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单词 Noting
1. Be genuine and conceal noting.I write every wiod I wand to say on this small card.I wish my honey a happy Valentine's day.
2. Make a habit of noting down any telephone messages.
3. One policeman was clearly visible noting the number plates of passing cars.
4. There are certain things worth noting about each one.
5. Noting that nearly all mines contain metal, Rep.
6. Though small, the banana settlement is worth noting.
7. We feel it is worth noting how this particular problem was solved, using techniques to reduce the error after convergence.
8. There are two points worth noting about this fragment of conversational discourse.
9. It is worth noting that s.47 applies to persons, thus covering a body corporate.
10. And Mazursky was reassuring in noting that hot toy items typically enjoy popularity for three to five years, then fade.
11. Lastly it is worth noting any usual features like sunken logs, projecting tree roots and big boulders.
12. Still, Clark downplayed the significance of the review, noting its narrow scope.
13. Rain watched her for the last few yards, noting how the morning's cheerfulness had been replaced by anxiety.
14. Noting the irony, Johnson just shook her head and rolled her eyes.
15. It is worth noting that this excess has been left to grow steadily over the best part of two centuries.
16. A spokesman for Limited declined to comment, noting that the company had just been served with a copy of the suit.
17. I slipped it back into its proper place, noting that the suspicious-minded Rico had emptied out all the shells.
18. Noting this possibility, Kasparov starts a diversion to deflect White's attention towards the other wing.
19. He issued a brief statement late Monday noting that he had discussed the matter with Rep.
20. It is worth noting, incidentally, that such crossover in readership is not uncommon.
21. It will not just be a matter of noting what linguistic behaviour it provokes.
22. Worth noting about McMahon, though, is that some teams reportedly soured on his attitude at the Senior Bowl.
22. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
23. It is also worth noting that an operating lease transfers the risk of obsolescence from the lessee to the lessor.
24. Mr Clinton said, noting that he had asked staffs to keep working.
25. It is worth noting that some writers on business strategy are well aware of this problem.
26. There are a few points here that are worth noting.
27. If we had no faults we should not take so much pleasure in noting those of others. Francois de La Rochefoucauld 
28. Years later, toward the end of his life, Joe began a biographical discussion of his childhood by noting this disparity.
29. If one reads even more attentively, one can not help noting a curious stylistic feature not entirely dissociated from Treebeard.
30. Patients were asked to empty their bladder before going to bed, noting the precise time and discarding the urine.
31. Perhaps it is worth noting that the old miners make 110 reference to any. deliberate wrecking of the Coniston workings.
32. This involves noting when the specified behaviour starts, noting again when it ends and recording the time lapse.
33. She watched the keys fall, noting that they fell more slowly than they would have done on the Earth.
34. Gregson looked at the dates on each one, noting the year and month each man had died.
35. It essentially involved asking individual children carefully selected questions and noting their responses and their reasoning for those responses.
36. It is equally worth noting if the class is so tightly controlled as to inhibit seriously pupil response.
37. Compton, it is worth noting, had voted against Exclusion in the Lords in November 1680.
38. My friend Tony was opening a restaurant in Noting Hill.
39. They changed the subject by noting their prosecution of some highly publicized cases against the Klan and other white supremacist organizations.
40. Other people can also help by noting the more subtle effects, both beneficial and adverse, of treatment.
41. This is an esoteric law which can explain much to those capable of noting its real significance.
42. What may be especially worth noting are those affirmations that give special character to his everyday life inquiries.
43. He studied each of the corpses, noting how the rope had been tied firmly behind one ear.
44. He notes that Slobodan Milosevic refused to privatise the economy, but without noting at whose behest.
45. He read the text carefully, noting down the queries to be resolved later.
46. The latter are worth noting as typical of the general philosophy claimed by many schools to underpin their project involvement: 4.
47. Study past exam papers, noting the exam format, the choice of questions, and the all-important time limit.
48. He had spent the past few months noting down all the sightings and rumours of the Bookman's movements.
49. Sowders said, noting that a decision is pending on selecting a hearing examiner for the case.
50. Parke doesn't deny it, noting a shift from protesting outside bases towards well-mannered lobbying in the corridors of power.
51. Apart from noting the return addresses on the envelope, those who stayed didn't think much about the world outside.
52. It is also worth noting that after his death he seems to have remained as a hero in folk memory.
52. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
53. This social creation of significant labels can be demonstrated by noting how the salience of labels changes over time.
54. Morris says, before noting that neither he nor the rest of the band is exclusive when it comes to music listening.
55. He cleaned up as best he could and stared blankly at his reflection, noting the flamboyant colors and the swelling.
56. Gorbachev reacted calmly to these reports, noting that he had already experienced similar opposition in several other fraternal countries.
57. But he did make a point of noting that the children are living with him now.
58. It reiterated that it will work with other cable modem makers, noting that 3Com Corp. will enter the market.
59. The paper ran a page-one correction, noting that the time was right for Hawaii.
60. Finally, it's worth noting that most colleges have an extensive range of services offered by the college or student union.
61. So I flipped through, noting with satisfaction that Texas was ranked as the No. 1 most-annoying state.
62. Eventually I got up and put more wood in the stove, noting an almost eerie blue moonlight outside.
63. It is worth noting that the railway operates between noon and five p.m. daily, weather permitting.
64. As well as noting occupations, he made occasional comments on specific instances of poverty.
65. It is worth noting that an offer need not be for a listed company for the Panel to be interested in it.
66. It is worth noting that of the course proposals which fell at this hurdle most were of a very high standard.
67. He chatted to her, noting how her face reddened every time Ian's name was mentioned.
68. She looked at Martha with a fresh insight, noting the drabness of her clothes and the downward droop of her lips!
69. Will it not sink into noting but a cemetery?
70. He made a big deal about noting at all.
71. Inside story of the heroine is also worth noting.
72. I followed the red marker north, noting the scenery.
73. We dislike those who talk big and do noting.
74. These are a few differences that are worth noting.
75. Often they'll begin interviews by noting, Brigham Young was my great - great - grandfather .
76. Where a bill payable after sight is accepted for honour, its maturity is calculated from the date of the noting for non-acceptance, and not from the date of the acceptance for honour.
77. I'd walk the flats, noting the blue depressions in the sand where the bonefish had been feeding on crab, but never managing to see the flash of the fish themselves.
78. "The EU is suffering a slow-motion crisis at the UN, " says the report, noting that the west is now being regularly outwitted in global diplomatic poker by the Chinese and Russians.
79. He liked the way the bystanders were described, noting that they'd been given "their true and everlasting unimportance."
80. Using new traveling wave sensor and GPS synchronous clock, fault location of transmission line has been realized by noting the time voltage traveling wave arrives the two-end of line.
81. I buy clothes in the thrift store instead of noting the brand - names.
82. A sketch of the general features of the structure or area being searched is made noting any significant information. This information is then forwarded to the Planning Section.
83. They're in the toilet,' he says, noting that the body has an exquisite system of self-regulation, excreting anything it doesn't need.
84. "The folic acid campaign in Puerto Rico continues, " the editorialist writes, noting health fairs and other educational campaigns.
85. Eberhardt explained, noting that a bird watcher's fusiform region might be activated if he looks at a bird.
86. Noting that five states and the District of Columbia now legally recognize same-sex marriage, Wolfson said 2010 has been a "historic year of accomplishment for the freedom to marry.
87. If noting else, he was too rich in diseases to be satisfied with such a description.
88. And, noting that many mothers are also malnourished, he said the humanitarian cost is enormous.
89. Noting historical instances of societal collapse—the Mameluke Sultanate in Egypt, the Ming Dynasty in China—he cautions that America might face a similar fate.
90. It is worth noting that Nikko manufactures its own award-winning gearless lift propulsion machine, though it is not clear whether one is used as a replacement motor here.
91. That is why, on this commencement day, we have noting in which to take much pride.
92. Another point worth noting is that Linux-based mobile platforms created by other mobile technology coalitions like the LiMo Foundation also facilitate mixing proprietary and open software.
93. "Step in my steps, " he cautions, noting that the Niger army had mined the area, where there had been a school for Tuareg.
94. Besides shampoo and conditioner, he uses toner, moisturiser, essence, sun-block and foam cleanser, it said, noting that his basic pay is only 80, 000 won.
95. It's worth noting the Shanghai Composite is down nearly 9% from the record high it reached in mid-October, and barely in positive territory for the month.
96. Noting its effectiveness in sparking combustion, he called the gas " dephlogisticated air, " demonstrating his belief in phlogiston.
97. For decades he read the New England Journal of Medicine, and—noting a weakness in his male ancestors—he was an early adopter of cholesterol-reducing statin pills, as well as skimmed milk.
98. Before panic spreads, it is worth noting that China's assertiveness reflects weakness as well as strength.
99. It is worth noting that part of the tenth plank of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto advocates "free education for all children in public schools."
100. The next day, he launched a pre-emptive strike against the bloated federal budget, noting that some recipients of federal farm subsidies are millionaires who no longer need relief.
101. Finally, it may be worth noting that a similar optimization is widely used in game-playing programs, where it is called alpha-beta pruning.
102. It's also worth noting that various Web sites will tinker with Boolean logic to create their own versions of the search language.
103. There's noting half so sweet in life as love's young dream.
104. The authors start about 2, 500 years ago, noting that the study of static began with a Greek named Thales of Miletus, who generated it using amber and wool.
105. The 44-year-old South Korean woman lives in the city of Chiba, the sources said Tuesday, noting Chiba Prefectural Police are considering questioning her on suspicion of violating immigration law.
106. Sometimes, these nodules can be precisely localized as centrilobular by noting their relationship to centrilobular structures.
107. It is worth noting that these 3 cases were private equity investment in the industry chain.
108. In recent days, some have defended Mortenson by noting that a number of C.A.I. schools were built and are still functioning, and they claim this is better than nothing at all.
109. While only a third of BlackBerry users are willing to pay for apps, it's worth noting that, with a median price of $5.99, they are willing to pay the most for their apps.
110. And it's worth noting that scientists' requirements for habitability count Mars in that category: a size relatively similar to Earth's with temperatures that would permit liquid water.
111. The selection of instance variables can be determined by noting the intermediate and summary values to be generated by the analytic procedure.
112. He looked out across the narrow oblong,[] noting the height of rocks on either side.
113. Noting the above draw back, we generalize the polynomial method and chose a new polynomial.
114. Jaeger defended the ages, noting that other fossils they discovered at the site and magnetic details in the rocks supported their interpretation.
115. It's worth noting that traditional and new media organisations were instrumental in unmasking the falsity of the "gay girl" blog.
116. Yang argued for a "quantitative evaluation of GNSS interoperability, " noting that common maximum/minimum received power levels can improve the signal-to-noise environment for multisystem receivers.
117. Noting the defect severity of clinical neural function totally before and after the treatment, hemorrheology , TCD results and the ill-effect.
118. He says economic statistics are mixed, noting that not long ago , they all pointed downward.
119. If flow rate is in excess of that specified, turn indicator towards closed position, noting pressure drop and valve setting and determining new flow rates from flow rate chart.
120. The author defends herself against charges of racism by noting that blacks are only one of her targets.
121. So Dr. Neel wrote a report for Reeves's doctor, noting the drugs that were likely to be causing problems and suggesting safer substitutes.
122. President Obama said his pilgrimage to Buchenwald is personal, noting his great-uncle was part of an American military unit that liberated the camp.
123. The name is grabbed noting is below network environment one of new unfair competition form.
124. Boldwood was listlessly noting how the frost had hardened the surface of the snow.
125. "China has been buying to build up state reserves of beans," said Anne Frick, Prudential Bache Commodities analyst, noting China's own crop isn't large enough to meet its needs.
126. Worth noting is that railcar deliveries to Pacific Coast export facilities were 31 percent higher for 2003 due to strong Asian market demand.
127. If flow rate is in excess of that specified, turn indicator knob towards closed position, noting pressure drop and valve setting and determining new flow rates from flow rate chart.
128. And Mr Putin himself drew an analogy with Britain’s Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, noting caustically that “when my friend Tony Blair retired, Gordon Brown immediately became prime minister.
129. Lagarde looked back nostalgically yesterday to the London G20 summit in April 2009 as a moment when all leaders came together, noting: "I hope that will happen again."
130. "We also used Qaddafi, " one rebel says, noting that Tuareg from Mali and Niger had smuggled weapons from the camps to fight their governments at home.
131. After the performance of petrochemical planes worth noting CWB 1 petrochemical boost up nearly 3 %.
132. Increased bleeding can be monitored by drawing a circle on the cast around an area of drainage and by noting the date and time.
133. Scientists with tenured faculty positions and NSF grants ridiculed these visions,() noting that their fundamental improbability made them an absurd projection of what the future holds.
134. Rumors said there would he frost in America late next week, but some of the barterer care noting for this.
135. It’s a perfect storm for food gardening, ” Butterfield said, noting the downturn coincided with growing interest nationwide in eating locally produced food.
136. It is also activated when a person looks at an object about which they are an expert, * Eberhardt explained, noting that a bird watcher fusiform region might be activated if he looks at a bird.
137. Actor Tom Cruise, noting how deeply he immersed himself into the role of Algren in "The Last Samurai."
138. They have taken all we have, " replied the People - "excepting, " they added, noting the suggestive visitant - "excepting our hope in heaven.
139. So it's worth noting that Mr.Ryan's hard-money rhetoric was nearly as bizarre as Mr.DiLorenzo's.
140. By noting the positions of the planets at the time of the casting, the geomancer can examine his present situation regarding both the question and his life in general, more closely.
141. Noting that the body has an exquisite system of self-regulation, excreting anything it doesn't need.
142. In being of testing methods, accurately noting exiguity changes of permeability is very hard, and exists errors are difficult to avoid in artificially noting.
142. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
143. This article demonstrated some of the basic concepts of honeypot, the major key technologies, noting that the honeypot of distinctions, shortcomings.
144. The relative weight of's aid program in Fiji is worth noting.
145. It is worth noting that the Phanerozoic only occupies the last 1/9th of this period of time.
146. The formal protest may be extended at any time thereafter as of the date of the noting.
147. There goes a bee, " said George, noting a bumbler winging by."
148. Mr.Harper took some apparent swipes at the Bush administration's position on climate change, noting that Washington was only now forming a comprehensive policy on the environment and energy.
149. An amazing amount of information is packed onto this little wraparound piece of paper, often noting special tracks, concert dates, discography information and release anniversaries.
150. In this connection, it is worth noting some changes in the general provisions governing plan revisions.
151. It's worth noting that the 13-inch MacBook Air, with its faster 1.86 GHz Core 2 Duo processor, wasn't a speed demon by any stretch, but was a tad faster.
152. By the early 2020s, China will over[take] the U.S. in terms of GDP, Ma said, noting the forecast is dramatically stepped-up from his views two years earlier.
153. They speculate that CPAP may impact fatigue in patients with OSA by reducing inflammation, noting that increases in inflammatory markers in OSA patients have been related to elevated fatigue.
154. His place really looks lived in — noting expensive or modish just to impress people.
155. The Ministers, noting the rapid advances in broadcasting technology, especially digitalisation, resolved to work together to face all the challenges ahead.
156. "The US is the biggest tax haven in the world," says Juan David Morgan, a lawyer, noting that America exempts foreigners from levies on interest.
156. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
157. But when you climbed on board, mentally noting the lumpy cushions, the rods trailing wires at the stern and the swivel fish-fighting chair bolted to the deck, you knew you were in the same place.
158. It's also worth noting that Guthrie is, as of earlier this year, focusing on Windows Azure app development and not leading the Silverlight team.
159. It is also worth noting that the Visualiser is actually a completely general-purpose component that can be tailored to visualize anything, from Eclipse markers to Google search results.
160. Film director , scriptwriter and so have many of the worth noting .
161. Millikan observed one drop after another, varying the voltage and noting the effect.
162. Stevens, noting that the wallpaper and plaster molding are in good shape.
163. Nothing puzzles me more than the time and space; and yet noting troubles me less. ---Charles Lamb.
164. I am like a small businessman at heart, " Schamus said, noting that "Taking Woodstock" was shot on a tight budget, much of which has been recouped from overseas sales.
165. Then she got a call from the birthing suite noting Hailey's weight.
166. Some aid agencies fear the G8 will fail to deliver on the food security plan, noting that promises made four years ago at the Gleneagles summit to double foreign aid had not been met.
167. The Search Team Manager will sketch the general features of the structure or area being searched noting any significant information on the sketch and forward it to the Planning Section.
168. "We're seeing a different tactic, with security forces sweeping the towns," she said, noting reports of house-to-house searches, arrests and random shooting coming from both towns.
169. Advocates are fond of noting that nuclear power now provides 70 percent of the country's "carbon-free" energy.
170. Several former executives described Skinner as having no tolerance for bureaucratic double talk, one noting that he has a "good crap detector."
171. For example, they've begun noting the GPS coordinates of river banks where good potting clay can be found.
172. At the constitutional convention, Roger Sherman defended this arrangement, noting that "If the vice-President were not to be President of the Senate, he would be without employment."
173. Noting the following device can effectively cut an abrading of cluth.
174. Finally, it's worth noting that ideographic scripts like Chinese and Japanese tend to be parsimonious with characters compared to alphabetic scripts like Latin and Cyrillic.
175. But global leaders, noting that Mr. Obama's words are not always in sync with his actions, wonder if the president is a free trader or a protectionist.
176. He was standing there busily noting down observation in a note book.
177. Other malignant neoplasms were added to warnings and precautions, noting reports of premalignant and malignant diseases that developed in patients treated with bendamustine.
178. "It's worth noting that people with ulterior motives from within and outside the country are attempting to lead China into chaos," said the daily, the capital's official Communist Party newspaper.
179. " It's from Hurstwood,'said Drouet, noting the superscription as he tore it open.




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