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单词 Colony
1 A colony of seals lay basking in the sun.
2 Algeria was formerly a French colony.
3 The colony was governed directly from Paris.
4 Australia is a former British colony.
5 Settlers establish a new colony in the early 18th century.
6 They had thought that the new colony would be a paradise, but they were soon disillusioned.
7 These woodlands once harboured a colony of red deer.
8 All the bees in the colony are genetically related.
9 There lived a colony of bees on the tree.
10 Britain was mandated to govern the former colony of German East Africa.
11 Different animals in the colony had different manifestations of the disease.
12 Barbados was once a British colony,[] but now it's independent.
13 In the colony, most die young.
14 A small colony nested on the basalt rock face.
15 Instead, call a professional beekeeper to remove the colony.
16 Fighting is continuing in the former Belgian colony.
17 We are like the people of a leper colony.
18 As a colony, the Near East disliked its masters.
19 A Manx shearwater colony has a particularly powerful stench.
20 Canada is a former British colony.
21 The colony plus the protectorate thus came to constitute what is now Sierra Leone.
22 Kate, 19, visited the colony in late summer before starting her languages course at Newcastle University.
23 To confirm the diagnosis, the hospital laboratory must culture a colony of bacteria.
24 He said the move would definitely stem the haemorrhage of talent and enterprise from the colony.
25 Some of the insects will leave to form a new colony.
26 Many behaviour patterns have been identified in the chimp colony.
27 With a great show of reluctance, the government granted independence to the colony.
28 As he wrote the commissary in 1752, he had no ambition to Presbyterianize the colony.
29 After being here less than 24 hours, I feel very much like a mosquito in a nudist colony.
30 Many birds live in colonies but mate monogamously within the colony.
1 A colony of seals lay basking in the sun.
2 Algeria was formerly a French colony.
3 The colony was governed directly from Paris.
4 Australia is a former British colony.
5 They had thought that the new colony would be a paradise, but they were soon disillusioned.
6 All the bees in the colony are genetically related.
7 There lived a colony of bees on the tree.
31 Mr Patten pledged to continue fighting for greater democracy for the colony.
32 A colony of ants on the move from one nest site to another exhibits the Kafkaesque underside of emergent control.
33 It was three times the size of the Jamestown colony that was founded in 1607.
34 In 1679 the territory of New Hampshire was carved out of it, and was established as a separate colony.
35 Observed by a colony of seals, we landed in a natural sheltered harbour.
36 Keeping an eye on the colony over the next fortnight I saw that another half-dozen polyps had followed the first.
37 She bore two children, was banished from the colony and yet reappeared later.
38 Whenever possible breeding colony staff should not be involved with other animals of a potentially lower health status.
39 So do the million and a half termites living in the colony.
40 Co-operation within a colony, especially by means of labour-dividing castes[Sentence dictionary], is probably what ants are most famous for.
41 The primary exhibit area will focus on the Turnbull Colony.
42 The architecture of the chapel at the Guell colony is like a study of intimate female anatomy.
43 In 1980, the former British colony of Rhodesia gained independence as the Republic of Zimbabwe.
44 A nudist colony of angels exercised their wings in Eastbourne cemetery.
45 Calvert shared his father's interest in the new world and was actively involved in his effort to establish a colony.
46 Tom Langton, a campaigner on behalf of adders, has managed to find only one adder colony in the whole of Greater London.
47 Louverture headed the revolt of the slaves in the French colony of San Domingo.
48 Other private operations at the shipyard include an artists' colony, ship repair and several warehouse operations.
49 The outcome of these behaviours in a captive colony is the formation of one-male groups similar to those found in the wild.
50 There were no brothels in the colony you see before we came - but every town now has a fair selection.
51 A colony of 25 rare striped lychnis moth caterpillars has been found in a churchyard at Headbourne Worthy in Hampshire.
52 But in other ways the colony lagged behind, especially when government expenditure was at stake.
53 This makes the whole colony a sitting duck for a man with a gun.
54 The road itself had become a colony of residents specializing in theatrical and allied activities.
55 Hughes's book 'The Fatal Shore' is a study of the origins of Australia as a British penal colony.
56 Others, like sponges, consisted of a colony of cells with a porous skeleton.
57 At the time, Dorset was beginning the transition from picturesque dairy country to affluent summer artist colony.
58 When the colony was discovered eighteen years later, ten of the women had survived and only one of the men.
59 The colony was doomed to be swallowed by Massachusetts and Rhode Island, which had royal charters as it did not.
60 The United States was once a colony of Great Britain.
61 The colony are the survivors of 60 baboons which escaped from a safari park that closed 20 years ago.
62 Later, they went regularly to Dhapa, the large leprosy colony in Calcutta, where they tended the sick.
63 It is 1962 now, but the Colony hasn't changed a jot.
64 In a room enlivened by a colony intelligence, visitors are at a disadvantage.
65 A report commissioned by the group identified a total of 315,000 staff which the colony needed to keep.
66 In 1678 he was chosen deputy governor and in the following year was elected governor of the colony.
67 A plastic dustbin with breeding colony on to which organic waste is showered.
68 In 1681 the Quaker William Penn founded the colony of Pennsylvania.
69 The Cathedral in Hong Kong was a significant part of our life in the colony.
70 In other words, within a colony, sons are worth more than brothers.
71 This was to prevent attacks by bandits on travellers whose cries floated nightly over the fields to the colony.
72 Far out to sea lies the gannet colony of Grassholm.
73 They establish a colony on Ragol but this perfect planet soon unleashes a few surprises and all hell breaks loose.
74 You will be happy to hear that I am in excellent health and the colony agrees with me well.
75 This system prevailed over a colony whose territorial boundaries were not determined by the pre-colonial boundaries recognised by the indigenous populations.
76 It shows that every inhabitant of a mole-rat colony is a close relative.
77 Powered by solar panels and car batteries, the music machines repeatedly play a 15-minute recording made of the Farallones murre colony.
78 Today Pine Gap looks like an advance moon colony in the Sea of Tranquillity.
79 His Superintendent asked for a priest to go to the island of Molokai where a colony of lepers lived in appalling conditions.
80 Any benefit to the native inhabitants of the colony was incidental.
81 At its nadir in 1983, the Alameda colony had only 3 nesting pairs.
82 In 1619 the Company sent ninety women to delight the men and assure the future of the colony.
83 We have a mobile clinic for them with eight centres. 1 want to start a colony for them.
84 Nearly everything else follows the ground plan of the later, and much larger, colony base station.
85 He could throw his lot in with the Lord General, and perhaps become a governor of one of the colony worlds.
86 In a commune on the outskirts of the city, we saw a new colony of houses being built.
87 This might appear to be the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of the colony, but all the bees in the colony are genetically related.
88 Finally he is said to have settled at Elea, a new colony south of Paestum.
89 Farther down the coast we saw a huge kittiwake colony on an inland cliff and went to investigate.
90 He was appointed superintendent of the penal colony on Norfolk Island in 1840.
91 The administration viewed colony activities and behavior as an adjunct of a life isolated from the wider society.
92 You play Ripley, who has to despatch hordes of alien-infested humans from an underground penal colony.
93 It is the only colony of mute swans in the world that is open to the public.
94 With the advent of independence in 1961, the cultural gap between colony and protectorate suddenly assumed new and larger political significance.
95 It is intended as a model for a possible future colony on Mars or the Moon.
96 High winds now prevented us from visiting the Monach Isles, reputedly site of the world's second largest seal colony.
97 Skomer hosts about 100,000 pairs, the largest colony in the world.
98 Colonial Hong Kong blossomed into an economic powerhouse: a capitalistic colony fueled by international investment and global banking.
99 The proprietary system never did work well,[http:///colony.html] and the colony never became a great place for refuge.
100 They caught wildfowl for the ever-increasing colony, and built new pens and enclosures for them.
101 There was a muddy pond at the bottom of Lavender's garden and this was the home of a colony of newts.
102 There were twenty people, including children, in this new colony, and they were all slaughtered.
103 I have even some serious intention of visiting the colony for two years for the purpose of making observations etc.
104 Every ant colony has its own clone of fungi, distinct from that on the neighbouring farm.
105 Their destination tends to be New York, to join an already established colony of Fujianese.
106 Around the turn of the century, the Crown gave up on the Quaker colony but then later restored it to Penn.
107 There was none after 1969, and the colony is now extinct.
108 They were expelled, and replaced by an Athenian citizen colony, strategically placed to hold the straits of Artemision.
109 You can often find a colony by looking under large flat stones, planks of wood or rubble lying on the soil.
110 By day, a colony of petrels or shearwaters is a quiet, apparently deserted place.
111 Six kilometres short of Poltava we turn aside from the highway into a colony for homeless vagabond children run by Anton Makarenko.
112 As if to compensate for this, he applied military techniques in the colony.
113 Volvox. Such a colony is often surrounded by mucilage.
114 Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (G-CSF), Chicken anti-Human, Biotin.
115 The colony was round, orderliness velvet and translucence.
116 A study of Central American leaf-cutter ants has shown that the younger and more vigorous members of the colony are given the toughest job of cutting through the leaves they harvest.
117 He presided over the Powhatan empire at the time the English established the Jamestown Colony (1607).
118 Human-rights groups frequently reported on the harsh conditions of the penal colony, including incidents of torture and murder.
119 Methods We recorded the numbers of superior cerebral vein. lateral colony in the 1/3 front of superior sagittal sinus by the operation and total cerebral angiography.
120 And a San Diego judge has delayed indefinitely his order to remove a harbor seal colony.
121 Adams was born in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1735.
122 Not too far behind its neighbor Massachusetts, Vermont's first established colony dates back to 1666, smack dab on the Isle of La Motte in Lake Champlain.
123 It provides numerous links to developmental biology research resources, including dynamic development, axolotl colony, genetic and molecular data for drosophila, mouse embryo and cancer genome etc.
124 In short, a small colony of common bacteria — Streptococcus Mitis — had stowed away on the device.
125 Along with industrial colony's blooming, the colony branding has become more and more popular both in business and theory circle.
126 In a life that held much personal tragedy, he had given the colony its economic base.
127 Therefore, in the practice of beekeeping, we mainly advocate feeding bees on natural pollen, artificial pollen and pollen pie as supplement in order to improve the propagation efficiency of colony.
128 In view of the complex Container Loading Problem (CLP),[http:///colony.html] the optimal loading plan with heuristic information and the ant colony algorithm was proposed.
129 Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms ( ACOAs ) were appropriate for this optimization problem.
130 In modern society, as a dominical special colony in common, administration men in terms of ethical value must go back to the commonweal.
131 Back in 2004, the building served as home to 12, 748 companies using the same address in the Caymans, a British crown colony 150 miles south of Cuba.
132 Based on ant colony evolutionary algorithm, a colony algorithm is extended for searching continuous space optimization.
133 Following the settlement of Australia as a British penal colony, the language that emerged reflected the distinct conditions of settlement, authority and punishment.
134 Four hundred years ago, Henry Hudson explored the river named after him, and laid the groundwork for the Dutch colony of New Netherland.
135 Gunnison Island in the Great Salt Lake has an important colony of American White Pelicans, with several thousand nesting here each spring.
136 North and South Carolina were one colony until seventeen twenty-nine.
137 Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is a new-style simulating evolution algorithm. The behavior of real ant colonies foraging for food is simulated and used for solving optimization problems.
138 Results The NIH3T3 cells transformed with K12 gene formed colony in soft agar and induce tumorigenesis in nude mouse.
139 Lysed cells were cultured for bacterium colony forming unit(CFU), unlysed cells were sent for EM examination.
140 The Dutch colony of New Netherland consisted of parts of modern New York and New Jersey.
141 The comparison of the outcome of germiculture, the colony count of the two groups had no significant difference.
142 Objective To compare the effects of colony oviposition and single tube oviposition for improving the reproductive rate of Anopheles anthropophagus .
143 Cutter the flying officer showed up and captured Barla and brought her back to the colony.
144 Objective To study the effects of granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) on acute granulocytopenia complicated with primary hyperthyroidism.
145 The evolutionary trend of hydrochemical colony anomaly is closely related to seismicities.
146 He also supported South Africa, Australia and New Zealand have occupied South West Africa, New Guinea and Samoa, the requirements of the French colony.
147 In response to this phenomenon, this paper describes the principle of ant colony algorithm and algorithm implementation process.
148 Jose Ramos-Horta was prominent in the campaign against Indonesia rule, after the Portuguese withdrew from their former colony in 1975.
149 Founded in 1718, it became the capital of a French colony in 1722 and passed to the United States as part of the Louisiana Purchase of 1803.
150 With persistence and care, your colony will develop a hive mind and tend to its moss "garden, " creating a self-regulating ecosystem with you as its god.
151 Meanwhile, the mouse brain tissue homogenate colony count (CFU) was observed and the results were compared with that of the immunohistochemical examination.
152 Plans for the coup d'etat in Yanaon, then a small French colony in India, are also believed to have been hatched that on the evening of April 11, 1954, but nothing actually happened that night.
153 To optimize FGFJSP, an individual optimization and colony diversity genetic algorithm (IOCDGA) is presented to accelerate the convergence speed and to avoid the earliness.
154 At the end of the paper , it proves that the Ant Colony Algorithm is good through comparison it to the greedy method.
155 Next we visit a colony of sabre-toothed monsters that used to attack ships. At least those were the tales spun by early mariners who first sighted walrus.
156 Examining colony lump-sum, observes colonial morphology and makes analysis on the bacterial characteristic after sterilization .
157 A recidivist demonstrates his tattoos while his cellmates give a coarse laugh. The corrective labor colony in Kovrov (240 km from Moscow), 1993.
158 Hooligan rascal consciousness, has centuries-old sparkplug generational feudal smallholder economic base, has vasty colony base and long thought base, and that reflect auctorial intention.
159 Objective To observe the differences of colony forming unit-fibroblastic(CFU-F) numbers in bone marrow aspirated in various ways from New Zealand white rabbits.
160 On the site of a Roman colony, it became part of the Papal States in 1631. Population, 90,147.
161 Thanksgiving is a celebration that commemorates the harvest reaped by the Plymouth colony in 1621, following their arrival at Plymouth Rock in 1620.
162 An effective method based on the theory of evidence is put forth to improve the searching performance of basic ant colony algorithms.
163 Often mistaken for a jellyfish, the Portuguese man-of-war is actually made up of a colony of organisms working together.
164 Another was Australia, which became a penal colony now that America was no longer available for prisoners and debtors.
165 In 1959, Singapore became a self-governing crown colony with Lee Kuan Yew from the People"s Action Party (PAP) as the first Prime Minister of Singapore following the 1959 elections.
166 The quantifying base of soft kill and wound is analyzed, and the quantifying analysis mode and colony soft kill and wound diffuse mode are established.
167 The Republic of Ghana was a colony of the British Empire before it achieved independence in 1957, and it was the wealthiest Black African country at that time.
168 France suspended military co-operation with its former colony and reviewed its bilateral aid.
169 Medium types affected P. capsici sporangium yield and colony grow speed and colony shape in some degree.
170 These differences and compromise is the freedom of the seas with the colony and the two issues intertwined.
171 Born into a military family in Shaoguan, a poor city inGuangdong province, Ms Zhang came to the then colony in 1985 as an accountant with a Sino-foreign trading joint venture.
172 The characters of parents, such as morphology of colony, growth rate of mycelium and auxotroph, were maintained in protoplasted monokaryon.
173 The area was settled in 1824 as a penal colony. Population, 734,750.
174 Housefly larvae and surplus manure were weighted after one week of the treatment manure, and change of the number of colibacillary colony was observed.
175 If a colony of animals practices that give-and-take well, the group thrives.
176 The Petroleum Jelly Trap: This method is more practical if you only come across a cockroach once or twice a week, and if you're dealing with a small colony somewhere around your house.
177 An island of Malaysia off the northeast coast of Borneo . At one time a British crown colony(after1848), it became part of Malaysia in1963.
178 Diamonds are discovered in the Cape Colony (now a province in South Africa), the beginning of a huge increase in the diamond supply.
179 With humaneness Naipaul writes transmigrant offsprings ' state of life in colony , as an offspring of Indian transmigrants in ex-colony.
180 The style of the architecture in shanghai changed from colony to academism reaction.
181 Finding water nearby would not only reduce the cost and complexity of setting up a lunar colony, but would also help it become a staging post for future trips further into space.
182 Great Britain took control in 704 during the War of the Spanish Succession, although Spain has made repeated claims to regain the territory. The population of the colony is 29, '48.
183 Conclusion It is simple to use CHR color medium to preliminarily identify most of oidiomycin, by the different color and shapes of colony.
184 Gibraltar monkey sits on a cannon on the top of the Rock of Gibraltar overlooking the colony in this February 7, 2002 file picture.
185 The bigger the transparent zone around the colony plates containing Congored, the higher activity of ? ? - glucanase.
186 The Philippines shares a long history with the United States. The islands became a U.S. colony at the end of the 19th century in the wake of the Spanish American War.
187 The effects of HFE on lung cancer cell YTLMC-90 were proceeded by means of three assays as follows: Methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium (MTT) assay, cell double time analysis and colony forming assay.
188 And from thence to Philippi, which is the chief city of that part of Macedonia,[http:///colony.html] and a colony: and we were in that city abiding certain days.
189 Her eventual trip to England with Rolfe and their newborn son proved a fund-raising boon to the colony, with Pocahontas serving as a kind of poster girl for the Virginia Company.
190 The system combined the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm and the dispatching priority heuristic algorithm to solve the scheduling problems existing in mold parts with work piece restrictions.
191 The biological characteristics of growth rate and colony morphology of single–zoospore isolates were studied.
192 Old colony real short-term rentals in Myrtle Beach and Beach Surfside.
193 Arriving at Plymouth Colony too late to grow many crops, and lacking fresh food, the Pilgrims suffered terribly during the winter of 1620-1621.
194 Meagher was born in Ireland, where he had been active in the "Young Ireland" nationalist movement and exiled as a result to the British Penal Colony in Tasmania, Australia.
195 The appearance of this colony causes a great deal of social security questions, which have great dange to the civil order.
196 Nevertheless, by the summer of 1939 Japan controlled most of northeastern China and all major coastal seaports, except for the British Crown Colony at Hong Kong.




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