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单词 town crier
释义  Related topics: Occupationsˌtown ˈcrier noun [countable]  BOPUBLICIZE/MAKE KNOWNsomeone employed in the past to walk around the streets of a town, shouting news, warnings etc 街头公告员,公告传报人〔旧时受雇沿街大声宣读公告的人〕Examples from the Corpustown crier• The old town crier was an advertiser.• Mr Chittenden resigned from his post as Chester's town crier last year.• Mr Chittenden was replaced as Chester's town crier last year after he resigned.• Even the town crier of nearby Faringdon was on hand to give an official reception.ˌtown ˈcrier nounChineseSyllable  employed someone Corpus in walk around the past to




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