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单词 towards
释义  to·wards /təˈwɔːdz $ tɔːrdz, twɔːrdz/ ●●● S1 W1 especially British English, toward /təˈwɔːd $ tɔːrd, twɔːrd/ especially American English preposition  1  TOWARDSdirection 方向 used to say that someone or something moves, looks, faces etc in the direction of someone or something 向(着),朝(着)〔某个方向〕 He noticed two policemen coming towards him. 他注意到两名警察正朝他走来。 All the windows face toward the river. 所有的窗户都朝向河。 He was standing with his back towards me. 他背对我站着。2  TO/IN ORDER TOproducing a result 产生某种结果 in a process that will produce a particular result 朝,向,接近〔某种结果〕 These negotiations are the first step toward reaching an agreement. 这些谈判是达成协议的第一步。 The crisis continued as Britain drifted towards war. 危机还在继续,英国离战争越来越近。3  ABOUTfeeling/attitude 感觉/态度 your feeling, attitude, or behaviour towards someone or something is how you feel or think about them or how you treat them 对于,关于〔指对待某人或某事物的感觉、态度等〕 Brian’s attitude towards his work has always been very positive. 布赖恩的工作态度向来非常积极主动。 Her parents had been more sympathetic towards her. 她的父母更支持她了。4  PAY FORhelp pay for 帮助支付 money put, saved, or given towards something is used to pay for it 〔钱〕用于 The money collected will be put towards repairing the church roof. 募集到的钱款将用于修缮教堂屋顶。5  before 在⋯之前BEFORE just before a particular time 快要到〔某个时刻〕 Toward the end of the afternoon it began to rain. 快到傍晚时,天下起了雨。6  near 接近NEAR near a particular place 接近〔某一地方〕 Uncle Dick and Aunt Mavis live at High Burnton out towards the coast. 迪克叔叔和梅维丝婶婶住在海本顿靠近海边的地方。Examples from the Corpustowards• Glancing towards me, he started to laugh.• If you walk along the river bank towards Skipton you come to a·wards prepositionChineseSyllable  something Corpus used that faces moves, to say or looks, someone




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