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单词 three-line whip
释义  Related topics: Votingˌthree-line ˈwhip noun [countable] British English  1. PPVan order from a leader of a British political party telling MPs in that party that they must vote in a particular way 三线鞭令〔英国政党领袖发出的指令,指示党内议员必须如何投票〕n2. informal a very firm instruction that people must come to a meeting or take part in an eventExamples from the Corpusthree-line whip• Labour should impose a three-line whip to vote against the Treaty.• On Thursday, St Valentine's night, Tommy was on a three-line whip.• Many Opposition Members who will obey the three-line Whip and vote against the motion will do so with a heavy heart.ˌthree-line ˈwhip nounLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus a an from British political leader order of a




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