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单词 tomorrow
释义  Related topics: Chronologyto·mor·row1 /təˈmɒrəʊ $ -ˈmɔːroʊ, -ˈmɑː-/ ●●● S1 W2 adverb  TMCon or during the day after today (在)明天 → yesterday, today Our class is going to London tomorrow. 我们班明天要去伦敦。a week from tomorrow (also a week tomorrow/tomorrow week British English) 特里的新工作从明天算起一个星期后开始。 Terry’s new job starts a week tomorrow. 特里的新工作从明天算起一个星期后开始。tomorrow morning/night etc We’re meeting tomorrow evening. 我们明天晚上要见面。Examples from the Corpustomorrow• We're playing tennis tomorrow.• Miguel Rafaelo could fire her tomorrow.• So it may be around today or tomorrow.• He must find him tomorrow and make sure he was all right.• The two sides will also be meeting again at the same venue tomorrow in the first round of the Augustus Barnet Cup.tomorrow morning/night etc• It's due to go ahead tomorrow night. 3,500 people have paid £20 a ticket.• I could be back in the city by tomorrow night.• In all probability, the Commonwealth will rest tomorrow morning.• The club's application to retain the wire will be considered tomorrow night.• Today I decided that I would organize a little party tomorrow night.• They're all supposed to meet tomorrow night at the Valhalla Motel in some place called Lonesome Snapper.• Then it will be first thing tomorrow morning for making the sandwiches.• Joseph, if tomorrow morning people kick the snow into the streets, what can I do, Joseph?Related topics: Chronologytomorrow2 noun [uncountable]  1  TMCthe day after today 明天 → yesterday, today I’ll see you at tomorrow’s meeting. 明天会上见。2  FUTUREthe future, especially the near future 来日,未来〔尤指不久的将来〕 The computers of tomorrow will be smaller and more powerful. 未来的电脑体积更小,功能更强大。3  do something like there’s no tomorrow SPEND MONEYdo something very quickly and carelessly, without worrying about the future 不考虑将来地做某事 Rita’s spending money like there’s no tomorrow. 丽塔正在拼命花钱,就像过了今天没有明天似的。Examples from the Corpustomorrow• The worker of tomorrow will need to be better educated.Origin tomorrow1 Old English to morgen, from to “to” + morgen “morning”to·mor·row1 adverbtomorrow2 nounChineseSyllable  on today or day Corpus during after the




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