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单词 In the eyes of
1 Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.
2 He refused to abase himself in the eyes of others.
3 Everyone is happy. But, your happiness, often in the eyes of others.
4 He is still, in the eyes of some, an irredeemable misogynist.
5 Carl could do no wrong in the eyes of his parents.
6 In the eyes of the law she is guilty though few ordinary people would think so.
7 The accused had thrown dust in the eyes of the police by giving them a false alibi.
8 The other serious problem in the eyes of the new government is communalism.
9 The new teacher finds favor in the eyes of the parents.
10 The minister redeemed himself in the eyes of the public by resigning.
11 All men are equal in the eyes of the law.
12 The new teacher lost favor in the eyes of the parents.
13 His views made him public enemy number one in the eyes of the media.
14 In the eyes of the law his knife was an offensive weapon.
15 In the eyes of the neighbours a watery oblivion.
16 Indications of Mr Mandela's growing political stature in the eyes of the government have been accumulating for some time.
17 If the Negro was equal in the eyes of the law, the men wearing badges needed glasses.
18 All her energies were devoted to appearing in the eyes of others as nonchalant.
19 Thirdly in the eyes of the regime, victory demonstrates the superiority of Marxist ethics over the bourgeois variety.
20 But there was no light in the eyes of the girl that came home to me that night.
21 Graduates from certain colleges have a lower standing in the eyes of employers.
22 In the eyes of good practitioners self-control allows them to find a path around conflict.
23 Once a person has attained archetypal status in the eyes of the world,[] it is very hard to break it.
24 There is real gratitude in the eyes of the lady whose life has probably been saved that night.
25 The mere fact of being poor makes such children criminals in the eyes of the police.
26 If he fails, then he will have little excuse in the eyes of those who voted him in.
27 You may think it an innocent joke to drive away another person's car but in the eyes of the law it is theft.
28 It also enabled an assessment of the adequacy of the provisions in the eyes of the respondent.
29 But what seems Insignificant in our eyes is often of vital importance in the eyes of a child.
30 The following interview extract vividly illustrates the perceived difference, in the eyes of one senior manager in an acute unit.
1 He refused to abase himself in the eyes of others.
2 The mere fact of being poor makes such children criminals in the eyes of the police.
3 He is still, in the eyes of some, an irredeemable misogynist.
4 If he fails, then he will have little excuse in the eyes of those who voted him in.
31 Now he hopes to find the same favour in the eyes of his brother.
32 Something unseemly attended the sea clock, in the eyes of scientists and celestial navigators.
33 One press comment on this was that in the eyes of some it was all too late.
34 She is a more acceptable creature in the eyes of society than the domineering Mrs. Proudie.
35 He has been found liable for two brutal slayings, but is not a criminal in the eyes of the law.
36 It remains the Second Coming in the eyes of critics, graduate students and indie watchers.
37 It seems that reasonable cars and the black community, at least in the eyes of the police, do not go together.
38 Smith had nearly evaporated from the roster in the eyes of coach Rudy Tomjanovich.
39 In the eyes of the Profitboss, people are the company's greatest asset.
40 In the eyes of ordinary folk, the crusade was a holy war for the sake of war.
41 Status relates to our concern for our standing in the eyes of people more distant from us.
42 In the eyes of many Surkov was a discredited figure who had prostituted himself for privileges, such as this present trip.
43 Everyone wants to be successful in the eyes of their peers.
44 I think it was the neutering that made us equal, even in the eyes of our professors.
45 In the eyes of many, especially Washington, he succeeded, with a free press, elections and liberal economics.
46 Blake returned to London a hero in the eyes of MI6 but the secret nature of his work precluded any official recognition.
47 An assertion is not defamatory simply because it is untrue - it must lower the victim in the eyes of right-thinking citizens.
48 In such circumstances their use of slang and informal language may make them seem rather stupid in the eyes of others.
49 In the eyes of geophysicists, hydrothermal circulation is inextricably intertwined with the pulsing bank of heat inside the planet.
50 Repeated failure had lowered the club's reputation in the eyes of opponents and had gnawed away at membership numbers.
51 Partners can pool their money capital and are usually somewhat better risks in the eyes of bankers.
52 They were suspect in the eyes of Communist officials,[http:///in the eyes of.html] and assigned jobs they didn't like.
53 Apparently not, in the eyes of United States telephone companies.
54 The growing scandal over campaign finance has yet to touch Clinton in the eyes of voters, the survey suggests.
55 De Gaulle needed the Big Lie to help build up his otherwise weak position in the eyes of the allies.
56 This gives it more relevance in the eyes of head teachers.
57 In the eyes of the green lobby, that spells larger, more industrialised farming.
58 Beauty is in the eyes of gazer.
59 In the eyes of David Kastrup, one of the main advantages of preview - latex is being unobtrusive .
60 This was Amaziah's problem, for "he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, but not wholeheartedly" (2 Chronicles 25:2).
61 But it was who she was in the eyes of Henry and Ted that she cherished the most: sure-handed and efficient at her job, quiet yet at times chatty, uncomplicated.
62 In the eyes of the Miao, the dragon is a symbol of good luck.
63 Once, the daughter of the farmer vacation home on the wagon, son of farm astonied saved her life, and in the eyes of that a moment, fell in love with the beautiful young noble.
64 And the more people who go see them, the more "bankable" Nicolas Cage becomes in the eyes of Hollywood producers, which in turn allows Nicolas Cage to make more movies.
65 A characteristic pattern of connections among neurons (nerve cell) in the eyes of most animals (including humans) is lateral inhibition network.
66 Ternate Bridges are propitious symbols in the eyes of the local residents and they walk over them for good luck during wedding or birthday parties.
67 When you add tangible value, you increase your own value in the eyes of others.
68 And while coconut oil and palm fruit oil have been rehabilitated in the eyes of some, there are fewer proponents of palm kernel oil .
69 In the eyes of many Chinese, Singapore is a near - perfect Garden City.
70 it "proved," in the eyes of Charles Dickens Jr, "often the source of, or rather, perhaps, the means of spreading, serious epidemics of typhoid, diphtheria, and scarlatina.
71 Even Louis began to think their union was not blessed in the eyes of God.
72 The assumption would have been a sacrilege in the eyes of anyone in the Greek pantheistic tradition, or in any similar tradition in any of the ancient cultures.
73 Finally, the French Revolution wished—and it is this which made it not only beatified but sainted in the eyes of the people—to introduce charity into politics.
74 We maybe doing social work in the eyes of people, but actually , we are real gymnosophist in the heart of the world.
75 While inflation pressures remain under control, the bang-for-the-buck from the Fed's monetary ease has been disappointing in the eyes of some analysts.
76 Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon, is intensely private and, in the eyes of the media, unforgivably normal.
77 In Aram Zova, in Aleppo, they tell a tale about Hakham Ezra Hamawi of blessed memory, concerning a deed which exalted him in the eyes of the gentiles and won him a name in all the cities of the East.
78 Gamma , the young interior design teacher of a cool love design, the gamma is a "bedlamite" in the eyes of many people, as mysterious as his name.
79 Driving without due care and attention is a crime in the eyes of the law.
80 A washed-up wrestler looks for redemption in the eyes of his daughter, love with a stripper and validation in his sport.
81 In the eyes of its author, this is a major advantage of the project.
82 The right may lambast McCain for failing to vote for Bush's tax cuts or for seeking restrictions on guns,[] but that makes the senator appealing in the eyes of moderates.
83 The military has served patriotically and responsibly as a caretaker to the state, and will now have to ensure a transition that is credible in the eyes of the Egyptian people.
84 Moreover, Manasseh also shed so much innocent blood that he filled Jerusalem from end to end-besides the sin that he had caused Judah to commit, so that they did evil in the eyes of the Lord .
85 A void contract is not a contract in the eyes of the law.
86 In the same school, a male friend, thirtyish and "fit" in the eyes of older girls, for a few weeks found himself in a similar predicament.
87 In the eyes of experts, this 23)disconnectedness says, "I'm more important than you."
88 In the eyes of the servants, Councillor Zhang is an amiable person.
89 In the eyes of despotic governments, who are always interested in having liberty calumniate itself, the Revolution of July committed the fault of being formidable and of remaining gentle.
90 In the eyes of a local gov't official, migrant workers provide the cheap labor he needs to grow the GDP figures that will earn him a promotion.
91 Sean Maloney, newly promoted and heir apparent to CEO Paul Otellini in the eyes of many, was the first to take the stage at the Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco on Tuesday.
92 Granting a password-less SSH mechanism for remote host access to typical users is justification enough for a lynching in the eyes of some systems administrators.
93 Jinn, a proponent of the living Force over the more serene unifying Force, had long been a maverick in the eyes of the Jedi Council.
94 Do doped-up maniacs really go a-maiming in order to increase their country's appeal in the eyes of international aid donors?
95 It's a sad irony that abusive treatment sometimes drives the metis to the Wyrm, which only proves the metis! taint in the eyes of the more hard-line elders.
96 In the eyes of the public, a divorced man is footloose and fancy-free.




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