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单词 taxman
释义  Related topics: Taxtax·man /ˈtæksmæn/ noun (plural taxmen /-men/) [countable]  1  the taxman informalPET the government department that collects taxes 〔政府的〕税务部门,税务机关 A lot of the money will go straight to the taxman. 这笔钱中很大一部分将直接上交税务部门。2. PETsomeone whose job is collecting taxes 收税员,税务员Examples from the Corpustaxman• I dare say, but it will already have given you a pleasure that no taxman can touch.• He denies conspiracy to cheat the taxman.• Macari denies conspiring to cheat the taxman out of hundreds of thousands of pounds.• This arrangement was convenient for the taxman, but unfair.• Instead, you can use your annual capital gains tax exemption-currently £7,200-to shelter the returns from the taxman.• Tax Unfortunately, much as we should like to leave this out, the taxman never seems to retire!• Last year the taxman pocketed 550 million from people who should not have been paying tax - or who paid too much.From Longman Business Dictionarytaxmantax‧man /ˈtæksmæn/ noun (plural taxmen /-men/) [countable]1TAXJOBa tax inspectorTaxmen are finding it harder to keep up with clever finance directors.2the taxman informalTAX the government department that collects taxesThey managed to hide part of their profits from the·man nounChineseSyllable   Business government department taxes Corpus that collects the




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