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单词 bilingual
释义  Related topics: Languagesbi·lin·gual /baɪˈlɪŋɡwəl/ ●●○ adjective  1  SLLwritten or spoken in two languages 双语的;包含两种语言的 a bilingual dictionary 双语词典 The report proposed bilingual education in schools. 报告建议在学校中实行双语教学。2  able to speak two languages equally well 会说两种语言的 Their kids are bilingual. 他们的孩子会说两种语言。bilingual in Louis is virtually bilingual in Dutch and German. 荷兰语和德语路易斯差不多都会讲。 —bilingual noun [countable] → monolingualExamples from the Corpusbilingual• About 80 percent of the school's students are bilingual.• Where bilingual ballots do fill a need is in the initiatives such as bond issues, charter amendments and the like.• This is a completely bilingual city.• Must have a good understanding of the ethnography of speaking in the bilingual context, particularly that of interpreted interviews.• Many of the pupils are bilingual in Welsh and English.• I'm bilingual - my mother was French.• There is a need for talks by bilingual service providers, information tapes and videos with voice overs in different languages.• In addition to this, students deepen their understanding of early literacy and a special study is made of bilingual under- fives.bilingual education• If this measure could indeed alienate Latinos, why do several recent polls show overwhelming support from Latinos for dismantling bilingual education?• The Sandinistas quickly conceded the principle of bilingual education, and incorporated local languages into the 1980 literacy crusade.• It also proposed bilingual education in schools and the creation of a secretariat of external relations and an environmental agency.• Here, in this otherwise familiar classroom, bilingual education is being practiced.• This means that bilingual education must be focused on from an early age and given a high profile throughout the school system.• Some educators pose the same kind of questions about Ebonics that have been raised about other bilingual education programs.• More aid also is proposed for bilingual education, special education and school construction and·lin·gual adjectiveChineseSyllable  or spoken Corpus in two written languages




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