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单词 Might-have-been
1. There's no point now in regretting the might-have-beens.
2. We like to think about the might-have-beens.
3. Byways of history, particularly might-have-beens, also suit the form well.
4. This book is not concerned, however, with might-have-beens but with the facts as they were, so far as can be told.
5. Looking at the might-have-beens of stylistic variation is a way of making the elusive quality of good writing open to inspection.
6. With Bette Davis there was a poignant might-have-been relationship.
7. We can't afford to waste tears on "might-have-been." We need to turn the tears into sweat as we go after "what-can-be."
8. It takes some imagination to share the contradictions, the unrealised hopes, the might-have-beens,[http:///might-have-been.html] of the past.
9. The expectations for Mr. Schwarzenegger's two remaining years in office are low, leaving many of his supporters to ponder the might-have-been.
10. And I am told that it is haunted by the Ghost of Might-have-Been.




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