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单词 tousled
释义  tou·sled /ˈtaʊzəld/ adjective  DCtousled hair or a tousled appearance looks untidy 〔头发〕蓬乱的;蓬头垢面的 She had just awakened, her eyes sleepy and her hair tousled. 她刚醒,睡眼惺忪,头发蓬乱。 A small tousled head appeared in the doorway. 一个头发蓬乱的小脑袋出现在门口。Examples from the Corpustousled• Her hair was tousled and looked in need of brushing.• His black hair was tousled, blown by the wind, shining strands of it across his brown forehead.• The thought lit a spark of rebellion, and slowly she sat up, pushing tousled hair back from her tear-streaked face.• Beth smoothed her tousled hair.• But it wasn't really such a leap from paintings of riders to pictures of top-hatted toffs playing around with tousled tarts.• The tousled upswept tendrils of hair.• Vron lying with back arched and legs raised on a tousled white carpet.• Xanthe ambled in in a tousled yawning state and yesterday's clothes and flopped into the empty chair beside tousled• She was smiling out at him, her long blond hair tousled.tou·sled adjectiveChineseSyllable  appearance a or looks hair tousled Corpus tousled




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