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单词 unpick
释义  Related topics: Sewing & knittingun·pick /ʌnˈpɪk/ verb [transitive]  1. DLHto take out stitches from a piece of cloth or knitting 拆去〔衣料或编织物上〕的针脚[缝线]2  to examine the different parts of a subject, deal etc, especially in order to find faults 挑刺,找毛病 I didn’t want to unpick the past. 我不想翻旧账。 There are fears that the president might unpick the treaty. 有人担心总统会挑那个协议的毛病。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusunpick• I remember a short, rhythmically complex passage patiently unpicked and reconstituted over half an hour.• She spent hours unpicking her pre-war frocks in order to remake them for her daughter.• She could quite see Aunt Tossie unpicking the oldest and least favoured work and starting the canvas over again.• Fru Gertlinger knew that Elisabeth did not want to unpick the past with her and she never made mention of it.• By contrast, historians want to unpick the public face that is presented.• However, when the garment was completed I didn't like it and took the decision to unpick the whole thing.un·pick verbChineseSyllable  piece take a from Corpus to stitches out




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