 20 percent of human genes.
109 Machine rigidity of its structure can be double - sided operation, durable precision cutting work surface.
110 Both approaches to the problem are subjective and one - sided , or, in a word, unscientific.
111 It might not be fair to be so one - sided , but that'snature of the service business.
112 Mobius it's a one sided strip where when you go around, you flip one side becomes the other.
113 However, the common business practice suggests a notion of one - sided risk ( downside - risk ).
114 Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effects of right lobectomy on the right - sided hepatolithiasis.
115 In 1774, in the most important copyright case in Anglo-American legal history, the British House of Lords sided with Donaldson and rejected the idea of a perpetual copyright.
116 We should avoid a - sided approach and look at problems all-sidedly.
117 He conceived the first proof that the 17 - sided polygon is constructible.
118 Is the dog slab sided ( lack of rib spring ) or barrel ribbed ( too wide )?
119 Beef cattle initial stage of element of integrated many sided breeds dimensions with 5,[sentencedict .com]6 are appropriate.
120 Sheet Machinable FPC, PET, PCB, double sided tape, protective film, thin copper and aluminum and other electronic materials, die-cut full cut and a half off.
121 We won the first game by a lop - sided score of 15 to 2.
122 Use of high - quality float glass, frost - sided, silk screening process!
123 The farmer's reasonableness is a two - sided sword of the social mobilization.
124 This index is not suitable for folded normal distribution, which is one - sided.
125 Founded in 2006, specializing in the production of single double - sided hot stamping machine.




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