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单词 Similarly
1 wrong. Similarly, you are to blame.
2 He was late and I similarly was delayed.
3 Her servants were similarly, if less ostentatiously attired.
4 The two boys dress similarly.
5 She was late and I similarly was delayed.
6 The children were similarly dressed.
7 Similarly,[] lawyers parcel out work based on who does that best.
8 The brothers dress similarly.
9 Husband and wife were similarly successful in their chosen careers.
10 Similarly, business has to enter into agreements.
11 Wealth, however, is not similarly constrained.
12 The Gothic cathedrals were similarly designed in that sense.
13 Similarly, the organisation chart is an idealised guide.
14 Sequential sulphate and chloride profiles behave similarly.
15 Similarly(), consider peace in the Caucasus Mountain region.
16 Similarly, the government must take concrete action.
17 Land Rover has benefited similarly from Rover's clear-sighted policies.
18 At high energies all these particles behave similarly.
19 Of course, other animals behave similarly.
20 Similarly a stone's throw, as the crow flies, etc.
21 Gordon's, Tanqueray and Booth's Gins are similarly leading brands in the white spirits market.
22 Similarly, Fire Support Company had to set up their display of mortars, anti-tank missiles and Scimitar tracked recce vehicles.
23 The first letter she wrote me was less than a page long, and her second letter was similarly brief.
24 Most of the men who now gathered round him again were similarly dressed.
25 The United States won most of the track and field events. Similarly, in swimming, the top three places went to Americans.
26 The cost of food and clothing has come down in recent years. Similarly, fuel prices have fallen quite considerably.
27 The dining room was dark and gloomy, and the food was similarly lacking in charm.
28 A mother recognises the feel of her child's skin when blindfolded. Similarly, she can instantly identify her baby's cry.
29 Experts wonder why the US government is not taking similarly strong actions against AIDS in this country.
30 The higher the eventual rank, the more likely was blame to be similarly apportioned.
1 wrong. Similarly, you are to blame.
2 The first letter she wrote me was less than a page long, and her second letter was similarly brief.
3 Most of the men who now gathered round him again were similarly dressed.
4 He was late and I similarly was delayed.
5 The brothers dress similarly.
31 The bus station was similarly desolate, while the cinema, cultural centre, public baths and a hospital have closed.
32 Empowerment increases the opportunity costs of children, prompting later marriages and increasing the divorce rate, similarly lowering fertility.
33 Compatibility between monitors and implements is similarly important if farmers are to adopt precision farming technology with confidence.
34 Similarly, basal serum gastrin concentrations do not alter with ageing in healthy men.
35 Shearmen, who cut the pile to finish woollen cloth, were similarly paid.
36 Classical music was, to begin with,[http:///similarly.html] a similarly less controlled area.
37 Similarly, the war provided a receptive atmosphere for a reappraisal of the economic and recreational role of the countryside.
38 And his bottom-of-the-table Forest side looked similarly browbeaten after slipping to their ninth defeat of the season.
39 Similarly, an event like the landing of astronauts on the moon either has taken place or it hasn't.
40 Similarly, the silk-wearing bourgeoisie of Granada contrasted with the poor, cotton-clad peasants from the mountains nearby.
41 Similarly an insect walking on the surface of a pond would have gravity counteracted by the surface tension of the water.
42 Similarly, it may be warranted in situations where highly confidential and sensitive material is to be handled by the job holder.
43 Similarly, campaigning in the field imposed an increasing financial burden.
44 Similarly, cultural and population dynamics have meant that there is now a major youth culture, with its associated markets.
45 Similarly, the huge reptiles which dominated the land, sea, and even the air of the Cretaceous are all gone.
46 Similarly, a parallel currency union shares certain features with a currency union.
47 Similarly, franchise agreements are granted block exemption under Regulation 4087/88.
48 Similarly prosecutions relating to water pollution and contravention of planning notices are dealt with in the Magistrates' Court.
49 Similarly, Jane wrote a little book about what she saw in her backyard.
50 Similarly the draw will attract as much interest for those it keeps apart as those it brings together.
51 Similarly, a bout of angina may be protective; but the protection may well be lost with recurrent angina.
52 Similarly, conspicuous consumption or display is now regarded as an acceptable form of behaviour.
53 He said the show has generated a number of telephone calls from other parents across the nation similarly accused.
54 Similarly, Spong believes that homosexuality, by itself, is not a sin.
55 In working-class areas, neighbours similarly look after each other's offspring.
56 Similarly, there are mild disturbances only of acute phase reactants in chronic viral hepatitis.
57 These and other similarly familiar issues are examined in chapter 4 in the light of changing international circumstance.
58 Similarly the choke chain will again tighten, encouraging your pet to walk alongside you.
59 Neither parliament nor the law was open, though these provided both soaring fame and a practical anchor for similarly gifted men.
60 Similarly, her consideration of wearing a crucifix as jewellery was linked to assumptions that individuals might ascribe to the wearer.
61 Similarly, the plasma membrane of olfactory cells seems to have an InsP 3 -sensitive calcium channel.
62 Shirley MacLaine, according to her autobiography, similarly relies on contacting disembodied entities through various mediums.
63 Similarly radicals overstate the degree of unanimity among the medical profession, which is in fact riven with dissension and competing ideologies.
64 Similarly, primitive valuables may be paid by weaker groups to create alliances.
65 Similarly, granting a carbonaceous object the strength of a stony asteroid would allow it to penetrate to comparable altitudes.
66 In 1758 Essex clothiers similarly added to both the length and width of the expected piece.
66 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
67 Similarly, one must caution against accepting psychological theories for emotional reasons.
68 Similarly in certain circumstances a subsidiary may, under section 229, be omitted from the consolidation.
69 Similarly, increased fasting gall bladder volumes have been reported in obese, tall, and muscular subjects.
70 A similarly close relation ship may be seen between ivory and some of the most important precious stones used in antiquity.
71 Similarly, banks make merchandise loans to enable customers to cope with seasonal imports especially where bulk purchases might ensure considerable discounts.
72 Postoperative values were similarly first averaged across the 40-min observation period and then among patients.
73 I suspected that as soon as he left the boatyard the chart would be similarly destroyed.
74 Similarly, the variation of distance refraction and the presence of astigmatism is also lower than for humans.
75 Similarly the redundancy package was geared to match the relocation package so that staff would not base their decision on financial matters.
76 Similarly, students interested in technical fields would be well advised to take physics.
77 Similarly, establishing liability will be feasible where it is clear that the company's interests have not been addressed by management.
78 Similarly, there have been different views on what constitutes economic development.
79 He similarly assumes that exile players are only qualified for the clubs' ostensible countries of origin.
80 On many other issues where he and Mr Bush differ we similarly believe Mr Gore has the better of the argument.
81 Bees and wasps will leave their stings in the flesh of their enemies, employing a similarly aggressive form of self-mutilation.
82 The dumping of Kyoto and the new energy policy have similarly been clothed in soothing words of environmental concern.
83 The crinoids and the belemnites and the corals behaved similarly.
84 It might apply to Hopkins' architecture, too, which has similarly evolved into richer and more complex patterns.
85 Similarly, practices could appeal if they had evidence that the population characteristics had altered substantially since the last census.
86 Similarly, a fall in the rate of interest means a potential capital gain for investors.
87 Similarly, changing dividend policy to yield more cash for investment needs to be handled with care.
88 Similarly, countries may make use of automation to improve their international competitiveness, sometimes at the expense of other countries.
89 Similarly, Fisher and Langley use anatomical data to classify phyla.
90 Similarly, if the rate of unproductive consumption declines, then - cet. par. - accumulation increases.
91 Similarly, in the second movement there is no warmth of phrase, no atmosphere, no autumnal beauty.
92 Similarly, a requirement that the expert observe the rules of natural justice could be made a contractual obligation.
93 Feminists are more aware of this ambiguity than psychologists are of their similarly ambiguous position.
94 Similarly, restaurant management have wider responsibilities for building their own branch's business than would the managers of most branded operations.
95 Similarly, the investor base of the market has tended to change from private account holders to institutional investors.
96 Similarly, comparatively few chantries were re-established by pious benefactors, and endowments for masses failed to recover to their pre-Reformation level.
96 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
97 Similarly, most middle managers are average or above average in intelligence.
98 Since joining the business world I have seen similar techniques evoke similarly successful results.
99 Similarly, accurate estimates of the marginal costs of production are often very difficult to obtain.
100 As controls, cryptogenic cases of chronic liver disease - that is without ANA-H or SMA-AA, were similarly studied.
101 Similarly, a rejecting parent may allow the child to behave as he or she likes.
102 Similarly, banks charge higher interest rates to high-risk borrowers than to low-risk borrowers.
103 In Britain similarly parties would have to give careful attention to the locality factor.
104 Similarly, increased odds ratios were found for different age strata.
105 Similarly, social workers were issued with handbooks and directives about the correct procedure to follow when investigating cases of suspected abuse.
106 Hence, different experiments may not be directly comparable, and there may similarly be difficulties of comparison between experiment and theory.
107 Similarly contracting-out may not provide authorities with greater flexibility if they are tied to long-term arrangements which are difficult to renegotiate.
108 Like the greatest cardinal number, Russell's class similarly fails to satisfy the requirement of coherence.
109 The left and bottom ends of the axis similarly represent the negative poles and the lowest scores.
110 Similarly, they share the risks and the profits or losses which may accrue to them.
111 Similarly he came to the unusual conclusion that, since colours are simply visible species, all colours must have equal validity.
112 Hostages are said to develop similarly complex attachments to their captors.
113 Similarly, the unemployed found the focus of their social circle also becoming centred on heroin.
114 Insects that winter on land, under snow, among rocks and vegetation or in soil are similarly exposed to extreme cold.
115 Similarly, any proposed redevelopment or new building must actively enhance or preserve the character or appearance of the conservation area.
116 Similarly, reporting of domestic abuse doubled in the London area between 1991-92.
117 Similarly, accountants, say, move between chartered accountancy partnerships and industry.
118 Similarly the threat of a loss arouses anxiety and actual loss causes sorrow, while both situations are likely to arouse anger.
119 He could have learned to charm and wheedle cooperation from them, and similarly avoided a fight.
120 Similarly, Colescott paints big, lush narrative acrylics on canvas, hard-hitting narrative works that travel across time and history.
121 Similarly, the ability to compete may arise from the use and disclosure of business secrets.
122 Similarly, the transistor took decades to become incorporated into commercial products such as hearing aids, navigational instruments and computers.
123 Similarly, a small business that hires a marketing consultant must determine whether the consultant is an employee or an independent contractor.
124 Similarly in the international arena, an emasculated politics is incapable of sustaining an effective national defense.
125 The capitalist tenant, the concessionaire and so forth will similarly have a firm base in the growing economically petty-bourgeois element.
126 Similarly, at the Aesculapian sanctuary near Epidaurus,[] dormitories were provided for pilgrims seeking cures.
127 Similarly, the three icons at the bottom of the toolbox can be accessed via the Text and Graphics pull-down menus.
128 The neighbouring bureau de change / souvenir shop was similarly trashed.
129 Similarly, activities within the economic system can have a major impact on the political system.
130 For example: Handwriting contains many similarly shaped characters which must be distinguished from each other to achieve effective recognition.
131 Similarly, Miner, in a successful controlled biofeedback trial, encouraged patients to squeeze for at least 20 seconds.
132 Similarly, the transverse colon was recognised by its characteristic triangular folds and the sigmoid colon by its circular folds.
133 My cousin Barbie was similarly rewarded because she played the bassoon, another unusual instrument.
134 Similarly, some justices bristled at the idea of using the Constitution to grant presidential immunity from civil suits.
135 Similarly the scientific accounts of children's language development involve consideration of the nature of bilingualism in psycholinguistic terms.
136 Similarly, the principle of the Law of Jubilee was that the rich should not be allowed to accumulate all property rights.
137 Similarly, drug-free status must be a basic of eligibility for federal welfare benefits.
138 Similarly, neither the Titans nor Dionysos are destroyed or annihilated by Zeus' thunderbolt; they, as Chaos, persist.
139 Similarly, despite widespread clinical use, evidence for sulphasalazine renal toxicity is scanty.
140 Similarly, events can be timed to the precision of atomic clock broadcasts.
141 Similarly, Labour in 1964 won because its message was in tune with the prevailing intellectual climate.
142 Similarly, the increasing use of urban development corporations ind Whitehall grants in inner cities would further undermine local authorities.
143 Similarly management would be expected to exhaust the machinery before attempting to implement changes without agreement with the unions.
144 Similarly, Y is the average value per injury avoided by reducing risk.
145 Similarly, a respectable suburban life may well be suppressed by an individual who wants to retain credibility amongst the gang.
146 Similarly, people with physical handicap affecting the quality of life would have less claim on resources.
147 The tiebreak, chopping sets off in their prime, ruled out a similarly epic match ever taking place again.
148 Rural areas beyond immediate urban influence did not all behave similarly.
149 Similarly, congested seedlings will become thin and drawn, with soft, weak stems that eventually collapse from being forced.
150 Main storage technologies have similarly evolved, as shown in the fourth column of Figure 1.8.
151 Similarly, with potato crisps, have you ever known anyone not finish a packet they started?
152 In 1987, the agency had directed blood banks to similarly disqualify donors who have received pituitary-derived growth hormone.
153 Similarly, a director of a large company resigned his position after ten years, because he wanted new challenges.
154 Fresh Thuringer is similarly composed but is seasoned with caraway, celery seed, coriander, ginger, and mace.
155 Most plastics, however, will display a riot of colour when treated similarly.
156 Similarly, medical advice about the necessity for circumcision varies with the times.
156 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
157 Neither the authorship nor the commission were known to Sotheby's then, and it too had a similarly low estimate.
158 Similarly, do not have a hot bath after a heavy meal or after drinking alcohol - the same thing could happen.
159 Similarly, the army, when faced with a budget cut, never points the finger at desk-bound lieutenant colonels.
160 Comparison with and without adjustment for smoking gave similarly negative results.
161 Moral reasoning similarly reaches full development with the attainment of formal operations.
162 Similarly, it seeks to discover how efficient the competitive process is in weeding out relatively inefficient firms.
163 Similarly, management will increasingly need internal auditors to develop new ways to discover and eliminate waste and fraud.
164 Similarly, by analogy and by convention, helices are also described as right or left-handed.
165 Similarly, a New York court ruled that a school district could transfer a teacher who married her assistant principal.
166 Similarly, radial burns can be used to convert circular orbits into elliptical ones.
167 Similarly, cereal production per acre of arable land is indicative of the comparative efficiency of agricultural practices.
168 Only 0. 5 percent of their white counterparts were similarly under control of the criminal justice system, it said.
169 Sulfur or sulfuric deliveries can be similarly measured.
170 Will Mr Lampert similarly have the last laugh?
171 This device operates similarly to the vane pump.
172 The beauty similarly, actually leaves point gracefulness.
173 Similarly, John Williams'haunting score beautifully accents the film.
174 Weights are to be standardised similarly.
175 Our golden jubilee had been similarly honoured.
176 The network a similarly checkered history.
177 Dairy cattle similarly produce vast quantities of GHG emissions.
178 There is similarly frenzied activity all across the country.
179 Similarly to the headlights, the rear lights of the A 3 Cabriolet use a flat, broad design.
180 Similarly, the sewage system is also independent of external services.
181 The males of many species of insect have similarly elaborate genitalia.
182 Similarly, a warm milky drink at bedtime works very well as milk is in tryptophan.
183 But theproblem is that Ms Merkel has been delivering similarly vapid speeches aroundthe whole country.
184 Finally all the wild apple species and their varieties clustered together, similarly to the traditional classification.
185 Similarly, the numerous business concerns catering to the hobbyist have a tremendous but unknown dollar value.
186 A democracy of autonomous , evolving machines will be similarly feared Anarchy Plus.
187 Similarly, class 3 - 8, a class make discoloration, often is the source of headache for the school.
188 Abe of the Potentilla cryptottaeniae the secondary roles also similarly have the component.
189 Similarly, a timer has control buttons that allow the timer to increment, decrement, and remain untouched.
190 Similarly, specialization has indirectly affected quite ordinary people in every walk of life.
191 Similarly charged colloidal particles cannot come close enough together to agglomerate into larger particles.
192 What fortunately is, because Turin main force goalkeeper Ma Teao - Saileini havegood fortune similarly this competition.
193 Similarly , more than 70 % of Americans under the official poverty line own at least one car.
194 Similarly the polar bear can scent out a dead seal from 20 kilometres away.
195 The affective domain is similarly divided into a hierarchy of five categories.
196 Saravanan, whose life is similarly emblematic of the new, more meritocratic India, yet far less cheerful.
197 Similarly, the type of diet did not appear to influence host resistance to Salmonella typhimurium.
198 Similarly , there is nothing intuitive or metaphorictext messaging on a phone.
199 Similarly, the post - coital rise in serotonin levels aids both creative thinking and calm logical decision - making.
200 Similarly Serb Yiwannuoweiqi has also prepared for, replaces bossing tile which is injured in the team.
201 Similarly, fluorescent thrombin bound ubiquitously on the surface of fibrin clots, overlapping slightly with PS - exposing platelets.
202 National and international proposals to reform pay at regulated financial firms are similarly agnostic.
203 Also, the dead Ymir is turned to account similarly with the dead Kronos.
204 With the current Chinese telecommunication, China Netcom's Access Phone System fixes a price similarly.
205 Ukraine and Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia face the threat which similarly the State bank system collapses.
206 Study subjects were recruited from AARP members, a group that's healthier than other similarly aged Americans.
207 Study subjects were recruited from AARP a group that's healthier than other similarly aged Americans.
208 Similarly through customised solutions, we seek to find tax savings opportunities.
209 Similarly, people find it easier to understand the sulphur dioxide to those of dioxide.
210 But had the rich modernistic free creation to win audience's understanding similarly.
211 Similarly, the IQ of women drinkers showed an improvement of 2.5 points over their teetotal sisters.
212 Similarly, aspartame is not the only Coca - Cola to bring criticism as an additive.
213 For that whole group of citizens whose appeals for assistance have been similarly and irresponsibly denigrated.
214 Similarly alcoholics'lives are narrowed and dehumanized by their dependence on alcohol.
215 So my interest in exploring the Chinese promotion of Daoism and Buddhism is similarly motivated.
216 Similarly high earnings expectations continue for every quarter the end of the year, Thomson Reuters says.
217 Similarly , using diketene to replace mixed anhydride or acid chloride, intermediate enol 5 may be obtained.
218 Similarly, the male urethra can be Trichomonas women with the semen into the vagina.
219 Similarly venerable is the local tea ceremony , which can last several hours.
220 Will the Kindle similarly put Amazon in a dominant position , while weakening publishers?
221 An almost lower bound is defined similarly as an almost upper bound.
222 Similarly, I will not give to a woman a pessary to cause abortion.
223 The blue flag Asia advantage pula's chassis comes from is similarly Feiyate group's alpha Romeo 146.
224 Similarly, Chechnya's population grew apace after the arrival of corn from the New World.
225 Similarly, Japan in the mid - 1980 s faced pressure from the United States to liberalise its markets.
226 Similarly, because of the completely natural and empiricism, Benevolence is the universal transcend time and space.
227 Similarly, market research also has the role of guiding packingadvertising to play.
228 Hemingway's use of dialogue was similarly fresh, simple, and natural sounding.
229 Politics in Beijing is less open, but the circumstances are similarly unhelpful.
230 Similarly , our body constitution is defined as Yin, Yang and Neutral.
231 Unemployed insurance fund executes whole town ( ground level above, similarly hereinafter ) plan as a whole.
232 Similarly, no one should read into a decision to opt out.
233 A two - stage regulator functions similarly to two, single - stage regulators in series.
234 The politics of Sweden's crisis management were similarly tough - minded, though much quieter.
235 Few non - Japanese investors own yen cash or bonds, and central bank holdings are similarly derisory.
236 Similarly eliminated also has the defending champion to grip Uygur.
237 In the and field athletic field's most winner a host similarly.
238 Similarly, later versions of most ap - plication programs can read files generated with earlier versions.
239 Similarly the positively charged proton has a negatively charged antiparticle, the antiproton.
240 Some noted that a centre - left government had similarly blockaded Albania's ports in the s.
241 Relatively good results were also obtained similarly by using fresh autografts of periosteum and cartilage.
242 America's transport network is similarly dysfunctional, says a recent Urban Land Institute report.
243 The new lunar lander will be similarly improved, with updated electronics and materials.
244 Future projects should similarly be world class, and occupy a unique niche in astrophysics.
245 Each of the related tasks must be similarly determined, throughout the entire control operation.
246 Similarly, many Tory bets, as the elected police chiefs[sentence dictionary], could have done with a pilot project.
247 Expansive government policy in the US similarly arouses no objection.
248 Similarly, the yogi must know rupa and nama so he can practice with result.
249 Similarly the first correlation coefficient of polyphenols and inorganic matters was significant at 1 % level.
250 Similarly Jamie Carragher and Sami Hyypia pick themselves in the centre of defence.
251 Has a look at present's Looney, was similarly also injured, but he again why?
252 Similarly, I might make a similar mistake with the Andy Warhol.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 5:29:56