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单词 Deck
1, The rain was beating against/on the deck.
2, My cabin is on E deck.
3, The wave swept over the deck.
4, The ship's crew was sluicing down the deck.
5, The deck represents the cutting edge in CD reproduction.
6, Six passengers can be berthed on the lower deck.
7, We sat on deck until it was dark.
8, Let's go up on deck .
9, He went up the ladder onto the deck.
10, He coiled the rope on the deck.
11, The sailors hoisted the cargo onto the deck.
12, As the storm began,[http:///deck.html] everyone disappeared below deck.
13, I spent Sunday reclining in a deck chair.
14, You can get some fresh air on the deck.
15, She stood on deck to gaze at the unfamiliar surroundings.
16, Destiny is a deck of CARDS, licensing is god, play CARDS is myself.
17, I was the only person on deck at that time of night.
18, I came up on deck to get my first glimpse of the island.
19, She stood on the deck and waved.
20, She missed the deck and landed in the water.
21, I stuck a tape in the deck.
22, The waves swept the deck.
23, A huge wave swept over the deck.
24, As the battleship sailed by/past, everyone on deck waved.
25, Your tape deck has chewed up my cassette!
26, The crew lashed down the cargo on the fore deck.
27, When we heard the alarm, we went up on deck.
28, The side of a ship flares from the keel to the deck.
29, He purchased a ticket and went up on the top deck.
30, The grit beneath her soles grated harshly on the wooden deck.
1, The rain was beating against/on the deck.
2, The wave swept over the deck.
3, The ship's crew was sluicing down the deck.
4, The deck represents the cutting edge in CD reproduction.
5, We sat on deck until it was dark.
6, Let's go up on deck .
7, He went up the ladder onto the deck.
8, As the storm began, everyone disappeared below deck.
9, I spent Sunday reclining in a deck chair.
10, You can get some fresh air on the deck.
11, She stood on deck to gaze at the unfamiliar surroundings.
12, When we heard the alarm, we went up on deck.
13, I was the only person on deck at that time of night.
14, He purchased a ticket and went up on the top deck.
15, I came up on deck to get my first glimpse of the island.
16, The grit beneath her soles grated harshly on the wooden deck.
17, The lower deck is afloat.
18, He felt the sway of the deck under his feet.
31, A freak wave had buckled the deck.
32, Please assemble on the deck for disembarkation.
33, The deck of the ship is canting gradually.
34, Mckinnon went down from deck to the officers' quarters.
35, Water washed over the deck.
36, He piped all hands on deck.
37, We sat on the top deck of the bus.
38, Six jet-fighters catapulted from the deck of the carrier.
39, The ship's deck is composed of steel plates.
40, The ship's deck was awash in the storm.
41, We lay sunning ourselves on the deck.
42, My cabin is on deck C.
43, The lower deck is afloat.
44, Eddie returned to the flight deck .
45, The passengers were trapped below deck.
46, Do that again and I'll deck you.
47, When the shots rang out,[http:///deck.html] everyone hit the deck.
48, Matt picked up the cards and shuffled the deck.
49, Ruth went down to the lower deck .
50, I joined the others on deck.
51, The seamen knew where each rope belayed on deck.
52, He stood on the heaving deck.
53, I was hurled bodily to the deck.
54, Martin was struggling with the sails on the open deck.
55, The boat drew alongside us and a man appeared on the deck.
56, He clipped his safety belt to a fitting on the deck.
57, A natural timber deck leads into the main room of the home.
58, He was sitting on the deck disentangling a coil of rope.
59, He left his bunk and went up on deck again.
60, As the wind increased, the deck of the ship began to heave beneath his feet.
61, All hands on deck!
62, They scuttled the deck when the ship caught the fire.
63, On the ship's deck, after the whoops and hollers, the butchering begins.
64, I jumped the last six feet down to the deck.
65, I wonder if you could find me a deck of cards?
66, The captain was on the deck of the launch, steadying the boat for the pilot.
67, Two helicopters winched the passengers to safety from the deck of the ship.
68, The morning sun greeted us as we came out on deck.
69, The upper/top deck of the bus was always full of people smoking.
70, With only half an hour to get everything ready, it was all hands on deck.
71, I waved farewell to my friends from the deck of the ship.
72, During the storm everything on deck had to be lashed down.
73, A CD-I deck looks like a video recorder and plugs into the home television and stereo system.
74, On a ship the furniture is often bolted to the deck.
75, Some did manage to claw their way up iron ladders to the safety of the upper deck.
76, Steamers tooted at us as sailors on deck waved in amusement.
77, Peter stayed below deck.
78, I found a good place on the bus, on the top deck[ ], right at the front.
79, I managed to find a seat on the upper deck.
80, She took a deck of cards and began to lay them out.
81, Irene shuffled the deck.
82, Students travel the cheap lower deck and tourists the upper.
83, The deck will need six standards to make it secure.
84, He felt the sway of the deck under his feet.
85, The cables tightened and he was lifted gradually from the deck.
86, The women had got into the way of going up on the deck every evening.
87, With this model you get a radio,() CD player and cassette deck all in one.
88, Do the lights on this cassette deck have any useful function or are they just/only for show?
89, In the unlikely event of a fire, passengers should move to the top deck.
90, She was at her desk in the living room, fiddling with a deck of cards.
91, I was/felt seasick, so I went up on deck for some fresh air.
92, Captain Picard commanded the crew to report to the main deck.
93, This boat has a good deck layout making everything easy to operate.
94, During the storm all the goods were lashed down to the ship's deck.
95, Lady, are you a few aces short of a deck?
96, I felt seasick so I went up on deck for some fresh air.
97, The deck of the ship leveled a little as she slowed down.
98, We had to lash the cargo to the ship's deck during the storm.
99, An observation deck lets you take in the passing scenery.
100, The deck rolled while the Croatan lay at anchor.
101, And a cassette deck crooning the blues and Bach.
102, We help Doug below deck despite his protestations.
103, I suppose it clears the deck of suspects.
104, I complete the circuit around the deck area.
105, Spitfire about to alight on Wasp's deck.
106, He was running across the deck.
107, Trixie was mopping Steve's breakfast off the Catalac's deck.
108, He had found the top deck empty.
109, He sat on the deck and smoked cheroots.
110, Dorcas clambered down awkwardly on to Jekub's oily deck.
111, He's been working away on the deck all afternoon.
112, Walking across the deck, she wobbled on the heels.
113, His life also was on the open deck.
114, There was no one around him on the deck.
115, The third had remained on the top deck.
116, Or at least into the upper deck.
117, We eat on the deck in the summer.
118, Like the Esperanza, a Victorian steam boat, complete with original oak timbers and teak deck.
119, Throughout the passage, Ahab stands on the deck as if transfixed, staring blindly ahead into the wind and sleet.
120, By the time she reached the bottom he had the saloon deck hatch open and was sitting at the table.
121, Five steamboats loaded with thrill seekers arrived from Lake Erie, each with a brass band on deck.
122, There were anxious minutes of waiting, then, for the two watchers on the control deck.
123, Upon the flight deck of the leading Cerean man o' war, the Starship Sandra, stood the Captain.
124, Sprawled on his back on the deck, he lay exhausted under a waterfall of waves breaking over the cabin top.
125, He slammed the butt of the weapon on my cargo deck and the thing went off.
126, When he came back on deck she tried once more to make conversation.
127, Stacked on the cargo deck, they still fought, frozen inside their rubber bags, arms and legs stiffly askew.
128, Standard 42, one of the new cars fitted with an old Motherwell top deck, giving a strange angular appearance.
129, There are aces and kings and twos and threes in any deck of cards.
130, Lift from the car-deck on Sally Star goes to all floors; on Sally Sky to the main passenger deck only.
131, Turning a spare bedroom into a family room with an outdoor deck?
132, There were no rails, no cabin, just the open deck and a small wheelhouse near the stem.
133, On deck, means it could even land on an aircraft carrier.
134, When the helicopter was stable, he raised the collective and pulled us above the moving deck.
135, The forecabin now lay at a definite slant across the deck of the raft.
136, He spun across the deck and hit the far wall..
137, Sometimes, during lonely hours on the control deck, Bowman would listen to this radiation.
138, A major advantage of deck shoes is their price - you can easily pick up a pair for a fiver.
139, After Stubb goes below, Ahab stands alone on the deck.
140, They raced up the steps, reaching the first deck, wheeled round, and ran down the corridor.
141, The main deck forward was ten inches thick and further reinforcement was fitted both fore and aft.
142, The flight deck control post, where I sat, was situated on the port side, amidships.
143, The doors to the deck were shut against the weather so she thought she could get ashore unseen.
144, Upon arrival at the docks, the Spitfires were immediately hoisted on to the carrier deck.
145, Riker threw me the box and walked back to sit on the edge of the cargo deck.
146, The drawback is that the high-rise upper deck means very little can be stored there during travel.
147, The disk coned as it began to pull the ship off the deck.
148, Above the subwoofer is a 25-year-old reel-to-reel tape deck of the kind used in broadcast studios.
149, She was sitting on the top deck and was cut and bruised by branches.
150, She clutched the rail to steady herself, reached the deck and went to the closed doors of the lounge.
151, She began to drift and was just dozing off when she heard the squeak of Nathan's deck shoes on the ladder.
152, The sound of footsteps on the deck above her head brought her fully awake.
153, It began to run over the main deck and the crew hurried off to shelter in the accommodation.
154, Admiral Boyle commanded the entire crew to assemble on deck.
155, I had begun wearing deck shoes because the soles of my feet had turned dead white as a result of going barefoot.
156, For example, closed circuit television gives the helmsman a view of the engine compartment and of the aft deck of the boat.
157, Trent sat on the saloon deck, holding his coffee mug cupped in his hands.
158, The two-level tunnel comprises an upper road deck and a lower duct for services.
159, Margarett snaps Miss Sheldon, chaperone of the Florentine School, and two schoolmates lounging on deck chairs.
160, Wittgenstein was a whizzkid who wanted to be an aviator and ended up teaching philosophy at Cambridge from a green deck chair.
161, The lower deck, below the water line, was for cargo.
162, Ian shook himself free from his bunk, pulled on his flannels and swung himself up the companionway and on to the deck.
163, There was no fish ing gear nor any big guns, just a long, low, uncluttered deck.
164, Fishing gear was thrown off the deck and two of the crew were pitched violently backwards into the hold.
165, The lights were still on, and a cassette was clicking in a tape deck.
166, Various accessories are available for corner trims. Vapour barrier, sealed at overlaps, is laid on top of ply roof deck.
167, It had a plain glazed back to illuminate the upper deck at night and the lamps were removed from the hoops.
168, Instead of tossing my garbage over the deck(), I must tend it in a compost heap.
169, Seeing a small figure moving slowly across the beach, I rush to the edge of the deck.
170, It was almost time for the morning changeover, and normally he would wait until Bowman joined him on the control deck.
171, A comfortable chair, a rug on the deck, and a favorite picture made it my home.
172, A large airy lounge and adjoining deck make ideal places to relax after a day of hiking.
173, We landed about a hundred feet from the headquarters ten, sinking into the grass up to the cargo deck.
174, We climb the slippery metal stairs to our cabin on the upper deck.
175, Two hands appear, reaching from below up on to the deck of the raft.
176, It has a serious graphic equaliser, full logic cassette deck and an all-singing all-dancing spectrum analyser.
177, Shown here is the pool chair and deck chair that can be folded flat for easy storage.
178, McMurphy was there, studying the deck of cards that slid in and out of sight in his hands.
179, The blades hit it and the aircraft was sent across the deck and into 450 feet of water.
180, There was also a large saloon on the main deck which was a great asset for visiting V.I.P's and crew comfort.
181, We wrote recently about building a deck, and many readers have responded with questions and anecdotes about deck experiences.
182, To reduce slippage, tack coarse-gauge chicken wire flush to the deck.
183, A tape deck played a Beethoven symphony and children played with Fisher-Price toys.
184, By 1 p.m. we had another forty-five sheep on deck and decided to call it a day.
185, Donald was sitting in a deck chair in his garden next door, when part of the chimney fell on him.
186, Mastic asphalt can be laid over any deck but, in general, a general, a concrete base is preferred.
187, Presumably there was a glazed aperture in the back to illuminate the upper deck.
188, Once again, he shuffled the recalcitrant deck, smiling too broadly, compelling their attention.
189, As I came up out of the trough, the wave was pouting out a lip like the deck of an aircraft carrier.
190, My next target was the deck chair area, which was liberally sprinkled with coins.
191, The Hearthware armour was a shining pile on the lower deck.
192, Thy life was on the open deck - Thou hadst no cabin for thy rest.
193, At first he had assumed that she had climbed down to the lower deck and gone forward.
194, Remember the scene below deck on a sailboat,[http:///deck.html] up against a dresser?
195, At their feet the edge of the net began to shift off the deck.
196, The scurrying grunts tossed a foot-filled boot on to the cargo deck.
197, And all the time, work going on internally while I wrestled with rigging and sails, mostly on the open deck.
198, He picked the crow bar off the deck and leaned it in front of him where he could get to it easily.
199, Equipped for fast and comfortable cruising, her deck equipment includes 22 self tailing winches with electric push button primaries.
200, And it was from the top deck, apparently, that she had disappeared.
201, He stood up and walked across the deck to stand by the chromium guard rail, looking down at her.
202, The Nicholson's computer recorded 25 knots across the deck, and offered advice about what to do with it.
203, The lower deck, shining clean now, was thronged with steerage passengers.
204, Inset Watching the world go by from the observation or promenade deck of an Empire Flying-boat, 1930s.
205, There are two options, inside, or out on the open deck.
206, Ammunition from the burning aircraft on the flight deck starts cooking off, spraying the deck with shrapnel.
207, Tommy picks up the Magnum and fires it twice at the stereo, one bullet in each cassette deck.
208, You two looked very cosy, chatting away out on the deck.
209, I scrambled up and reached for the eject button on the cassette deck.
210, Revealing, among other things, three large man-sized casks on deck, upended, with lids.
211, The Doctor was marched on to the flight deck of the F61 at pistol point.
212, Once on deck he stopped to admire Ellen who was dressed in a brief pair of shorts and a faded tank top.
213, The dahabeeyah had moored for the night and the three girls had been up on the top deck enjoying the evening breeze.
214, Captain Richardson commanded the crew to report to the main deck.
215, It was already off the deck and bearing them smoothly upwards.
216, Its mast hung in a cradle from the ceiling, and its sails were folded in neat bundles on the deck.
217, Faults were discovered in the mountings on the crash barriers around the top deck of the car park in July.
218, Classic leather deck shoes are blue or white, but you can buy canvas versions in just about any colour you like.
219, She climbed aboard the Mumbles train and huddled in a seat in the warmth of the lower deck.
220, Hilbert and Lewis and Beryl sat in old-fashioned deck chairs with striped canvas seats.
221, The forward attachment point is under the shuttle's nose about half way between the tip and the flight deck windows.
222, Some are in deck shoes, some are in sandals, me in my flip-flops.
223, A few of the gentlemen passengers stood on the upper deck and watched them impassively.
224, He crumpled to the deck, his sphincter muscle giving out.
225, Farther forward on the main deck from the A-frame is the Alvin hangar, where the submersible is serviced every evening.
226, They were buried at dusk, after the cabin passengers had finished their post-dinner walk around the deck.
227, The champ took a dive, hit the deck, and split wide Open.
228, Paint the anchor with silver food colouring and place on the deck.
229, A long courtyard deck jutted forth like a notched broadsword.
230, Ezra swayed below on the rolling deck, looking at the small gray face peering at him from far above.
231, Deck shoes, either in leather or cloth, are good alternatives - smart enough for any eventuality.
232, He was sitting on the top deck of a London bus when the idea came to him.
233, Click on one that most closely approximates the deck you want to build.
234, The 30 passengers - six on the top deck - included three pregnant women and several children.
235, The supplied infra-red remote control handset also enables control of a suitably appointed Nakamichi cassette deck.
236, She stepped up on to the flight deck, Marco close behind her.
237, Hot pasties and hot drinks are served below deck at the bar, a comfort on chilly days.
238, In the center, a woman I had never seen before began stroking a deck of cards with bony hands.
239, Your deck should be coming along nicely now, with the structure in place.
240, He may choose to be dealt cards from any of the colour decks or the High Magic deck.
241, Underneath some shabby canvas tarps on the cargo deck were stacked a dozen bulky mattresses and twenty thick pine boards.
242, Marine pilots flew their big H-34s off the rolling deck of their carrier to the hazy coastline and then returned.
243, The main deck features a most generous main salon and dining forward with seating for eight.
244, Ahab considers this and then goes to the deck and orders that the casks be examined.
245, Penelope went to the top deck of the bus and lit a cigarette.
246, As Seawitch rolled heavily Polly's foot slipped on the wet deck and she stumbled backwards, pulling Nathan with her.
247, On the lower deck, where all the people are, there is the sense of an outrageous and clarifying happiness.
248, The meal queue winds its way around the upper deck between trunks, sacks of salt and dozing traders.
249, None of those stranded at the observation deck and restaurant on top were injured.
250, This room was gigantic: like the hangar deck of an aircraft carrier.
251, It meant long hours for the pilots, flight deck crews, repair crews and cooks.
252, I watched the edge of the flight deck move un-der us through the chin bubble at my feet.
253, The reactions and thrust of each deck is taken on elastomeric bearings and by ballast walls.
254, They were so named because of their comfortable leather seats on the lower deck.
255, In a moment the flight deck is an inferno of aviation fuel.
256, I lounged on the deck as the shadows crossed first my feet and then my knees.
257, He turned some dials on the control deck in front of him.
258, This illness now, huddling in the deck chair,[http:///deck.html] was an extinction.
259, Its arm fell off, clattering to the deck with the Perk still clinging to it.
260, Shall we go out on the upper deck?
261, How do I get to the upper deck?
262, Inspection hosing test for upper deck.
263, And also there were heavy cannons on upper deck.
264, He went through hatch to the upper deck to look at the sunrise.
265, How can the bus driver see the passengers in the upper deck?
266, A steamship with the bow and upper deck rounded so as to shed water.
267, Canvas roofs cover was installed in the upper deck to replace those introduced in 1912.
268, The upper deck of the bus was always full of people smoking.
269, The boy coiled the rope down on the upper deck.
270, The upper deck of the US 103 was destroyed and had to return to base.
271, We reached the upper deck of a double - decked bus , start searching another bus through the window.
272, Passengers may smoke only on the upper deck of the bus.
273, He tried to array his men on the upper deck.




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