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单词 Equipment
1. The equipment is still at the experimental stage.
2. The oil company will ship out the heavy equipment.
3. They supply us with latest equipment.
4. Sulphur is also used to sterilize equipment.
5. The equipment sent out a regular high-pitched signal.
6. Is the equipment operational yet?
6. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
7. Can I rent the equipment?
8. Periodic checks are carried out on the equipment.
9. Sailors have special equipment to help them navigate.
10. The equipment is checked on a regular basis.
11. The money will be used to repair faulty equipment.
12. The climbers strapped on a variety of equipment.
13. Hospitals are increasingly depending on charity for vital equipment.
14. Put the equipment in No 3 bay.
15. The new system will be compatible with existing equipment.
16. The ship is loaded with military equipment.
17. Make sure the equipment is properly installed.
18. We'll have to bring our equipment up-to-date.
19. The firm is Britain's main producer of electronic equipment.
20. I want to know the magnitude of this equipment.
21. The team's first task was to decide what equipment could be salvaged.
22. Undercover officers found drug-making equipment used to impregnate paper with LSD.
23. Accidents due to failure of safety equipment are uncommon nowadays.
24. The equipment had to be dismantled and reassembled at each new location.
25. Thieves broke into the offices and stole $150,()000's worth of computer equipment.
26. The hospital has set up a special fund to buy new equipment.
27. The high cost of borrowing is inhibiting investment by industry in new equipment.
28. In their haste to escape the rising water, they dropped some expensive equipment.
29. We had enormous difficulty in getting hold of the right equipment.
30. It took them about one month to figure out how to start the equipment.
1. The equipment is still at the experimental stage.
2. Sulphur is also used to sterilize equipment.
3. The equipment sent out a regular high-pitched signal.
4. Is the equipment operational yet?
5. Can I rent the equipment?
6. Periodic checks are carried out on the equipment.
6. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
7. Sailors have special equipment to help them navigate.
8. The equipment is checked on a regular basis.
9. The money will be used to repair faulty equipment.
10. The climbers strapped on a variety of equipment.
11. Hospitals are increasingly depending on charity for vital equipment.
12. The new system will be compatible with existing equipment.
13. The ship is loaded with military equipment.
14. We'll have to bring our equipment up-to-date.
15. The team's first task was to decide what equipment could be salvaged.
16. Thieves broke into the offices and stole $150,000's worth of computer equipment.
17. The hospital has set up a special fund to buy new equipment.
18. The high cost of borrowing is inhibiting investment by industry in new equipment.
19. Undercover officers found drug-making equipment used to impregnate paper with LSD.
20. Accidents due to failure of safety equipment are uncommon nowadays.
21. The equipment had to be dismantled and reassembled at each new location.
22. In their haste to escape the rising water, they dropped some expensive equipment.
23. We had enormous difficulty in getting hold of the right equipment.
24. It took them about one month to figure out how to start the equipment.
25. You'll be able to reclaim the tax on all equipment that you buy.
26. We must fit the expedition out with the best equipment.
27. You will be employed to assist in the development of new equipment.
28. There isn't much equipment. We're going to have to improvise.
29. This equipment has saved the lives of a number of new born children.
30. He has a stack of computer equipment he's knocked off from various shops.
31. You'll be able to reclaim the tax on all equipment that you buy.
32. We must fit the expedition out with the best equipment.
33. You will be employed to assist in the development of new equipment.
34. There isn't much equipment. We're going to have to improvise.
35. Familiarise yourself with the new equipment before you attend to use it.
36. This equipment has saved the lives of a number of new born children.
37. He has a stack of computer equipment he's knocked off from various shops.
38. For an initial outlay of £2000 to buy the equipment,[http:///equipment.html] you should be earning up to £500 a month if the product sells well.
39. With normal usage, the equipment should last at least five years.
40. A good sleeping bag is an essential part of every campers equipment.
41. More time will be needed for the troops and equipment to become acclimatized to desert conditions.
42. Bring your own equipment.
43. The top secret documents had to do with the most advanced military equipment.
44. We had to make several trips to bring all the equipment over.
45. The firm is now in the process of moving the main equipment to a new place.
46. The ship docked in Portsmouth for installation of new equipment.
47. It's impractical to have so many people all trying to use this equipment at the same time.
48. It is important to have equipment that can be finely adjusted.
49. He surveyed the wreckage of his expensive equipment.
50. All the equipment should be cleaned down regularly.
51. Technically it is the most advanced equipment ever.
52. The plane uses state-of-the-art navigation equipment.
53. Thieves got away with computer equipment worth $30 000.
54. The equipment is now fully operational.
55. The equipment has all been field-tested.
56. The equipment is lightweight, portable and easy to store.
57. Fire protection equipment must be available on all floors.
58. I was billed for equipment that I didn't order.
59. The equipment is still under warranty.
60. The classroom equipment is pretty rudimentary.
31. For an initial outlay of £2000 to buy the equipment, you should be earning up to £500 a month if the product sells well.
32. With normal usage, the equipment should last at least five years.
33. More time will be needed for the troops and equipment to become acclimatized to desert conditions.
34. Bring your own equipment.
35. The top secret documents had to do with the most advanced military equipment.
36. We had to make several trips to bring all the equipment over.
37. The firm is now in the process of moving the main equipment to a new place.
38. It's impractical to have so many people all trying to use this equipment at the same time.
39. It is important to have equipment that can be finely adjusted.
40. Technically it is the most advanced equipment ever.
41. Its radar equipment was powered by a nuclear reactor.
42. Ski equipment can be hired locally.
43. This piece of equipment needs a thirty - ampere fuse.
44. The factory has already phased out a batch of production equipment.
45. The diving school has acquired a franchise for scuba equipment.
46. The company had to dip into a reserve fund to pay for all the new equipment.
47. Most equipment on the dairy farm was purchased with the worker's own earnings.
48. The great importance of the quality of equipment for navigation should never be neglected.
49. They loaded themselves with food, medical supplies, and oxygen equipment.
61. How are you situated with regard to equipment?
62. The farm lacks even basic equipment .
63. Recycling of rubbish costs money and requires special equipment.
64. The company will invest $1.6m overall in new equipment.
65. The equipment is relatively cheap and simple to use.
66. Its radar equipment was powered by a nuclear reactor.
67. We left our equipment out that night.
68. The equipment was taken down the shaft in pieces.
69. Are you trained in the use of this equipment?
70. Ski equipment can be hired locally.
71. I suspected her of damaging the equipment.
72. The frogmen were encumbered by their diving equipment.
73. The equipment could be dangerous if mishandled.
74. They strapped on a variety of equipment.
75. They load all their equipment into backpacks.
76. The vessel's safety equipment was not in good order.
77. The equipment of the photographic studio was expensive.
78. Sports equipment is designed to withstand hard usage.
79. Our school has been given some new equipment.
80. Companies can plough back their profits into new equipment.
81. You must check in the equipment after using.
82. Firefighters use special breathing equipment in smoky buildings.
83. We stock a wide range of camping equipment.
84. The school has any amount of resources and equipment.
85. Their equipment was in poor condition.
86. You'll find a ladder in the equipment store.
87. This equipment conforms fully with the latest safety regulations.
88. All equipment must be sterilized before use.
89. This equipment can detect very low frequency signals.
90. The lack of firefighting equipment has caused concern.
91. He lacks the intellectual equipment to succeed in politics.
92. The equipment was sold for scrap .
93. She's a sales rep for sports equipment .
94. He was caught with bomb-making equipment in his home.
95. We subcontracted for sanitary-plumbing equipment in the project.
96. Scott's equipment was damaged beyond repair.
97. The equipment is neither accurate nor safe.
98. This piece of equipment is an exciting new development.
99. The equipment can be purchased from your local supplier.
100. We stock a wide range of kitchen equipment.
101. The sports shop carries a full range of equipment.
102. He hoped the electronic equipment was safely stored away.
103. Many smaller radio stations broadcast on archaic equipment.
104. The equipment performed well during the tests.
105. The school is rather badly off for equipment.
106. On no condition should untrained personnel use the equipment.
107. Earth-moving equipment pierced through the jungle.
108. Objective measurement is difficult with such poor equipment.
109. They used to be a leading supplier of military equipment.
110. I don't think we've got enough packing cases for all the kitchen equipment.
111. They invested in new machinery and equipment, but even then the business was still losing money.
112. The air was abuzz with military helicopters, airlifting injured people and equipment.
113. Equipment must be supervised if children are in the house.
114. Check that the equipment is operating in a safe manner.
115. If the equipment is not up to the agreed specifications and quality, we will undertake to replace them.
116. The company has been investing in new plant and equipment.
117. Don't forget to try out the equipment before setting up the experiment.
118. She has responsibility for the procurement of equipment in the company.
119. Mark was kitted up in mountaineering skis, boots, and equipment.
120. Virtually any piece of equipment you care to name can be hired these days.
121. The Army is auctioning off a lot of old equipment.
122. Thieves broke in and stole £10,000 worth of computer equipment.
123. The equipment itself is getting smaller, neater and easier to find a home for.
124. Be sure you read the directions before using any piece of equipment.
125. This piece of equipment needs a thirty - ampere fuse.
126. The car is roomy and a good choice for anyone who needs to carry equipment.
127. I'm having difficulty using my video editing equipment and can't fathom out the various connections.
128. Lead times on new equipment orders can run as long as three years.
129. The repairs did not increase the value or the life of the equipment.
130. Having the right equipment at hand will be enormously helpful.
131. I would have done the job myself but I didn't have the proper equipment.
132. He works in a sports centre instructing people in the use of the gym equipment.
133. Much of the electrical equipment failed to fulfill safety requirements.
134. Better driv-ing equipment will improve track adhesion in slippery conditions.
135. To buy all the recommended equipment is expensive, but as an investment for the future it is cheap at the price.
136. The money could be more usefully spent on new equipment.
137. Cuts in funding have meant that equipment has been kept in service long after it should have been replaced.
138. We didn't have the proper equipment, but we managed somehow.
139. Like any other type of equipment it requires regular servicing.
140. She travels light, choosing to use as little equipment as possible.
141. This is a large truck which has equipment to automatically bottle the wine.
142. Suppliers add computer consumables, office equipment and furniture to their product range.
143. These people do not have the equipment or the manpower to cut down the trees.
144. Gas-fired power stations will substitute for less efficient coal-fired equipment.
145. Do you habitually use display screen equipment as a significant part of your job?
146. Never use water to put out fires in electrical equipment.
147. I think I'll stow the camping equipment away in the loft until next summer.
148. The school is appealing for funds to invest in new equipment.
149. Great care should be taken to ensure that the equipment is clean.
150. They quickly formed a human chain to move the equipment.
151. With the new equipment we will be able to accomplish hitherto impossible tasks.
152. An inspector comes round every so often to check the safety equipment.
153. He's got a job demonstrating kitchen equipment in a department store.
154. The fault surely lies in the design of the equipment.
155. I get very nervous because I'm using a lot of expensive equipment.
156. Many of the problems were caused by the unavailability of suitable equipment.
157. You should disconnect the power before attempting to repair electrical equipment.
158. They met with many difficulties, for they lacked equipment,[] experience and technical data.
159. Keep track of tax-deductible expenses, such as the supplies and equipment you buy.
160. NATO officials agreed to contribute troops and equipment to such an operation if the UN Security Council asked for it.
161. When it came to choosing photographic equipment portability was as important as reliability.
162. High technology equipment would be excepted from any trade agreement.
163. Chinese geologists are pitting their knowledge, skill and modern technical equipment against nature in an effort to get more oil for their country.
164. The equipment and methods of production have improved out of all recognition .
165. The soldiers have got their equipment up to the front line.
166. Its many and diversified laboratories are fitted with the latest in equipment.
167. Equipment will have to be strongly made to endure the weather conditions on the ice cap.
168. The company is planning to place surveillance equipment at both ends of the tunnel.
169. The thieves got clean away with $300,000 worth of equipment.
170. A copy of the instructions should go out with the equipment.
171. When installing electrical equipment don't take any chances. A mistake could kill.
172. Customs officials have made a series of contradictory statements about the equipment.
173. Audio equipment was stolen in a burglary at a house in Main Road.
174. We need to update our equipment if we are to meet customers' wishes.
175. New equipment mopped up what was left of this year's budget.
176. A lot of money was spent on the equipment of the new hospital.
177. The patient's responses are recorded on a sensitive piece of equipment which gives extremely accurate readings.
178. They emphasised that their equipment was for peaceful and not military purposes.
179. Many dolphins are accidentally killed through entanglement with fishing equipment.
180. The hospital has launched an appeal to raise money for new equipment.
181. Our budget is scarcely sufficient to pay people, let alone buy any new equipment.
182. It was ruled that the injured man was in breach of his duty by not wearing the safety equipment provided.
183. The big advantage of multi-tasking is that all equipment is used most of the time.
184. The local council is supplying new play equipment for the playground.
185. If sterile equipment isn't available, the next best thing is to clean equipment with disinfectant.
186. They packed the food and camping equipment in the trailer.
187. The inspectors assess the physical state of schools and equipment.
188. This led Zagreb's twin town, Mainz, to donate £70[Sentencedict],000-worth of high-quality equipment.
189. Officers raided an address in south London, seizing bomb-making equipment.
190. Leave inessential equipment behind.
191. He says it's the best musical equipment you can buy, but I think that's open to dispute.
192. The soldiers gave their equipment a final check before setting off.
193. The new drilling equipment has been on order for several weeks.
194. Despite the crudity of their methods and equipment, the experiment was a considerable success.
195. Once again club members have had to dip into their pockets to buy new equipment.
196. Even in the dim light the equipment looked old and time-worn.
197. Through their efforts, enough money was raised to buy the equipment.
198. Your time is up - it's someone else's turn on the training equipment now.
199. Relief agencies are stepping up efforts to provide food, shelter and agricultural equipment.
200. With little equipment and unsuitable footwear, she epitomizes the inexperienced and unprepared mountain walker.
201. It's just typical of Ian to spend all that money on the equipment and then lose interest half way through the course.
202. The equipment should be able to withstand a certain amount of rough handling.
203. Make sure that all equipment is clean and free of contaminants.
204. Spending on military equipment has multiplied in the last five years.
205. The Army is auctioning off a lot of surplus equipment.
206. The basic equipment consists of a plastic mask and a length of rope.
207. The cost of all the equipment you need for a baby adds up to a considerable sum.
208. The great importance of the quality of equipment for navigation should never be neglected.
209. The school must be properly resourced with musical instruments and audio equipment.
210. The company won a 10 million order for oil-drilling equipment.
211. I'm not prepared to take risks—I want the equipment thoroughly checked.
212. Under the new regulations spending on office equipment will be strictly controlled.
213. Weather-forecasters have extremely delicate equipment which helps them predict what the weather is going to be like.
214. I mean,[ ] taking the wrong equipment with you - that's just plain stupid.
215. They spent the rest of the morning checking over their equipment.
216. I am answerable to the company for the use of this equipment.
217. For low-income families, children's safety equipment can be prohibitively expensive .
218. Police keep track of the kidnapper using electronic surveillance equipment.
219. Fire officers used cutting equipment to free his legs, which were trapped under a steel beam.
220. So much equipment becomes obsolete almost as soon as it's made.
221. They loaded themselves with food, medical supplies, and oxygen equipment.




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