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单词 hymn book
释义  Related topics: Christianityˈhymn book (also hymnal /ˈhɪmnəl/ technical) noun [countable]  RRCa book of hymns 圣歌集,赞美诗集Examples from the Corpushymn book• They were sharing a hymn book and singing.• He liked the hymns and ever afterwards admired the Congregational hymn book.• Even though they are momentarily looking at the same hymn book, they are singing different songs.• Birmingham and I are more often on the same page in the hymn book on the issues than I and Sen.• This year, I am delighted that my hon. Friends have at least found the same page of the hymn book.ˈhymn book nounChineseSyllable  hymns of Corpus a book




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