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单词 Adoption
1) There are strict regulations concerning the adoption of children.
2) The baby was put up for adoption .
3) She put up her daughter for adoption in 1967.
4) They gave their babies up for adoption.
5) When will the child be available for adoption?
6) We argued her into the adoption of the plan.
7) Adoption papers were duly filed in May 1974.
8) She put the baby up for adoption.
9) Adoption can fail for all kinds of reasons.
10) England was Conrad's country of adoption.
11) The committee recommended the adoption of new safety procedures.
12) Everything about the child's adoption was against accepted practice.
13) The senator urged against the adoption of the measure.
14) She decided to put her baby up for adoption.
15) The party announced the formal adoption of George Smith as their election candidate.
16) Several suggestions have been offered for adoption by the panel.
17) They were so happy when the adoption went through successfully.
18) She decided to put the baby up for adoption .
19) But others would be sold for adoption.
20) For a while, the adoption program shut down completely.
21) Croydon rejected their application, advocating some-race adoption.
22) And now guidelines advise on same-race adoption policy.
23) These foster children are not available for adoption.
24) Adoption offers the most secure future.
25) It should not have become a synonym for adoption.
26) Researchers have unearthed documents indicating her responsibility for the forced adoption of children.
27) She has decided to put the child up for adoption.
28) If you can not have children of your own,[http:///adoption.html] why not consider adoption?
29) The film usefully explores some of the issues surrounding adoption.
30) In the next chapter the writer focuses on the topic of adoption.
1) Researchers have unearthed documents indicating her responsibility for the forced adoption of children.
2) She has decided to put the child up for adoption.
3) Adoption papers were duly filed in May 1974.
4) The senator urged against the adoption of the measure.
31) Everything about Shanti's adoption was against accepted practice.
32) The demand for such babies is so high that some adoption agencies have difficulty meeting even a fraction of it.
33) Why not respect the intention implied by the choice of impermanent materials and the adoption of quick and casual techniques?
34) Workplans are being drafted at present and will be finalised after adoption of the programme.
35) Harris said little, if any, qualitative changes in foster care, residential care, and adoption had been made.
36) These theoretical problems are most visible and at their most intractable in the area of fostering and adoption policy.
37) Adoption is expensive: fees and travel costs can add up to $ 20, 000 a child.
38) Nevertheless, in two cases in the separated group, the baby was given up for adoption because neither parent wanted custody.
39) Its adoption, however, was to be delayed until the new Constitution came into effect.
40) Further, supporters of the bill seem ignorant of the dangers of the path they are taking adoption policy.
41) Such action represents the adoption of aspects of a second air pollution control strategy - namely, the emission standards strategy.
42) The Czechoslovakian coup did two things absolutely necessary for the adoption of the containment policy.
43) The hearing would decide whether the state should terminate the rights of the biological parents and put the child up for adoption.
44) Some grandparents were acquired through adoption, or through remarriage following family break-up.
45) Adoption of this system has not only avoided the need to employ at least two clerical assistants.
46) Much of their success came from their adoption by skinheads.
47) Adoption is different from novation and also appears to be distinguishable from merely acting as though the contract were binding on the company.
48) Of those available for adoption, 40 percent are black, although blacks represent only about 13 percent of the general population.
49) No doubt there will be would-be adopters who are likely to find the possibility of inclusive adoption threatening and not wish to proceed.
50) Moreover, Boyle also demonstrates that the Security Council violated its own charter through the adoption of Resolution 731.
51) Adoption of Technology Standards Adoption of standards is a major barrier to the I-way construction.
52) Another is that its method of valuation was too complex and this would detract from its widespread adoption.
53) Again no mention was made of the possibility of making an adoption order with a condition of access.
54) Health education will have to revolve around the adoption of safer practices.
55) Reargument was largely devoted to the circumstances surrounding the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868.
56) The Government proposes to implement a major review of adoption law in the New Year.
57) The widespread adoption of a rigorous and effective pre-trial review?
58) In other cases,[] generating a demand requires the emplacement of an infrastructure of maintenance for the successful adoption of innovations.
59) Also included is the artificial adoption of dead languages for nationalistic purposes.
60) The Community has kept apace with the timetable set for adoption of the legislation by the end of 1992.
61) Advocates for adoption benefits say their best argument to employers is the low cost of such programs.
62) The reference here to distrust of the judiciary once again accentuates Dicey's adoption of the ancient conception of the rule of law.
63) The increasing adoption of less intensive agriculture should further encourage a hare recovery.
64) An Act passed in that year gave power to the court to make an adoption order.
65) Mechanically the entry level Polos remain the same, bar the adoption of fuel injection.
66) The first black adoption agency, New Black Families, began to tackle the problem in 1980.
67) But adoption agencies, quite rightly, put the child's interests first.
68) The widespread adoption of floating exchange rates increased the uncertainty and risk associated with international trade and investment.
69) As with the adoption of special needs children, the attitude of agency staff towards inclusive adoption can be crucial.
70) The practice of children being sent overseas for adoption has always had its critics.
71) The Left-wing of the party continued to fight for the adoption of socialist policies.
72) These harmful effects can also be exacerbated by the adoption of increased protectionist measures by trading blocs against non-bloc countries.
73) In times of financial stringency and the adoption of Value for Money strategies in government those with financial expertise may acquire power.
74) Following mounting concern about some of the problems of adoption and fostering, a departmental committee was set up to investigate.
75) An adoption bill eventually became law two years later, in 1952, under the next administration.
76) However, when a particularly successful foster placement led to the girl's adoption the girl changed considerably.
77) By that time, McCorvey had given birth and put the baby girl up for adoption.
78) When Carol weans the pups, they will all be available for adoption.
79) The first of these incidents occurred with the attempt to introduce a law on adoption.
80) Adopted children and their biological parents may suffer stress long after the adoption. 4.
81) Adoption has decreased dramatically during 20 years as a reflection of changes in legislation and public attitudes.
82) That should prevent the adoption of a county sales tax or special assessments like the recently imposed recreational vehicle tax.
83) The general practitioner contract of April 1990 served to encourage the adoption of this model of care.
84) The Congress debated a transitional structure for an interim government before the adoption of a new Constitution.
85) My parents were in fact trying to bring me two new sisters through adoption.
86) Sattel says Lucasfilm offers paid one-week paternity and adoption leaves; maternity leaves are usually covered by disability programs.
87) That has led them to the adoption of a decentralized, team-based, quality-oriented system.
88) It remains for us to consider the macro-economic case for the widespread and general adoption of the industrial co-operative form.
89) This specifically educational definition has of course continued, but its adoption by artists marks a significant shift.
90) This calls for the adoption of much stricter and legally binding standards.
91) Adoption of this view requires a small modification to the sketch of the patterns of linguistic construction given in Chapter 1.
92) Within the Ministry, there had been some pressure for the explicit adoption of replacement cost depreciation conventions.
93) This was principally directed toward the gradual adoption of more realistic depreciation provisions.
94) Businesses are worried lest pushing things too fast leads to the adoption of quotas for women and minorities.
95) That's why I want to give it up for adoption.
96) Both of these stem from the original adoption of the pointed arch.
97) The adoption of a sequential approach to assessing the development potential of sites and the redevelopment potential of existing buildings.
98) Thousands of children were murdered, put in orphanages, given away or sold for adoption abroad.
99) They hoped that the adoption of a child would inject new life into their marriage.
100) And this lamb needs ewe ... the adoption agency that's proud of its woolly ways.
101) It has never wavered and has consistently fought ever since for the adoption of this method.
102) The adoption of an economy based on farming did not effect a clean break.
103) The primary reason for the adoption of this life-style is the attitude to the economic rewards of work.
104) The planning process includes a series of public meetings this fall, with the revised plan scheduled for adoption next spring.
105) The 1992 plank commends those who provide alternatives to abortion, such as adoption services.
106) The adoption contract might contain a proviso that if a natural son was born he would take precedence as the legal heir.
107) The Houston couple chose an international adoption, because it was faster and less complicated.
108) She was recently reunited with the son she gave up for adoption.
109) However, despite early adoption there have been considerable doubts as to the effectiveness of such rational approaches.
110) Social responsibility is thus not merely a matter of the adoption of changed standards on a voluntary basis.
111) Member states will have two years after adoption in which to implement the Directive.
112) The political element would be secured through the adoption of proportional representation.
113) Most adoption agencies offer support for three months after the adoption, but this is unlikely to be sufficient.
114) We are working for resolution of outstanding points of technical detail with a view to early adoption by the Council of Ministers.
115) This has contributed to the widespread adoption and acceptance of Swahili.
116) More importantly, the adoption of these practices made the individual worker feel insignificant. Therein lies the problem.
117) Secondly, innovation, which involves the adoption of unconventional methods of chasing the goals, such as through crime.
118) This does not condemn interactive multimedia to death, but it does suggest a slower-than-expected scenario for widespread adoption.
119) The adoption of iron instead of wood for floor beams helped to achieve this aim.
120) Even so, two years later not all of them were satisfied with open adoption.
121) There was none of the careful preparation and gradual introduction which usually precedes the adoption of a child beyond infancy.
122) The Act allowed the retention of adoption of such titles simply as a further concession to local sentiment.
123) Yet they could not shake off the idea of an adoption, and finally succumbed.
124) Yet, to propose the possibility of adoption by such a couple strikes a discordant note.
125) They argue that this will seriously undermine the adoption of the Biosafety Protocol developed under the Convention on Biodiversity.
126) The adoption of the Constitution resulted from a compromise that overlooked the problem of human bondage.
127) The purpose of this paper is to examine further the issue of open adoption or adoption with contact.
128) For the adoption, the Millers provided references and numerous other documents.
129) Also, in 1974, an adoption Act made it possible for couples of mixed denominational or religious origin to adopt.
130) She saw the 1975 Act's emphasis on adoption as positive.
131) Reporting in 1935 it advocated the fullest adoption of the planned distribution of industry and population based on garden city development.
132) We arrived at Sedgefield Parish Hall, standing room only, just as his adoption meeting finished.
133) It is this process of socialisation - the gradual adoption of values and norms associated with social roles - which generates ageism.
134) Our Priest agreed, and the necessary arrangements were made for the boy's adoption and transfer to Eire.
135) Read in studio An adoption agency with a difference has been set up to help find parents for orphan lambs.
136) Systematic Cleaning Systematic cleaning is the adoption of the right combination of energy for the circumstances with regard to time and cost.
137) So, to the moral case for the general adoption of the form we may now add the practical imperative.
138) But as Table 2-1 shows, the adoption of free-market develop-ment models has raised their average growth rates.
139) It forced a change of direction in the 1950s and the adoption, under Davis, of good housekeeping policies.
140) It is effective for accounting periods ending on or after 23 August 1993 although earlier adoption is encouraged.
141) The merchants soon managed to place their sons and daughters in aristocratic families, infiltrating them by marriage and adoption.
142) Adoption Adoption involves the legal transfer of responsibility for a child from its natural parents.
143) Mr. Gummer My Department offers a number of grants to farmers that encourage the adoption of environmentally sound practices.
144) It hopes to release its first performance accounting standards, for general adoption, by the mid-199Os.
145) The push for interracial adoption is redundant and behind the curve.
146) Their adoption is, however, a matter of choice, in line with Council strategy to keep regulation to a minimum.http:///adoption.html
147) Animal Adoption Visitors may adopt an animal and thus make a contribution towards the cost of that animal's upkeep.
148) The other reservation concerns the long-term effects of adoption, which it is thought may damage personality and identity.
149) But even harder to make are decisions about adoption when Marian knows that she is severing families in a permanent way.
150) We may note initially the adoption by high culture of the objects of popular culture.
151) Inpart it was a response to the needs of childless white couples for whom white infants were no longer available for adoption.
152) In 1988 the foster parents applied to adopt D. The parents refused to consent to the adoption.
153) Jean and Fred will complete the adoption formalities this weekend.
154) Don't exchange contracts until you and your client are satisfied on every point and in particular about adoption of roads and drains.
155) But there is inferential evidence for the early adoption of family planning.
156) Adoption is the one issue that pro-choice and pro-life people can agree on.
157) What accounts for the difference in adoption of adjustments from place to place and time to time? 5.
158) It noted that adjustments are permitted in the case of adoption and legitimation.
159) Nevertheless, not withstanding the adoption of an analytical method, the dominant tradition is both anti-rationalist and anti-formalist in conception.
160) It would also include slogans on clothes, but not the adoption of an offensive uniform.
161) Meanwhile disagreement among the 72 deputies to the Assembly over the draft Constitution delayed its formal adoption until Feb. 9.
162) Adoption agencies in Britain take the greatest trouble to see that children are placed where they will enjoy a strong family background.
163) The process of inaugurating new policies will continue after the adoption of the policy and will then further affect implementation.
164) This standard the adoption fixes roughly value comparison method.
165) Leaving the adoption of slavery up to the individual states directly contradicted the Missouri Compromise, which barred the extension of slavery into new states.
166) This is a control optical switch procedure for the adoption of Serial control.
167) If you are attached and have hoped to have a baby, or have applied for an adoption or foster child, this week could bring very big news.
168) One woman was attending a pro-life conference and came up to the speaker afterwards and said, "My mother was raped as a 13 year old and gave me up for adoption.
169) The Northern Min culture centered on Fuzhou is marked by the early adoption of Buddhism, and shows influences of Japanese culture and Japanese cuisine through contacts made with the Ryukyu Islands.
170) "I will chair a session of the Security Council and will speak on behalf of the adoption of a resolution on women, peace and security," she said.
171) Since signals must be transmitted in noise channel, it will produce many inaccurate code consequentially. Adoption of error-correcting technique can assure accuracy and reliability of data.
172) Analysis is made on the necessity and methods of transforming the interest rate into general adoption of the market principle, and provided the countermeasure.
173) Madonna's image was hit by claims she used her fame and wealth to circumvent Malawian adoption rules.
174) The Farmer Field School system pioneered by FAO offers an additional channel for promoting knowledge transfer and adoption of climate-smart farming techniques.
175) The adoption of remembrance-guided search method emphasizes local optimum value in each remembrance segment, which avoids the blindness of global search.
176) Together they have two sons: Rocco, 8, and David Banda, 2, a Malawian orphan they adopted last year amid controversy that they had violated international adoption laws.
177) This paper introduced a single slice machine for control core, and Adoption string line correspondence and hot and quick printer Component urine liquid analysis instrument.
178) The technological model of this system adoption B/S, provided exuberant sources of date, and used ASP.
179) Use easily due to adoption of squeezable bottle with fine tip nozzle.
180) But in German-speaking areas of Switzerland, adoption of Facebook lagged.
181) The adoption of CDN can remarkably reduce the traffic load of WAN, improve the content responsive-ness and stability, and enable faster and more reliable transfer and distribution of the Web contents.
182) With the adoption of pulverization principle of shearing, DG-350 double-refiner disc special type grinding machine is developed to satisfy the requirements of special powder preparation.
183) Because it's a complex format and requires users to sacrifice expressivity and pay enormous costs in translation and maintenance, the Semantic Web will never achieve widespread public adoption.
184) With the adoption of the dollar, inflation will come downstroke. Exchange rate instability will disappear.
185) Reel collector part of the adoption of high-quality collector ring and brush, ensuring a longer life, higher reliability.
186) The current trend is toward adoption of direct recording electronic (DRE) devices, which have touch screens that resemble those of automated banking machines.
187) After continuous signal 10kHz sampling after the adoption of the digital filter, the input and output analysis of the spectrum.
188) Article 28 The laws at the habitual residence of the adopter and the adoptee shall apply to the qualifications and formalities of adoption.
189) The adoption of P45 sheet plastination technique makes the complete appearance of the fine anatomic structure of human nuchal ligament more obvious.
190) Some comparative statics are performed to further illustrate the effects of spillovers and innovation size on technology adoption.
191) The operation of parol education mainly involves the adoption of teaching method and the appliance of teaching medium.
192) The concept of coaching circles is an interesting one, and Lyssa Adkins is helping to drive adoption of this concept as one of the originators of the idea.
193) The general adoption of the market principle in China can create the ideal environment for equal competition of various kinds of enterprises.
194) Meanwhile the system is extremelly reliable due to adoption of self-inspection technique, fault-tolerant technique, anti-interference technique and emergency protection, etc.
195) Among the Iroquois the ceremony of adoption into the gens was performed at a public council of the tribe, and therefore was actually a religious rite .
196) With the more request of automatic degree, especially the widely application of DCS, the adoption of DCS simulator becomes admissive. However, there are two problems about DCS training simulator.
197) Adoption of modern agricultural practices and use of technology is inadequate, hampered by ignorance of such practices, high costs and impracticality in the case of small land holdings.
198) On the other hand, they gradually brush aside party casualism which regards adoption as pure contractual behaviour, and take in the supervision of.
199) If the adoption boils, want to attain real antipoisoning, must much cook in a short while, use infrared rays antipoisoning the cupboard generally want to maintain for 15-30 minutes.
200) Regardless, the practices can offer great dividends in quality, whether adopted on their own, or as part of a broader, more formal method adoption.
201) To register all kinds of things while being in hospital any in course of treatment adoption clinical questionary.
202) Following its adoption by the Object Management Group in 1996, it became an accepted industry standard [OMG03a] [OMG04] [RJB05].
203) Some closer the form is year of adoption inclined roofing more cast-in-place ferroconcrete inclined roofing.
204) Another draft code up for adoption would prevent or reduce Ochratoxin A contamination in wine.
205) General consensus is that eventual adoption of WebSocket in inevitable yet in an altered form to alleviate the current security concerns, but some feel XMPP sufficiently solves the same problem space.
206) It has been recognized that case law is the dominant source of Anglo-American legal system. So, the adoption between case law and statutory law becomes the distinctive watershed of two legal systems.
206) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
207) The accelerated pace of mashup adoption in the enterprise is related to two business parameters: revenue and costs.
208) Implicitly hidden columns: For compatibility, this feature eases the adoption of the row change timestamp columns to existing tables and applications.
209) With the advance of general adoption of the market principle , the coming several years will be an important period of financial deepening for China.
210) Although such technology has been commercially available for 30 years, the average worldwide adoption of EMRs by clinicians in their day-to-day work is less than 20 percent.
211) The utility model has the advantage of simple and compact structure, and due to the adoption of the water sealing structure and the moisture separator, the use is safe and the energy is saved.
212) It is a process of guiding people toward the adoption of some behavior, belief, or attitude preferred by the persuader.
213) Many new D enlarger adoption the PWM output negative feedback wreath road.
214) Scholasticism; philosophy on the Christian doctrine taught in college in medi Europe, which is actually a theological system; also know as eclectic philosophy for its adoption of abstract syllogisms.
215) Plainly enough now, the adoption of it would have spoiled the niche for the Dred Scott decision.
216) Other changes, such as new team dynamics and the redefinition of roles such as the business analyst, show the genuine force behind Agile adoption.
217) Recommends a principle and method of frequency selection range fixation in order to control the reliability of fuze action through the adoption of sampling discrimination in frequency modulated fuzes.
218) The work flow of program of serious to all sorts of changing work and basic cycle time undertook an analysis, put forward reasonable adoption condition.
219) Dodi is an extremely affectionate and healthy 4 month old ball of playfulness who can already urinate in his kitty litter tray. He is looking for a loving home for adoption.
220) This paper studies Wave Front Arbiter algorithm. WFA adoption of a fixed-order-cycle priority algorithm, and have no in consideration of length and age of packages.
221) The precedent set by the FDA has been used to pressurise other countries into authorizing the adoption of GM crops for cultivation – or at least for import as food and feed.
222) Then, the adoption of appropriate countermeasures has effectively prevented the failure of drilling pipe, thus guaranteeing the reliability of drilling pipe quality.
223) The adoption of these counter-measures makes the design of the CC more perfect, the commissioning ahead, and the ratio of achieving production quota and ca...
224) Save Our Secret Ballot amendments prevent adoption of card-check laws by other states—but the NLRB's lawsuits could sweep those protections aside as well.
225) The adoption of capacitor feedback transimpedance amplifier(CTIA) and correlated double sampling (CDS) structure helps to reduce the noise of the circuit.
226) Wide industry adoption (OSGi -- see -- Espial, Echelon).
227) When it comes to digital textbook adoption, it looks like Florida's turning into a global trendsetter.
228) A more accurate determination can be made in terms of absolute cost—especially when adoption is considered in developing countries—as well as relative cost in relation to value.
229) The Code provides that the laws of the place where the adopter and adoptee are normally resident[], will govern the adoption conditions and procedures.
230) Last year's adoption by the International Labour Organization of the Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization is just one recent example of the UN system's commitment to social justice.
231) With the adoption of the problems in the course of nature is much.
232) The adoption of this policy would relieve them of a tremendous burden.
233) The Human Rights Consultative Committee (HRCC), a grouping of 67 human rights NGOs in Malawi, tells PEOPLE they hope to halt Madonna's adoption of a 13-month old baby boy for the moment.
234) Adoption of tri-rhomb PLC control make its trirhomb surface show, the numbers of boxes permunites, and length of packing.
235) The need for EA seems to be more pressing than ever, yet efforts to professionalize EA do not necessarily lead to increased credibility and adoption, at least not yet.
236) The specific step and process are introduced in detail with the adoption of this method in the design of the automatic slide fastener assembly mach...
237) With a clear Agile social contract, the entire organization can follow a very simple,[http:///adoption.html] step-wise adoption process to successfully adopting agility beyond the team level.
238) The adoption of F170 water-cooled diesel engine makes the double ploughshare farming over two times as the similar equipments.
239) The adoption of systemic nursing can effectively prevent astriction, and reduce the risk of syndromes occurring.
240) In the process of preparation, the ability to filtrate liquid can be improved by the proper concentration of the reactant and adoption of high strength mechanical mixture.
241) In contrast, when an organization introduces incremental improvements in all three areas -- process, tools, and enablement -- there is usually a high degree of adoption, followed by success.
242) Each adoption orbit type conjunction, dynamoelectric cent, match a body, spirit move a lock tight, convenience adjust and clean.
243) The adoption of CPLD chip whose hardware logic can be reprogrammed in system helps to enhance the flexibility of system.
244) Morever, the adoption of the time-sharing feed method effectively reduces the number of the drivers, simplifies the structure and decreases the cost.
245) Many of us considered ourselves white trapped in Asian bodies, wrote one Korean adoptee in a 1999 study conducted by the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute in New York.
246) Where on party of the conjoints is a foreigner, the adoption of Chinese citizens' children in China by the said conjoints shall also be handled in accordance with these Measures.
247) Adoption is an act of God's free grace, whereby we are received into the number, and have a right to all the privileges of the sons of God.
248) METHODS The method adoption is TLC, to the oleum eucalypti contained in drugs proceeds to discriminate.
249) If you want to build a dominant company that has a substantial market share, Freemium can help you accelerate adoption.
250) Kent Beck and Ward Cunningham proposed the adoption of CRC cards to perform object-object design during team sessions.
251) As a result, the bus concept is driving the adoption of hub-and-spoke topologies at both the physical and logical network layers.
252) Although WSIF never gained wide adoption by itself, it is used by many BPEL engines, for example WPC from IBM and BPEL Manager from Oracle, as an API for service invocations.
253) The adoption of standard project will cover young drink, cheese, butter, Pasteurism milk and so on.
254) CONCLUSIONS: MAGE will help microarray data producers and users to exchange information by providing a common platform for data exchange, and MAGE-STK will make the adoption of MAGE easier.
255) The adoption of programmable controller in the electric control system realized the automatic control from the reception of coal from coal bunker to the sequential charging of the charging car.
256) Article 3 Adoption shall not contravene laws and regulations on family planning.
257) But I find the search on the electronic commerce adoption of enterprises in clusters is not systematism, and there is not a decision-making model used by these enterprises.
258) Network service companies are leading the way in early adoption.
259) To try and encourage adoption of IPv6, the ISOC in conjunction with Google, Facebook and others have proposed a World IPv6 Day on 8th June 2011.
260) As the first stage of innovative technology application and actualization, adoption is very important.
261) A drop in prices could also improve adoption of SSDs and stabilize a slowing NAND flash market, Samsung's Elliott said.
262) These patterns form the core of a pattern language covering a wider spectrum of issues around SOA and SOI as you move into higher levels of maturity in the adoption of SOA (shown below in Figure 1).
263) AS a result, the adoption of the quick ratio is necessary.
264) The adoption of Maxwell stresstensor method can find alternative analysis of electromagnetic force for BSRM.
265) As for the operating system, file system management, as well as other information needed to the hard disk is formatted after the adoption of high-level, that is, to achieve the Format command.
266) They are not intended to be all-inclusive, exclusive or prescriptive; rather a party's adoption of these Guidelines, or variants thereof, should be determined based on that party's own circumstances.
266) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
267) Since the adoption of the new working method, production has gone up.
268) For example, in the"positive list system"carried by Japan on 29 May. 2006, the adoption of"uniform limit"has referred to the soul of 2003/0052(COD) regulation.
269) Adoption of higher voltage class makes more rigor request for allowable value of switching overvoltage of the transmission lines.
270) In a practical example, a good result is obtained by the adoption of step-varying TD and predicting under the condition of sampled signal with noise and sampled ti...
271) The practice of adoption goes back at least as far as Moses, who, the Bible says, was adopted by the daughter of the Pharaoh of Egypt.
272) Her husband hesitated to complete the formal requirements for adoption.
273) The laws at the habitual residence of the adoptee at the time of adoption or at the locality of the court shall apply to the termination of the adoptive relation.
274) Consequently the PCE value of vehicle conversion factor is determined by the adoption of time and headway.
275) And it's a surprising turnabout in a country in which government red-tape, poverty and traditional attitudes long combined to discourage adoption.
276) They also demonstrate the most successful processes behind language change – wordplay, blending, and the adoption of foreign terms are all there.
277) Besides adoption of the right RC circuit, attention must be payed on optimum circuit connecting, as well as proper saturable reactor seriesly connected in the circuit in order to suppress overvoltage.
278) The specific step and process are introduced in detail with the adoption of this method in the design of the automatic slide fastener assembly machine.
279) The adoption of double - hand operation and dragging plate ensures the convenience and safety for operators.
280) Assuming that future technology innovation with random occurrence lead decline of the value of current new technology, this paper gives the valuation and adoption decision models of new technology.
281) For most enterprise software, comprehensive documentation and user adoption guides is nothing new. In fact, it's standard operating procedure.
282) The laws at the habitual residence of the adopter at the time of adoption shall apply to the validity of adoption.




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