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单词 Allied
1. Allied troops captured over 300 enemy soldiers.
2. Allied bombing reduced the city to ruins/rubble.
3. The allied commander demanded their immediate and unconditional surrender.
4. The small country allied itself to the stronger power.
5. Many civilians died as a result of allied bombing.
6. Computer science and allied subjects are not taught here.
7. This country allied with another country.
8. Their forces capitulated five hours after the Allied bombardment of the city began.
9. The Allied troops are advancing on the camp of the enemy.
10. Britain has allied itself with other western powers for trade and defence.
11. He allied himself with the other members of the committee who supported his ideas.
12. MacArthur was Supreme Commander for the allied powers in the Pacific.
13. His decision to move to London is closely allied to his ambition to become manager of the company.
14. Italy joined the war on the Allied side in 1915.
15. We allied ourselves with our friends against the common enemy.
16. The English language is allied to the German language.
17. The foreign invaders were finally defeated by allied forces.
18. Allied troops were advancing on the capital.
19. The party is allied with the Communists.
19. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
20. The allied bombers had total mastery of the skies.
21. General Eisenhower was Supreme Allied Commander in Western Europe.
22. He allied himself with the left of the party.
23. Anthropology is closely allied to the field of psychology.
24. French is allied to Spanish.
25. Allied bombing left Dresden in ashes in 1945.
26. The two companies are closely allied with each other.
27. This newspaper is allied with five others.
28. Beauty and the lust for learning have yet to be allied
29. It is unlikely that his forces could withstand an allied onslaught for very long.
30. The aerial bombardments have neutralized the threat of artillery attacks on allied ground forces.
1. Allied troops captured over 300 enemy soldiers.
2. Allied bombing reduced the city to ruins/rubble.
3. The allied commander demanded their immediate and unconditional surrender.
4. Many civilians died as a result of allied bombing.
5. Computer science and allied subjects are not taught here.
6. This country allied with another country.
7. Their forces capitulated five hours after the Allied bombardment of the city began.
8. The Allied troops are advancing on the camp of the enemy.
9. It is unlikely that his forces could withstand an allied onslaught for very long.
10. MacArthur was Supreme Commander for the allied powers in the Pacific.
11. His decision to move to London is closely allied to his ambition to become manager of the company.
12. Italy joined the war on the Allied side in 1915.
13. The aerial bombardments have neutralized the threat of artillery attacks on allied ground forces.
14. Common interests allied this country with many others during the war.
31. He possessed a raw energy allied to a feeling of something special.
32. The D-Day landings began on 6 June 1944, when Allied forces invaded Normandy.
33. Allied troops begin maneuvers tomorrow to show how quickly forces could be mobilized in case of a new invasion.
34. Some of the northern cities allied themselves with the emperor.
35. Common interests allied this country with many others during the war.
36. He led the Allied forces in the campaign in North Africa.
37. Allied planes launched wave after wave of air attacks on the city.
38. Allied Chemicals have been trying to buy out their competitor's share in the target company.
39. It was clear that one massive Allied offensive would overwhelm the weakened enemy.
40. Small probes would give the allied armies some combat experience before the main battle started.
41. Several soldiers were killed in friendly fire due to a mistake by allied forces.
42. Allied to Beethoven's gift for making tunes is a strong sense of timing.
43. England allied with France.
44. In this job you will need social skills allied with technical knowledge.
45. It takes a lot of enthusiasm, allied with/to a love of children to make a good teacher.
46. That statement seemed designed to answer criticism of allied bombing missions.
47. The shape of post-war Europe was decided in Potsdam in 1945 by the Allied triumvirate of Churchill, Truman and Stalin.
48. The Allied command was not unified.
49. But Falkenhayn's assault on Verdun disrupted the Allied plans.
50. In 1943(http://), allied bombers repeatedly raided Hamburg.
51. Allied planes began dropping bombs at midnight Tuesday.
52. The allied strategy further demonstrates this.
53. The allied forces bombarded the enemy trenches for weeks.
54. Several Allied planes were blasted out of the sky.
55. All extremes of feeling are allied with madness. Virginia Woolf 
56. The second reason is closely allied to the first.
57. Information was shared between the allied governments.
58. He wasn't doing it to advance the Allied cause.
59. Their beers are now brewed by Whitbread and Allied, intensifying the grip of the nationals.
60. By contrast, the professions of journalism and politics continue to be closely allied.
61. The circumstances of the Allied occupation and its short duration undermined the achievement of both goals.
62. Democrats are allied with the trial lawyers and some consumer groups.
63. Not only were they hungry, but they also felt defenceless against more allied bombing.
64. Yes, plain carpeting from the Allied Stainshield collection is guaranteed suitable for town living.
65. The old grey Allied Bank was decorated with sixteenth-century gargoyles and sculptured animals, some devouring one another.
66. The United Kingdom, second in military significance on the allied side, had provided 45,000 personnel.
67. Here the four powers had carved themselves out oddly shaped zones amongst the rubble and devastation left by the Allied bombing.
68. There's charm here, but it's closely allied to wit and shares with it a piercing quality.
69. Allied spokesmen make light of the fact that so many enemy aircraft remain intact.
70. In the first instance, he was saved by the fortuitous destruction of his papers in an Allied bombing raid.
71. The emergence of bellicose private security forces enforcing order at these parties is an allied worry.
72. Other parties allied to the democrats won three seats, and the remaining three seats were taken by independents.
73. A combination of mass production and the internal combustion engine was responsible for the Allied victory.
74. Soroka also said market conditions would keep Allied from increasing dump tip fees.
75. This belief was like a ball and chain for the allied war effort.
76. But some priests and nuns openly allied themselves with the rebels.
77. The country earned Western criticism for failing to participate actively in the allied campaign in the Gulf.
78. Also, Mazanec said, the county should have negotiated an agreement preventing Allied from importing trash from other counties.
79. The other bidders submitted fine proposals that could be revived if the Allied deal fell apart, Horn said.
80. Throughout the war, Liverpool was Britain's main convoy port, maintaining a lifeline which was crucial to Allied victory.
81. Educationists have allied with development theorists to extend these ideas to the Third World.
82. Estimated total forces in Gulf at end-January Total allied forces 705,000.
83. Diagnostic services attract lower benefits, while some services provided by professions allied to medicine are not covered by Medicare.
84. Allied Colloids is accused of failing to store dangerous substances safely and not taking proper fire precautions.
85. Pain is usually allied to behaviour which will protect injured parts and provide better conditions for local recovery.
86. They also requisitioned rice, storing it for their troops in case of Allied landings.
87. Until then, the Vietminh leaders had calculated that temperance would win them Allied favor.
88. At the same time, he was totally loyal to Franco and unlikely to seek Allied aid to bring back the monarchy.
89. Closely allied to the fundamental fear-complex within the personality is violence.
90. During the war I had felt the same about those they were attacking, the brave men of the Allied merchant fleets.
91. To these issues must be added the allied questions of selection and appraisal.
92. For the bulk of the allied forces - those on land and sea - the war has not yet started.
93. So this is the first news bulletin to allocate a regular slot for science and allied matters.
94. The road itself had become a colony of residents specializing in theatrical and allied activities.
95. Candidates will normally be expected to be members of the professions allied to medicine.
96. It set separate cash limits for each central government department for pay and allied costs.
97. But it was 6 September before all the Allied left-wing armies could turn about and launch a full-scale attack on the invaders.
98. Allied Restaurants, which aims to develop as a broadly-based leisure group, could be tempted to sell its 20 Wimpy restaurants.
99. The proposal received an enthusiastic welcome from the smaller political parties allied with Labour.
100. When Allied Stores reduced their prices, other companies were forced to follow suit.
101. At that time the country was partitioned among wartime allied powers.
102. In effect the allied general becomes a subordinate character in the same way as other heroes.
103. Any decision in favour of change has to be allied with the ability and the confidence to change.
104. According to Allied research, consumers' understand the role of nablabs and don't want to be preached to.
105. Who on the allied side was the equal of any one of them?
106. The Republican governments of the 1920s allied themselves firmly to big business, and gained political credit from this prosperity.
107. Almost all his climbs have a certain something: a thinly disguised air of intimidation often allied to a raw brutality.
108. So far, allied casualties have been astonishingly light; in a land war they will soon multiply.
109. The plant was begun by a consortium of private companies headed by the chemicals conglomerate, the Allied Corporation.
110. Snowden's close reasoning and unerring instinct for words were allied with Maxton's humour and Churchill's daring.
111. The drive is transmitted into the adjacent mill building which houses two complete sets of grinding gear and allied crushers, etc.
112. Concepts of instrumentation in this period appear still to be closely allied to Renaissance consort principles.
113. At one time, Evers allied himself with the most liberal of liberal Democrats.
114. In the general battle lines on tort reform, Republicans are allied with the insurance industry and business.
115. For more than a week before the Inchon landing, the Allied forces used diversionary tactics by bombing nearby areas.
116. But his ideology was unconfined by party lines, occasionally finding him allied with the likes of Sen.
117. Lugar won the post in 1964 and found himself allied with the top vote-getter, a black woman.
118. Its craftsman made upholstery is from the Allied classic range of sculptured moquette in a subtle blend of fresh shades.
119. Most are qualified doctors, nurses, or in the professions allied to medicine.
120. But it was a remarkable demonstration of allied unity and mutual dependence.
121. Six alien companies of the Pioneer Corps accompanied the allied invasion.
122. He makes much of contacts with social scientists in allied fields.
123. Siamangs and the closely allied gibbons are apes too, not very distant from the orang itself.
124. Insurance, banking, finance and allied services showed up well, also, on a broader basis.
125. Families were overjoyed to hear about the recall of Allied seamen to their own countries.
126. Obviously there would be a period of military occupation, with control invested in an allied military governor, but then what?
127. During the allied bombings of 1943 it was very badly damaged and much of the internal work and stored archives were lost.
128. Attacked and driven out by men, Giant Wolves have allied with Goblin tribes.
129. Government and allied forces claimed to have stemmed rebel attacks on the border towns by the end of the month.
130. The subject material is predominantly allied to separation technologies on an industrial scale with the likely audience being chemical and process engineers.
131. The group of smaller Catholic parties allied with Berlusconi hold 34 seats.
132. The site now employs about 7,000 people directly, although many more are involved in allied industries or in ongoing construction projects.
133. From early times the papacy had allied with the imperial power to condemn the unorthodox.
134. There was no resistance from government forces, most of whom had already allied themselves with Masud.
135. In choosing Allied, county officials said the company offered more money up front at closing than the other bidders.
136. Allied responsibility: Will assume environmental responsibilities and potential future liabilities for the purchased landfills.
137. It's a sort of goodwill thing that Bonn puts out for the Allied forces; it doesn't outsell Playboy.
138. About 2 o'clock that afternoon, three Allied planes came over the coast and started to drop supplies by parachute.
139. At 07.30, the Allied artillery, which for the previous 65 minutes had been firing at its greatest intensity,(http:///allied.html) lifted.
140. Price-slashing by Allied and major competitors has wrecked margins, admits boss Tony Hales.
141. The medium was also used for projecting news stories like the Allied bombing of the Ameriyah bunker near Baghdad.
142. The Spirit brings reconciliation Reconciliation is closely allied to this concept of unity.
143. Preparations for the Normandy landings took place here because the terrain is similar to that which faced the Allied invasion forces.
144. There is a politeness of the heart; this is closely allied to love. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 
145. The Hammers' victory allied skill to discipline and tactical nous.
146. Some priests and nuns openly allied themselves with the rebels.
147. Ophiohelus is considered to be closely allied to these three genera.
148. Allied to this are views about the limited efficacy of law.
149. Allied to this is the tendency to work closely with those schools which share this unstructured and flexible approach to referrals.
150. Jacqui noticed that she spent ninety percent of her time lingering over the two dozen Allied officers left in the audience.
151. It was indicative of Franco's childishly egocentric view of politics that he now chose to ignore Allied overtures.
152. We asked our designer to create a series of very different looks using Allied furniture, carpets, fabrics and accessories.
153. Initial apprehension in Washington and elsewhere that allied troops might get bogged down in a guerrilla war has proved groundless.
154. It arrived with its promises of thirst and hunger allied to discipline and prayer.
155. Feb. 13 At least 300 civilians killed in allied attack on Baghdad bomb shelter.
156. I can then produce a programme that provides a framework to meet your future financial plans using Allied Dunbar products.
157. Nothing quite like it had been seen on the Allied side hitherto.
158. Those whose husbands were away went in constant dread of advances made to them by Allied soldiers in the area.
159. The remainder hid out, waiting for the arrival of allied ground forces.
160. The new operations division organisation is also allied to the change process.
161. Allied businesses such as specialist surgical gloves also offer strong growth potential worldwide.
162. Napoleon, far from manoeuvring about the Duke's right flank, had rammed his troops into the seam between the allied armies.
163. Leaders of the parties allied with Janata Dal in the ruling National Front coalition expressed their agreement with the action.
164. An allied but unresearched question is that of the extent of parents moving house within an area towards a popular school.
165. At the outset of the campaign, allied spokesmen suggested the air-only phase was expected to last about ten days.
166. Closely allied to our aims and ethos are the School's pastoral system and support network.
167. The prince then moved to Poitiers and allied with his uncle Childebert against his father.
168. It extended its powers over smaller towns and communes, such as Nonantola, and allied itself with others.
169. Bar-coding of Garden labels should be given a high priority,(http:///allied.html) allied to systems for on-site data collection.
170. Common interests allied Holland with the Protestant German states.
171. Allied M 10 Tank Destroyer acceleration speed slightly decreased.
172. Several tribes allied to fend off the invaders.
173. New species of Senecio and its allied genera.
174. Such "neo-traditionalists" want NATO's planners at SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe) to make credible plans for the defence of NATO's borders, and surrounding seas and airspace.
175. Eisenhower, who served as Supreme Commander of Allied Forces during World War II and was later elected 34th President of the United States.
176. Famously derided as "Peanut" and "General Cash-My-Check, " the leader of China's Nationalist government bedeviled the Allied war effort in World War II with his lackluster defense of his country.
177. The full effect of a single atomic bomb could be fairly judged to-night as reports of the attack on Hiroshima came in from Allied sources.
178. The great centre of Dakar soon fell to Allied hands.
179. President Obama spoke Friday in Germany, part of a European visit to remember the Allied invasion on D-Day, June sixth, nineteen forty-four.
180. That opened the way for the Allied Troops to launch the ground attack.
181. Objective To discuss the expression and its significance of neuron specific enolase (NSE) and soluble-protein 100 (S100) in Hirschsprung's disease (HD) and its allied disease.
182. Then it decided to give technicals to Islamist militias allied with the government.
183. The genus Sarracenia belongs to the family Sarraceniaceae, which also contain the closely allied genera Darlingtonia and Heliamphora.
184. The study of regional crustal stability is considered as a branch between engineering geology and the closely allied geomechanics as well as structural geology.
185. Allied M 3 Halftrack cost increased to 25 fuel from 20.
186. On the fourth of February, the Skink reached the Canadian 2nd Armoured Brigade a few miles south of Nijmegen, Holland, and joined the Allied push on the Rhine.
187. Mustafa Kemal, as he was formerly known, came to prominence during the First World War as the general who, at Gallipoli, defeated the Allied invasion attempt.
188. The technology employed in the allied air attack is firmly rooted in complex theorems and algorithms.
189. From the Fuhrer's headquarters came a special announcement announcing the "complete collapse" of the allied line from the sea to the Maginot Line and the German entry into Paris.
190. In the state capital, Indianapolis, he charged that Clinton's proposal to lift the gas tax is an election-year gimmick, and that she is allied with the oil companies.
191. Allied M 8 Armored Car Armor upgrade Munitions cost reduced by 25.
192. In the battle, allied French and Sardinian troops defeated the Austrian army.
193. Larger Allied Irish Banks (AIB) and Bank of Ireland have heavy state involvement, and Dublin is poised to take majority control of BoI.
194. President Obama and Chancellor Merkel met in Dresden - a city destroyed by allied bombers during War II ...
195. Grants invulnerability to all Allied Turrets and causes them to attack 100 % faster for 7 seconds.
196. Diamond Cutting Tools, Tools, Carving, Saws, Blades Hand and allied Tools.
197. The divorce court heard the couple had met over 60 years ago as Allied bombs fell on Bonn and have since raised three children together.
198. Almost certainly will emerge is a Shiite Iraq allied with Iran.
199. Allied member website has same outward appearance and feeling, contain identical content among them, e. g. , it is particularly easy get reduplicative content filter.
199. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
200. Cobra unit took part in The Battle of Normandy, Allied Forces'side.
201. What to call this ? - Allied war machine for infantry, lasts 60 seconds.
202. The Psychonomic Society promotes the communication of scientific research in psychology and allied sciences.
203. Meanwhile, in Europe, fortified coastlines and Allied invasions curtailed beach life during the war, and swimsuit development, like everything else non-military, came to a standstill.
204. But the commander-in-chief Rundstedt think this is the Allied diversionary tactics, and do not care.
205. Gentile was a former American gangster who had worked for the Allied Military Government in Sicily.
206. The lo es of the Allied Troo were astonishingly light.
207. Most of the people convicted in those attacks were allied with the militant group Jemaah Islamiyah.
208. Although previously allied with the TTP, both Nazir and Bahadur have agreed to allow Pakistani supply convoys pass unimpeded through their territory for now.
209. Allied M 3 Halftrack and Jeep armor is no longer highly resistant to projectile ammunition.
210. The liaison with scientists working on the same or allied problems will be facilitated.
211. The allied forces of the eight powers captured Taku and occupied Tientsin and Peking.
212. In World War II, the Battle of the Bulge was a decisive encounter occurring in 1944 between the Allied troops and the Germans in the Ardennes Forest in Belgium.
213. The B-52 will still be able to deliver precision weapons on target while protecting other allied forces in theater.
214. The chemical and allied industries employ a multitude of unit operations in product manufacturing.
215. It should have taken place in Arnhem, the site of World War II's infamous "bridge too far, " where an overly ambitious Allied battle plan ended in disaster.
216. Although allied airstrikes helped rebels regain battlefield momentum, pro-Qaddafi forces on Tuesday halted a westward push by the rebels and began a counteroffensive.
217. CZ 01 Join the three parts of the secret plan and transmit via the allied radio.
218. In 1942, the area was the scene of The Battle of the Coral Sea, a pivotal Allied victory.
219. Libidinal Ego. It is the part of the Ego or Self that is allied with the Exciting Object.
220. Allied Paradrop AT-Gun cost increased to 350 manpower from 320.
221. Later, he accompanied the Allied breakthrough at Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge.
222. Activities are mainly on Photo Voltaic Cells, PV Modules, ATMP for fab and other allied activities.
223. Closely allied with this new facility is the interactivity of electronic text.
224. It is certainly true that stick-wielding members of the Young Communist League on the streets of Kathmandu look scary and trade unions allied to the Maoists are often high-handed.
225. Allied M 10 Tank Destroyer damage reduced versus Axis Light Vehicles.
226. Three million Japanese were dead. Allied bombings had wiped out 25% of the country's wealth and as much as half of its potential income.
227. The belt carrying the holster and all allied equipment shall be at waist level.
228. Yuanmingyuan (Garden of Perfect Splendor) was razed to the ground by the Anglo-French Allied Forces in 1860 and Xian Feng the emperor was imprisoned.
229. In the French Revolution of 1789, the working class allied itself with big capital (big industry, the banking class, and landed property), but this would change in 1848.




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