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单词 Impetus
1. The report may provide further impetus for reform.
2. The treaty gave a fresh impetus to trade.
3. Each new rumour added fresh impetus to the smear campaign.
4. His articles provided the main impetus for change.
5. This is the primary impetus behind the economic recovery.
6. The discovery gave fresh impetus to the research.
7. The movement is steadily gaining impetus.
8. The treaty gave fresh impetus to trade.
9. The slope added impetus to his speed.
10. Much of the impetus for change came from customers' opinions.
11. The main impetus behind the move west was to find gold and other minerals.
12. The Prime Minister's support will give added impetus to the campaign against crime.
13. The recent publicity surrounding homelessness has given fresh impetus to the cause.
14. This decision will give renewed impetus to the economic regeneration of east London.
15. The treaty will give an impetus to trade between the two countries.
16. The impetus came from the unions.
17. Their negative reaction was added impetus.
18. But impulses can start anywhere,[Sentencedict] given enough impetus.
19. It had an impetus for us.
20. Where, then, does the impetus for creativity come from?
21. The impetus must come from the top.
22. Each wild rumour adds new impetus to the exodus.
23. The process of proletarianisation has also received some impetus from the spread of agribusiness in the region.
24. The original impetus for nuclear power, of course, was military.
25. Mozart had brought fresh impetus to a time-worn formula thanks to his recent exposure to exciting new developments in Paris.
26. By 1982, she was restless and needed a new impetus for her talent.
27. With the death of its founder, the campaign lost much of its impetus.
28. His disappointment in the World Championships provided the necessary impetus to give everything for this final race.
29. The debate seems to have lost much of its initial impetus.
30. In all four schools specific study and library skills initiatives had been born out of, or given impetus by, the project.
1. The report may provide further impetus for reform.
2. The treaty gave a fresh impetus to trade.
3. Each new rumour added fresh impetus to the smear campaign.
4. By 1982, she was restless and needed a new impetus for her talent.
5. This is the primary impetus behind the economic recovery.
31. The impetus for change in the industry was provided by a new management team.
32. Above all, Partnership has added an exciting and stimulating impetus to the development of our school.
33. But a lot of the impetus has come from the cash Thorn paid when he sold the record company.
34. For the Downland, sheep remained dominant; it was in the coastal plain and Weald that a new impetus was given.
35. It would give impetus to strategic disarmament negotiations, he said.
36. The Surgeon General has provided the impetus for health prevention programs.
37. The area where the Industrial Revolution had received its greatest impetus was soon one of high unemployment.
38. The popularity of rap and hip-hop with young white provided further impetus and black directors were suddenly in demand.
39. Mann's children may provide the initial impetus for her practice, but the conceptual agenda lies beyond them.
40. The Surgeon General's speech will give new impetus to the anti-smoking campaign.
41. During the 1920s and 1930s interest in occupational family allowances grew but the impetus to introduce them came largely from individuals.
42. Technological change, especially in military weapons,[] gave added impetus to the new expansionism.
43. Carey Lohrenz, the F-14 Tomcat pilot whose grounding was the impetus for the probe, was unqualified to fly carrier-based aircraft.
44. This may partly account for an apparent lack of impetus from the start.
45. In 1987 there were three further statements after the Venice summit, maintaining the impetus towards greater policy coordination.
46. This impetus, in turn, gives social theory new insights into how individual selves negotiate larger social structures.
47. The impetus fur any step, pose or gesture should be part of the overall rhythm of the ballet.
48. This destroys your impetus and your courage to confront your fears.
49. Press criticism has been the main impetus behind the government reforms.
50. This view received added impetus from the proposal to construct the Trans-Siberian Railway.
51. By the late 1970s the impetus towards central control was well established.
52. Gorbad's wound causes him to become weaker and weaker, until the Waaagh gradually loses impetus.
53. Maintaining the impetus for change is brought about by nothing less than dogged determination.
54. This has rightly been seen as an impetus towards the fusion of legacy and trust.
55. While responses to the Kirklees Report were being discussed, a further incident gave impetus to more precise anti-racist policies.
56. This conclusion was the main impetus behind the King's Fund scheme of ward training for newly appointed sisters.
57. Winnicott was a subtle and original thinker who did much to give new impetus and direction to Freudian psychology.
58. This provides a major impetus for the involvement of tenants in the management of their homes.
59. However, science springs ultimately from the human urge to truth, and dogmatism eventually gives way under this impetus.
60. A major impetus has been that users found this detailed budgetary accounting confusing.
61. Fresh legs do not always bring fresh impetus, unless they belong to Joe Worsley or Trevor Woodman.
62. This impetus originated mainly from two previously noted sources: the user's immediate family and the police.
63. This means you are not given the same level of initial impetus.
64. They would drop almost into range, and then make use of the slope to give impetus to their charge.
65. Promoting enterprise Government needs to provide an immediate impetus to get the economy moving.
66. In recent years, they have given a new impetus to the forecasting of natural disasters.
67. In the middle of the recession, the economy needs new impetus not a tax cut.
68. New products are introduced every quarter to give the sales force fresh impetus.
69. After all, it was inspiration from the patchwork quilts in 1952 which had proved the original impetus for the whole company.
70. The enquiry's initial impetus was being lost and now they were all groping.
71. This hint of planning poses as yet unanswerable questions about the early impetus towards urban development.
72. Such was the impetus for the new phase of Middle East peace-making launched in October 1991.
73. Nevertheless there are important factors that give a strong impetus to a reductivist reasoning.
74. Despite his love of distraction, Minton in his career as yet showed no loss of impetus.
75. What I had come to suspect was that Botham was no longer running in with the same menace and impetus as before.
76. The end of the Wall gives a powerful impetus for new security thinking, which the West would be foolish to ignore.
77. The coming of war in 1914 quickly gave new impetus to the hitherto rather limited and amateurish propaganda efforts of governments.
78. The crises of 1947 and 1949 might have given strong impetus to planning.
79. Provided that it did no positive harm, they reckoned, it could spread unchecked under its own impetus.
80. At all events, it was this group of the dispossessed that gave the first successful impetus to the Revolution.
81. The opening of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway in 1829 provided further impetus.
82. The impetus will have to come from older people themselves.
83. Nevertheless there are important factors that give a strong impetus to a reductivist reasoning. Let us consider the ontological version first.
84. This laser provided an early impetus for studies of instabilities by tending to produce noisy, spiked output even under quasi-steady excitation.
85. Researching the area to be covered in advance puts a new impetus back into flying.
86. Their only saving grace is that they probably were an impetus towards social reform.
87. War conditions added to the general impetus for change but at the same time they also inhibited change.
88. In many ways the most powerful impetus to greater concentrations came from the state.
89. This is the main impetus behind the expansion of further and higher education in the past dozen years.
90. But the major inflationary impetus was provided by the conjunction of two factors.
91. The Commission has many allies when it argues that enlarging the Community will provide the impetus necessary for closer Political integration.
92. Peter the Great gave dramatic impetus to the westernization which had begun to affect Muscovy.
93. The same consideration applies to the initial impetus for your story.
94. She seized the handle, but the impetus was too great, and it was wrenched from her convulsive grasp.
95. This provided the impetus for the opening sentence of Gaudium et Spes.
96. It was further claimed that the wage determination mechanism conducted on this basis gave a strong impetus to inflation.
97. The founding of these organisations gave real impetus to a movement directed towards improving the lot of domestic animals.
98. But it needed the right impetus to get him out of it.
99. In Kwangju a protester received a near-fatal beating by police in an incident which served to give fresh impetus to the protests.
100. Yesterday it was Chris Evert, normally her rival, who provided the impetus.
101. That in turn would hopefully provide an impetus for closer political union.
102. Government policy does not believe transport planning gives road haulage impetus!
102. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
103. Rohmer was surprisingly strong, but the impetus of Cardiff's lunge spun him away from the girl.
104. It was this impetus that spurred the community leaders on to forming a fully established radio station.
105. The initial impetus for the rethink came not from the officials but from Sir Stafford Cripps in the summer of 1946.
106. So it was that the companies gradually came to terms with the increasing traffic and provided it with a further impetus.
107. This type of study provided the impetus to investigation of the role of angioplasty for residual thrombosis following thrombolytic therapy.
108. This view may have been the impetus behind the annual congressional attempts to revoke most-favored nation trade status.
109. All of the capacities could have evolved independently, but then obtained further impetus for change from the gradual emergence of language.
110. The impetus for these practices came from the need to remunerate the rapidly expanding number of clerks in royal service.
111. The nation expected a radical new impetus from Mrs Thatcher in May 1979, but it was curiously long in coming.
112. The impetus which drove them to expand in all directions from this base is not fully explained.
113. Gathering research data has an impetus of its own and this part of the research procedure was carried through reasonably smoothly.
114. But it has been given a new impetus, even an urgency, by the advent of modern computer technology.
115. On New Year's Day they briefly topped the division, but since then have lost players and impetus.
116. The fact that other economies are expanding adds an external stimulus to any internal impetus provided by reflation.
117. This combination of higher self-esteem and greater safety created a powerful impetus toward greater intimacy.
118. Impetus for reform came first in science and technology.
119. This is an encouragement [ impetus ] to us.
120. The competent petitioner thinks the perpetual impetus is pretty.
121. Impetus of a physical object in motion.
122. The president's plan gave fresh impetus to industry.
123. The consequent collisions with state power weakened its impetus.
124. These conditions can give an impetus to trade.
125. Children need an impetus to study.
126. Her speech gave an impetus to my ideas.
127. The response acceleration and its maximum of a package with SDOF have been calculated according to the transient oscillation theory and response reiterative effects under impetus of repetitive shocks.
128. By analyzing the relations between import and export and China's GDP growth, this paper affirms the importance of import trade to GDP growth impetus.
129. The global cultural communications change the situation of the respective cultural development, provide a co-culture context for the global culture, and give an impetus to the cultural globalization.
130. The progress of border trade and the foreign investment give an impetus to the economic development of Guangxi.
131. Judicature should be of independence, the realization of the judicial independence depends on its impetus factors.
132. The information-dominant police affairs come from the impetus of the information affairs and the traction of the information to the police affairs from the view of the information link.
133. Material elements needed the impetus of intangibles of faith and dedication.
134. Must have one kind of impetus key position in a people's country,[http:///impetus.html] this is a moral excellence.
135. But it received a impetus from the success of the stilo culto of Gongora in poetry.
136. As hi-tech has different features compared with general goods trade, the different stages of its life cycle gives different impetus to int'l trade of various countries.
137. Though Pure Mathematics has led to useful discoveries, much of the impetus has come from the physical sciences.
138. Rightly orienting the commodity export strategy, realizing the export's persisting impetus to economic rising.
139. A belief in the strength of an open and nonproprietary environment for Ajax development provided the impetus to open the powerful tool to the public.
140. The rapid scale development of the broadband market and the endless emerge of new services represented by IPTV will give an impetus to the development of broadband access technology.
141. Under the impetus of the global wave of green consumption, environmental services, as a new form of services, is rapidly becoming the focus of global green market.
142. Under the impetus of the feminist movement and criticism, the image of madwoman in Jane Eyre has come to arouse some interest and attention from people, but not seemingly enough.
143. The development of information network technology give an impetus to online publication of sci-tech papers, but the new paper published models have not been the people's recognition.
144. Generally speaking, they are in good quality, containing manifold arguments and debates, which provide much food for researchers and give an impetus to the upsurge in studying "Classic of Poetry".
145. The impetus for distribution of social wealth keeps changing in history and a great discrepancy exists between the traditional distribution basis and fairly sharing reform achievements.
146. Nonetheless(), the rapid proletarianization process has given impetus to the development of workers' movement.
147. Buridan's work was continued by his disciple, Nicholas Oresme, around the year 1370; impetus theory anticipated Newton's first law of motion.
148. The major impetus for agencies to make greater use of their rulemaking authority came from Congress.
149. Artists should actively answer the impact of informatizational tide, give an impetus to the China traditional arts renaissance of the new century with a new thinking.
150. So in a way the new vetting processes are giving the hope that there will be a fresh impetus to deal with the past.
151. "Self-movement" is a characteristics of things that the impetus for development comes from inside.
152. The judicial precedent is impetus to the development of the law.
153. The initial impetus to perform moola bandha stimulates the cerebral cortex of the central nervous system.
154. The major origin and impetus of veneration of Mary comes from the Christological controversies of the early church - many debates denying in some way the divinity or humanity of Jesus Christ.
155. In the era of knowledge economy, intelligence resource sharing is the main impetus of economy increasing.
156. The western development requires the prior development in important central cities, which can form growth pole and give an impetus to western region.
157. Indeed, soaring budget costs in the mid - 1980's provide the main impetus for agricultural reform.
158. The construction of harmonious and ecological Hainan requires innovations in terms of thinking, concepts, system, organization and methods, which needs the impetus from advanced culture.
159. The impetus for constitutionalism is mainly exogenousand the international circumstances are more influential.
160. We can see the clues which shows that religious music gives believers psychologic impetus in analysis psychology.
161. The result indicates that the supersaturation caused by the temperature grades between main flow and the pipe wall is the inherent impetus of salt-out in green liquid.
162. As a rising state, China's development requires peaceful time and space condition, under which the establishing and uplifting of soft power is a must impetus.
162. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
163. She was restless and needed a new impetus for her talent.
164. Functional Analysis on the Educational Impetus of Extracurricular Activities in College.
165. In the development of society informatization and network information service, the network-based information resource management technical impetus are the important factors.
166. The impetus Contemporary China Marxism popularity is the time party and the country fate strategic decision.
167. This feeling, I am sure, gives much impetus to the police.
168. Penalty as a reaction to crime, was created because of culture, and was evolute because of cultural development and evolution, and the reprieve of penalty is the direct impetus to cultural progress.
169. Experience, the financial capital investment will an impetus to the use of rapid growth.
170. Gianfranco Zola, who retired today, Wednesday, one week before his 39th birthday, thanked Chelsea fans for giving him the impetus to carry on so long in his career.
171. The Mukden Incident (18 September 1931), which gave the Japanese an impetus to create the Manchukuo state, took place near Shenyang.
172. In light of the universal phenomenon of information distortion in current securities business, this paper expounds the impetus for "big bath" caused by the allowances for assets impairment.
173. Investment multiplier is a hot spot issue concerned by decision-maker and academia recently, and it reflects the chain reaction and impetus of investment towards gross income.
174. Core issue in the political system reform still is to resolve the problem about impetus, and actuating mechanism regards as the essential of political restructuring.
175. Manpower capital investment and corporeal capital invest, it is the main impetus that economy grows.
176. Continuously old low confused Japanese economy appears anabiosis impetus, show with the feature that differs before.
177. That Byzantium holding out Moscow is one of outside impetus of rise of Moscow.
178. Given these circumstances, Japan had of course broken the dominion relationship between the Ryukyus and Ch'ing Dynasty China, giving a major impetus to Japan's policy of merger with the Ryukyus.
179. But the Great Depression of 1929 - 1940 was the impetus for great union growth.
180. This gave the impetus to two important international legal regimes: the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) and the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC).
181. Finally, we must impetus the legal system construction of environmental administrative guidance.
182. On this basis, the paper from the impact from the audience, the positive impetus on the process of legal system and the promotion the self-development program to sum up TV legal program achievements.
183. In the past 40 years, the export of primary goods and semi-processed products has been an element that gives an impetus to the growth of export goods production.
184. There is a danger of the housing programme running out of steam, ie losing its impetus.
185. These ideas give an impetus to the practical thinking on social affairs and meet the social demand in the Yuan dynasty.
186. As the "founding father" of American drama, Eugene Gladstone O'Neill has bestowed upon the American theatre a fresh impetus and an entirely new integrity.
187. We will continue to give impetus to the Doha round of trade talks, oppose protectionism in all forms, and work to make the international economic order more just, equitable and mutually beneficial.
188. Formalization is necessary requirement and directive impetus for design patterns.
189. At present the main impetus to the Weifang Diesel Engine parts production.
190. Therefore, neoteric peasant movements are the major impetus of Chinas earlier modernization.
191. The omnibearing joint with literature from content to form produces the main impetus for Chinese films to go ahead from winter to summer.
192. The car ran down the hill under its own impetus.
192. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
193. Remus was not an Animagus; he was a werewolf; it was his monthly transformation into a wolf that earned him the nickname " Moony " and provided the impetus for the others to become Animagi.
194. Some research examples have shown that the "Optimization of Roiling" will bring about great economic benefit and give an impetus to the theory and practice in rolling.
195. China, the full opening up and the profound reform in the public services areas to the foreign counterparts greatly give impetus to the development of the tertiary industry.
196. The major inflationary impetus was provided by the conjunction of two factors.
197. Motivation provides learners with the impetus andintentions and goal - seeking acts.
198. That has provided the impetus for inventing P2P, or person-to-person, technologies to handle the surge.
199. As the practice indicates, ethics and morals, in social process, function as a force of guidance, impetus and restriction as well.
200. At the beginning of the 20th century, the modern education reform process was begun under the impetus of the New Deal late ching dynasty in Fengtien province.
201. As one of the major impetus , medium and small enterprises have played an irreplaceable role in the economic and social development in China.
202. EMI's special strategic position and its important role in national economy determine that its development is the impetus of revivification of northeast traditional industrial bases.
203. The special authority relations are one kind of social relations which really exists, in the last few years, in under the judicial trial impetus, our country's correlation research already started.
204. Structuralism philosophy is the impetus of dual structure theory changing.
205. The recent observations of noctilucent clouds at all kinds of latitudes provide an extra impetus to understand what is going on up there.
206. In the first part, the author will cast a general glimpse of Drabble's life, and education which serves as the impetus and provides rich material for her literary creation.
207. Conversational unit transfer includes interruptive transfer and non-interruptive transfer, and the latter has a internal impetus with a regularity.
208. Flash impetus and adopting projection anulus controlling upsetting, steady speed flash and quality of butt welding point is well.
209. Experts express that the development of tourism will give an impetus to the rapid development of related industries and aviation tourism will gain momentum of good development.
210. Sunbird Chemical Manufacturing Inc has certified by the ISO9001. Innovation of management and technology are the key impetus for us to improve ourselves.
211. The impetus of research about BLM is come from animality. The BLM (bilayer lipid membrane) self-assembly of organism has been reported for the first time at 1961.
212. According to industry analysis, the real estate market strong impetus first came from the effective demand for the release of individuals.
213. British Monopoly Act gave impetus to achievement of valuable labor, appearance of industrial capitalism, and establishment of modern property right.
214. I predict that an impetus will be the discovery of a habitable planet around the nearest pair of stars: Alpha and Beta Centauri.
215. The execution of insurance enterprise is a combined system with abilities and impetus .
216. Continuous education network system and constitution construction give an impetus to guarantee teachers' further education, but there is still much for improvement.
217. Jhering's theory had great influence to German law-making and judicial precedent and gave impetus to the law-making of countries belonging to the Continental Law System.
218. In order to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests and give great impetus to the construction of peasant labor' s security system, trade union organization, ...
219. Greed is the impetus of corporate fraud, integrity, justice, limpidity and responsibility are basic to corporate sustainable growth.
220. Momentum: Impetus of a physical object in motion... or of a body in straight line motion to stay in motion in a straight line unless acted on by an outside force.
221. Both in Europe and U. S. , the day nursery movement received great impetus during the First World War, when shortage of manpower caused the industrial employment of unprecedented numbers of women.
222. In the 14th century, Europeans surpassed their ancient predecessors by developing theories of impetus and uniform acceleration.
223. This paper looks into the development impetus, pattern and bottleneck of venous industry, definitudes its development target, and provides available references for its development direction.
224. The impetus that develops a wide place in the road is industrial conduct.
225. I hope that this anniversary will result in a new impetus for field-based biology and palaeontology to answer such questions.
226. We would then have to use this to give impetus to the search for peace.
227. At present, the impetus for a new round of revitalization of the local economy lies in the development of the strategic infant industry.
228. How did the original music of Arirang, as a voluminous "homonymy ballad group", serve as an impetus for the forming of the Arirang phenomenon?




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