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单词 Surprising
1 We had a surprising amount in common.
2 It's surprising how many people applied for the job.
3 She told me a surprising thing.
4 It's surprising what people will do for money.
5 It's surprising how the bills tot up.
6 The answer he gave was quite surprising.
7 A surprising number of people came.
8 For a small woman she has surprising strength.
9 It's not surprising they lost.
10 A surprising percentage of the population are illiterate.
11 It is not surprising that children learn to read at different rates.
12 The man's survival was surprising, as the doctors thought he would die.
13 A recent poll suggests some surprising changes in public opinion.
14 It's not surprising you feel weak if you haven't eaten properly for days.
15 His ignorance is surprising.
16 The changes were not at all surprising.
17 The candidate made surprising inroads in the South.
18 His rapid ascent in the social scale was surprising.
19 He gave a rather surprising answer.
20 It's surprising that he shall be so foolish.
21 The novel shows a surprising poverty of imagination.
22 It is hardly surprising that rumours continue to circulate.
23 With surprising agility,[] Karl darted across the road.
24 He jumped over the wall with surprising agility.
25 In a surprising denouement(), she becomes a nun.
26 It's surprising what strong memories a photograph can produce.
27 The surprising attack was on at the first light.
28 His omission from the team is rather surprising.
29 Her husband's left her and the kids are running wild, so it's not surprising that she can't cope.
30 The sense of kinship between the two men is surprising.
1 We had a surprising amount in common.
2 It's surprising how many people applied for the job.
3 She told me a surprising thing.
4 It's surprising what people will do for money.
5 A surprising number of people came.
6 It's not surprising they lost.
7 A surprising percentage of the population are illiterate.
8 It is not surprising that children learn to read at different rates.
9 The man's survival was surprising, as the doctors thought he would die.
10 A recent poll suggests some surprising changes in public opinion.
11 It's not surprising you feel weak if you haven't eaten properly for days.
12 The sense of kinship between the two men is surprising.
13 His ignorance is surprising.
14 The candidate made surprising inroads in the South.
15 His rapid ascent in the social scale was surprising.
16 It is not surprising that such a view has led to very considerable conflict.
17 It was surprising that he finished writing a novel in only twenty days.
18 It is surprising how soon historical personages became invested with romantic attributes.
31 It's surprising how much milk the bread sops up.
32 It was a document of surprising bulk.
33 It's surprising how quickly you get used to things.
34 A surprising number of his paintings have survived.
35 New research has yielded up some surprising discoveries.
36 The minister received the bad news with surprising equanimity.
37 There were some surprising inclusions in the list.
38 "That is surprising." — "Hardly," I said drily.
39 The results were not altogether surprising.
40 Hedgehogs, though small, can move with surprising speed.
41 He received the news with surprising equanimity.
42 This surprising development quite shook me.
43 He plays the piano with surprising facility.
44 We never looked for such a surprising result.
44 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
45 Her facility with / in languages is surprising.
46 The anthology has a surprising sense of coherence.
47 Surprising as it might seem, some tourists actually enjoy the British weather.
48 After a gruelling six months singing on a world tour, it is hardly surprising that her voice is starting to go.
49 It is not surprising that such a view has led to very considerable conflict.
50 It is hardly surprising that new mothers often suffer from depression.
51 Considering the amount of stress she's under, it's not surprising she keeps getting migraines.
52 That there are problems with this kind of definition is hardly surprising, given its level of generality.
53 It is not perhaps surprising that the administration now appears so indecisive and unfocused.
54 Second-placed Auxerre suffered a surprising 2-0 home defeat to Nantes.
55 A surprising number of ailments are caused by unsuspected environmental factors.
56 It would be surprising were the Mafia not to have muscled in.
57 It somehow seems hardly surprising that Ms Player is now his sworn enemy.
58 In a surprising break with convention, she wore a red wedding dress.
59 After a six-hour flight and a long day of meetings, it's not surprising you conked out.
60 A surprising number of customers order the same sandwich every day.
61 It's hardly surprising that she won't answer his calls after the way he's treated her.
62 He's a top goalkicker with a surprising turn of speed.
63 It is surprising that it has taken people so long to take advantage of what is a win-win opportunity.
64 The film has a surprising depth of emotion for a comedy.
65 Clearly, the hypothesis does need some refinement, in the light of these surprising results.
66 It was surprising that he finished writing a novel in only twenty days.
67 I must say that it's surprising to find you agreeing with me for once.
68 My inability to do needlework was treated with surprising indulgence by my teacher.
69 It's hardly surprising she was fired; she never did any work.
70 "We really don't know what to do about it, " she said with surprising candour.
71 It is not surprising they did so badly in last year's elections.
72 If you feed your dog on cakes and biscuits, it's not surprising he's so fat.
73 It's not surprising the company's in debt - it's been completely mismanaged.
74 Madeira has an ideal climate, and so it is not surprising that it has become a tourist paradise.
75 It is not surprising that most parents experience occasional difficulties.
76 He moved with surprising swiftness for a man of his age.
77 It is not surprising the company's in debt ——it's been completely mismanaged.
78 He had only visited the village once, but remembered it with surprising clarity.
79 It was surprising the government was re-elected, given that they had raised taxes so much.
80 Is it surprising that young people who are politically illiterate do not bother to vote?
81 People are living longer than ever before, so even people who are 65 or 70 have a surprising amount of time left.
82 It's hardly/scarcely/not surprising you're putting on weight, considering how much you're eating.
83 We can predict changes with a surprising degree of accuracy.
84 She'd mentioned it casually once(), surprising him by her unconcern.
85 Objects like this turn up at sales with surprising frequency.
86 It's surprising they lost.
87 It is surprising how soon historical personages became invested with romantic attributes.
88 The results of the vote were surprising - 80% of workers favoured strike action.
89 It's not surprising when you consider that he only arrived 6 months ago.
90 It is surprising how many people start sounding off about something without really deciding what they think about it.
91 The baby was born with a surprising bush of black hair.
92 He began caressing her with a surprising gentleness.
93 The second appellation is somewhat more surprising.
94 They puke with great accuracy and surprising range.
95 Desperation can make a person do surprising things. Veronica Roth 
96 Russell's findings are not altogether surprising.
97 Its unamplified acoustic properties are really quite surprising.
98 Her black and white study of proud Paul holding Mary is the most surprising.
99 In this sense it is not surprising that the study of social policy has been deeply concerned with the improvement of policies.
100 This film was original, surprising, oddly real in its emotional content, oddly compelling in its naturalness.
101 The distinctive area of the single television play has produced a surprising number of allusions to homosexuality.
102 It is perhaps more surprising that they do sometimes attend to such matters, if never with full care and attention.
103 On that kind of information, it is hardly surprising that the judge came to the conclusion that he did.
104 But it's not really surprising that this accommodation should come to pass.
104 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
105 It is not surprising, therefore, that old people make fairly heavy demands on medical care.
106 This is hardly surprising: the two most carcinogenic compounds ever detected are produced by diesel engines.
107 They develop a surprising ability to exchange information verbally and non verbally within the culture groups they are familiar with.
108 In April 1997 the Aberdeen cases came to trial, with surprising results.
109 This is hardly surprising since display technology is expected to dominate many sectors of the electronics industry(), both industrial and consumer.
110 What is surprising is how very generously this co-operation is given in many cases.
111 Nevertheless, many bishops continued to possess legal expertise, and it is not surprising that they made use of their knowledge.
112 It is a bit more surprising, however, when that dealer disappears without a trace.
113 The results might be surprising and you will certainly feel different about some aspects of life!
114 If the project is a success, other patients will benefit from a surprising application of a comparatively new technology.
115 The surprising part was the level of sophistication with which the average citizen was mulling his market strategies.
116 In a sense the inclusion of an implied term of correspondence with description is a little surprising.
117 It was surprising that she did not feel embarrassed at being caught in floods of tears.
118 It would be surprising for importers to voluntarily adjust their prices upwards.
119 It is perhaps not surprising that this caused a political backlash in the early 1990s.
120 This combination of differing cultures creates a surprising and most successful artistic form.
121 There is nothing surprising in this continuing emphasis on noble birth and high social rank.
122 Hardly surprising really considering it feels not dissimilar from a hunk of exceedingly dead meat!
123 Even more surprising there are no stars: a deficiency which today usually condemns a climb to total obscurity.
124 It's hardly surprising then, that we get confused by the signals he gives out - now more than ever.
125 Thus it is not at all surprising to find managers acknowledging the importance of local knowledge.
126 This is scarcely surprising; human beings have evolved as a social species.
127 This observation is not surprising given the far greater and more diversified area over which Harappan sites have been located.
128 Nevertheless, it is surprising how often local builders simply took advantage of what was at hand.
129 Graham's results are not very surprising at a conceptual level.
130 This is hardly surprising, bearing in mind that no other adult animal naturally drinks milk.
131 When one looks at this, it's surprising what little guidance in the day-to-day practice of medicine it offers.
132 The two dachshunds which accompanied him everywhere, followed with surprising speed.
133 It is surprising the difference such a relatively small decorative touch can make to an ordinary room or staircase.
134 This reduces the risk of airflow interference from kite to kite which at close quarters can have surprising effects!
135 Surely, the letter said with a surprising burst of bitterness,[http:///surprising.html] Eileen Ryan would rest easy in her grave at last.
136 The high number of farms with adult cattle was surprising especially in areas more suited to breeding stock.
137 Therefore, it is not surprising that the atoms directly below the adatoms are well imaged.
138 This is not surprising because there is still comparatively little available evidence from which such explanations can be derived.
139 It is not surprising, therefore, that by the 1970s, more of the newly built dwellings were privately built.
140 It is perhaps not surprising that choreographers use the classical style fur most abstract ballets.
141 It turns in very firmly, with surprising power response, when ordering the automatic transmission to think quickly.
142 Since females reap substantial protective benefits from associating with alpha males, this is perhaps not surprising.
143 Surprising data from the machines can still clash with big egos that want to trust to old-fashioned hunches.
144 What is surprising is that alarm bells within the bank did not bring action earlier.
145 It is not surprising, therefore, that world records are generally broken in the afternoon, not during the night.
146 It is not surprising, then, that banks play an absolutely crucial role in the monetary system.
147 It is surprising how many men enjoy cooking their own baked beans.
148 This feature is present in the standard unified model, so it is not surprising that the experimental data are satisfied.
149 It is not entirely surprising that Wagner's gift of the Tristan poem elicited no response.
150 This may seem surprising in view of the widespread acceptance of monarchy.
151 Actually, it is rather surprising that the labour cost hasn't gone up more, especially in view of the national rates.
152 Under such circumstances it is not surprising to see that the commercial sector can not compete.
153 But this is a play which combines surface brilliance with a surprising depth of feeling.
154 That the media should be beguiled by McCain is not surprising.
155 It is hardly surprising that real wages rose less rapidly than productivity and hence that profitability and competitiveness improved.
156 It is surprising, therefore, how seldom armies joined in pitched battle in the eleventh and twelfth centuries.
157 Yet making the effort can have surprising practical as well as social and intellectual benefits.
158 With Bertelsmann involved, it is not surprising that book clubs as well as electronics and book stores are being targeted as distribution channels.
159 Not surprising in that it no longer possessed vocal cords.
160 Most surprising is that such force gets evoked in such brevity of prose.
161 This is not surprising, if both reflect memories of an actual event in the same general area.
162 But the most surprising fact about this is that all these events took place during the deposition of a single graptolite zone.
163 That Darwin's ideas could have such manifold influence throughout the entire structure of modern biological theory should not now be surprising.
164 In this environment it is perhaps surprising that the early factories should have received such hostile criticism.
164 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
165 The standing committee's choice of legal experts to draw up the constitution, adopted unanimously by the assembly, was surprising.
166 In view of these possible sources of error it is surprising that extrapolated profiles ever yield results of any value.
167 Secondly, the deciduous woodland that eventually takes over has a rather surprising composition.
168 Perhaps the most surprising absentee from most general discussions of colour is its use in the visual arts.
169 Dots mime everything they want to convey, with surprising success.
170 These distortions are the very essence of prejudice, and it is hardly surprising that conflict with Peter had arisen.
171 Is it surprising that he should die a natural death from a heart attack?
172 It is a mistake to regard age as a downhill grade toward dissolution. The reverse is true. As one grows older, one climbs with surprising strides. George Sand 
173 He was a keeper and dealer in secrets; it's not surprising the truth about him has emerged only slowly.
174 The absence of reference to a division of the southern province, therefore, is not altogether surprising.
175 A surprising chaff inch flew down to peck at our crumbs.
176 It is perhaps not surprising that authors such as those cited above should couch their explanations largely in terms of pharmacological developments.
177 It's hardly surprising that we should be deeply suspicious of any attempt to deal with a subject as charged as rape.
178 That they have ideological allies among Republican congressmen is not surprising.
179 It should be surprising but liberating: and undermine the other ads in the commercial break.
180 It is surprising that no crowd reaction to the miracle is given.
181 Today, spruced-up Times Square is in the midst of a surprising, almost surreal transformation into a family-oriented entertainment center.
182 The new administration moved with surprising caution in such areas as civil rights and social reform.
183 Hardly surprising then that budgets were kept low and most films were aimed at the television audience.
184 So it would not be surprising if it conferred its benefits on the heart by altering several things at once.
185 At the same time, the public hears little about a surprising and important discovery - not an assumption - of psychometrics.
186 The changing distributions between 1970 and 1980 on this index have been calculated for over 100 countries, with some surprising results.
187 Indeed, it is not surprising that a member of this particular grammatical category should have been brought into play here.
188 Given the ferocious imagination of his subconscious, it's hardly surprising that his celluloid output is laced with lethal barbed wire.
189 It was not surprising that the greatest difference occurred On the measure of persistence, drive, and sense of duty.
190 It is not more surprising to be born twice than once; everything in nature is resurrection. Voltaire 
191 That a high school kid from southern Missouri would be dazzled by London is not surprising.
192 Not surprising, you might think, in animals designed by Darwinian evolution to find associations in the real world.
193 Given the costs to the individual voter of acquiring this kind of information, it is not surprising that intermediaries have emerged.
194 It is not surprising that for every evaluation of a conservation programme or policy, there are perhaps ten of conservation techniques.
195 Therefore, it is not surprising that they are the only mammals decorated with bright colors such as blue and pink.
196 Almost as surprising as the Clippers' comeback was the starting appearance by Lamond Murray.
197 This is not surprising, for there is little reason for disparity.
198 None the less it is perhaps surprising that the librarian has not crossed swords with the law over obscene and indecent literature before now.
199 The endowment of her darling girl had meant a surprising depletion in her income.
200 Perhaps it was not surprising that he complained of physical debility.
201 Clinton is the Democrat least likely to be dazzled by his current, surprising standing.
202 A surprising and sophisticated collection of dresses offers the stunning effect of sleek column shapes, barely-there straps and exquisite beading.
203 Before long, they start surprising the stressed-out earthlings, first as small steel raptors, then as humanoids.
204 The difficulty in distinguishing between hypotheses was not surprising since only 209 families with Crohn's disease were available for analysis.
205 Established in 1908, the 100-acre park keeps surprising you with its different environments.
206 Their subsequent revival and belated acceptance into the rock fold was one of the period's more surprising reversals.
207 Hardly surprising then, that there's rather more to our Chicken in Blackbean Sauce than just chicken and black beans.
208 In this area there is a surprising lack of desktop publishing software as it is obviously a prime candidate.
209 It is hardly surprising that many children eventually acquire a similar attitude towards the relevance of mathematics.
210 There's been long term sensory deprivation, so it's not surprising.
211 I say surprising, because some are as digestible as boot polish while others are simply unwatchable.
212 And it is hardly surprising that she did not think of tongue speaking as a possible exception.
213 Your reference to balanced reporting is surprising, to say the least.
214 But it is surprising how prevalent such feelings still are, even among so-called career women.
215 This is not surprising given the value of information in this area; exploration companies are extremely volatile on the stock market.
216 It is not surprising that, in those circumstances, very few tenants are invoking the arbitration procedures.
217 The reductivist enterprise thus inevitably comes to grief, and it is not altogether surprising that it does.
218 That I took the commandments quite literally was not surprising.
219 These findings are surprising since it is more difficult to show efficacy when the majority of patients have remission/mild disease.
220 He was looking at her intently, as if he expected she might do something surprising, like flying up the chimney.
221 That is not really surprising; from the moment the board is set up, chess mimics humankind in countless ways.
222 It's surprising how many mistakes an otherwise intelligent person can make when left to execute a document unaided.
223 It is not surprising, then, that this leads many facilities to indulge in creative writing.
224 I opened it and the plaintive song played automatically, surprising me.
225 Although that wasn't surprising, it did sadden and even scare me.
226 The Third Plenum of the two issues are not surprising in common?
227 Small of stature and simian in appearance , these creatures possess surprising strength and unnatural agility.
228 She showed a surprising nonchalance the first time she flew a plane.
229 What is more surprising is the spider web in between a line of white " English. "
230 Ever since his recovery he has been placidly frail, yet capable of surprising endurance.
231 That was an awful slur, but it wasn't really surprising.
232 The wines are fresh and intense sense of smell and surprising the sense of taste.




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