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单词 Pervasive
1. The influence of Freud is pervasive in her books.
2. A sense of social change is pervasive in her novels.
3. Violence and crime are pervasive features of city life.
4. First, it is not so pervasive.
5. Television news was pervasive, undifferentiated, and relatively unbiased.
6. My earliest memories include a pervasive sense of exile.
7. Persistent, pervasive, and omnipresent, romance novels are everywhere.
8. Put briefly, there developed an idea of the pervasive religious and moral responsibility of the ruler.
9. An even more pervasive problem is that of consistency of performance across time.
10. At times the general dampness became so pervasive that you failed to notice.
11. Alcohol is still a pervasive problem with high - school students.
12. But the most pervasive and important mechanism is based on chemical substances called pheromones.
13. Despite all this, a pervasive lack of confidence has settled over the two institutions.
14. But none are so pervasive, nor so completely satisfactory, that they rule out the need for other lines of explanation.
15. The temporal properties of the environment are more pervasive and more subtle than any series of reminders.
16. There is sun, heavy silence, a pervasive scent of parched vegetation, a lizard materialized on a rock.
17. Such negative stereotypes are often reinforced by pervasive media images which portray the young as capable and glamorous.
18. Mr Izmailov cited pervasive pollution, bad weather, rampant poaching and over-fishing as the reasons for the declining catch.
19. Bias is so pervasive that hardly a sentence in normal speech lacks it, and many utterances contain little else.
20. Town halls should make an all out effort for interest and warmth to counteract the pervasive greyness outside.
21. The opportunities for classification afforded by the National Curriculum are more pervasive and more deeply institutionalised than any previous system.
22. We can only speculate on whether this is another example of the pervasive influence of psychoanalytic thinking in our culture.
23. Probably the most obvious suspect behind our tendency to drop out of community affairs is pervasive busy-ness.
24. This disclaimer appears to address the cultural reality of pervasive sexism and to declare psychiatry sensitive to it.
25. The distinction between night and day is one of the most pervasive rhythms that we experience.
26. Others saw the new media as too powerful and pervasive to be left entirely uncontrolled and unregulated by government.
27. The cultural forms of late capitalism have thus become entirely pervasive and able to subsume any attempt at opposition.
28. By focusing on discrete activities liability rules are capable of creating a potentially more pervasive field of deterrence.
29. This was partly due to the unattractiveness of education classes and partly to the pervasive influence of the public-school obsession with games.
30. The influence of pressure groups and special interests will become pervasive.
31. There is a very pervasive belief that it is research in theoretical and applied linguistics which provides the solutions.
32. Though enunciation is given to such feelings on occasion, it is by no means pervasive.
33. It formed part of a pervasive tendency towards administrative specialization discernible throughout the Savoyard government in the seventeenth century.
34. The quietness sealed inside her room emanated as an invisible but pervasive hush.
35. In fact, international law is both more pervasive and more effectual than we generally realise.
36. In recent months opposition parties, hostile to his pervasive influence, had called for his resignation.
37. The high sun had burned off the pervasive mist and cleared heaven and earth.
38. Third, there is a pervasive, national concern about the integrity of our institutions.
39. Women are discriminated against in employment and educational opportunities and suffer from pervasive cultural and traditional biases and prejudices.
40. Legislative mandate and legal offence are linked by an unguided and pervasive administrative discretion.
41. She argues that sexual discrimination remains a pervasive element in corporate culture.
42. And can they then cut through pervasive public cynicism and generate enough voter interest to enact their recommendations?
43. Again(), we see the surprisingly pervasive role that presumptions of contextual appropriateness play in successful communication.
44. Many physical problems have been linked to the pervasive, ongoing stress of feeling unequal to what you have to do.
45. Often it takes meetings such as this to reveal the pervasive nature of culturally determined behaviour.
46. The bad was the pervasive and inevitable corruption of morals and manners that accompanied such a compulsion for the luxurious.
47. Yet there is a pervasive feeling that this lifestyle may not survive the next century.
48. They are certainly a less pervasive influence than are the boardroom knights who sign over company funds to the Conservatives.
49. From the socialist perspective, these disparities cause misery, deep alienation[http:///pervasive.html], and pervasive conflict in the society.
50. The double standard that divided the privileged and the poor, men and women, educated and uneducated was pervasive.
51. The use of psychotropic drugs is a pervasive dimension of the medicalization of problems of living.
52. But pervasive as this behavior may be, we do have moments of generosity and altruism.
53. The perception was frightening, but there was a sensation of healing in his chest and a pervasive sense of well-being.
54. But there is already much evidence to support the presumption that the effect was pervasive.
55. How effective is this pervasive imagery in achieving female conformity?
56. But they were pervasive, ranging from policies on the taxation of profits to regional assistance schemes.
57. It was a world that moved to an ecclesial rhythm as regular and pervasive as the sound of the bells.
58. And the whole lot smelt - a pervasive stench of damp and mildew.
59. Now the pervasive influence of irrational forces, incongruous in a profession which prizes objective judgment, is to undergo scientific scrutiny.
60. At the time, 1948, the Cold War was becoming the pervasive issue in international affairs and domestic politics.
61. Stronger than the smells of Lefortovo or Vladimir, more pervasive than the smells of the Lubyanka interrogation cells or the train.
62. The opportunities have been pervasive, given the declining regulatory and technical obstacles to the internationalisation of firms' activities.
63. Apart from these tender moments, however, I struggled to quell a pervasive sense of emptiness inside.
64. In this dynamic perspective, pervasive and local features of style are equally parts of the pattern.
65. Johnnie had been an example of a pervasive counterculture phenomenon, a rebellious student but by accident a great educator.
66. They have been so pervasive and so self-evident that there has been little point in articulating them.
67. Cooley acknowledges the class structure as a pervasive reality and he too is distressed by the dominance of the top class.
68. Yet a pervasive sense of shame hung over our profession.
69. The destruction of the Thornydale and Cortaro intersection just reveals the pervasive mentality in Tucson.
70. Cultural and social factors are more pervasive when parents like to see a fat child.
71. The commodification of human emotions and relations is one of the most pervasive influences of modern advertising.
72. This hairstyle proved pervasive, lasting with minor variations into late antiquity.
73. Strange how childhood impressions linger, often remaining more pervasive than the experiences of later life.
74. A pervasive pattern of self-defeating behavior, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts.
75. The scofflaw spirit is pervasive.
76. a pervasive smell of damp.sentence dictionary
77. She lives with a pervasive sense of guilt.
78. And that's how D will eventually become more pervasive.
79. Corruption and nepotism are pervasive.
80. It is the most pervasive compound on earth.
81. We reverse the pervasive trend towards stock-based incentive compensation.
82. Such dominance and dependence relationships are indeed pervasive.
83. It is knowledge directed to the fundamental and pervasive concerns of existence.
84. Mechanical resonance is a pervasive problem in servo systems. Most problems of resonance are caused by the compliance of power transmission components.
85. Self - destructiveness is such a pervasive human trait because civilization is built on controlling aggression.
86. One expert thinks these studies shed light on an important and pervasive problem.
87. The double object construction is pervasive in English and Chinese.
88. Now, all smoking will be considered and depictions that glamorize smoking or movies that feature pervasive smoking outside of an historic or other mitigating context may receive a higher rating.
89. Digital effects are becoming muchmore pervasive in every kind of production, from low-budget independentfilms to big spectacular blockbusters.
90. Its pervasive that partnership accounting firms are small and not very competitive under severe circumstances.
91. a delicious chickpea spread, are pervasive throughout the Middle East.
92. If China is a leitmotif, readers may also detect a second running theme—or a pervasive tension.
93. Gender inequality in rural Nepal is pervasive and deep-rooted. Many girls and women, deprived of an education and health care, are destined to a life of poverty, generation after generation.
94. As my two sons, aged 10 and 8, and I made our way farther into this unexpected oasis, Bangkok's pervasive diesel fumes were replaced by the scent of wildflowers, plumeria and incense.
95. In the mountains, the tradition of seasonal sloth was ancient and pervasive.
96. As a main computing paradigm in the future, the pervasive computing presents dis- tinct challenges on the pervasive resource management.
97. "Everyone has some of these symptoms, " said Dr. Tuckman. "But the person with A.D.H.D. has had them his entire life, and they are chronic and pervasive."
98. The saccharine, confectionary pink objects that fill my images of little girls and their accessories reveal a pervasive and culturally manipulated expression of femininity” and a desire to be seen.
99. As a pervasive semantic phenomenon across languages, polysemy has been given a systematic and extensive study, but there is not much attention shown to spatial polysemous words.
100. Many dishes, such as hummus10, a delicious chickpea spread, are pervasive throughout the Middle East.
101. I disdain the pervasive secularization and degeneration of humanity in my own life style.
102. Semantic vagueness is a phenomenon inherent and pervasive with language.
103. But call it a sign of how small the world has become, or how pervasive globalization has spread, but here in the boondocks of backwaters, diverse interests from around the world have begun to seep in.
104. He's talking about a cognitive limitation, "an important and pervasive problem in human reasoning" that he has documented by testing graduate students at the MIT Sloan School of Management.
105. His pervasive, and often cruel and petty, repression, in the words of one of the country's most famous samizdat writers of the Ben Ali years, Om Zied, "put a policeman in everyone's head".
106. Law is a pervasive feature of social life that profoundly affects us.
106. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
107. On the other hand, the effect of globalisation is all - pervasive.
108. The synchronicity is choreographed by a great, pervasive intelligence that lies at the heart of nature, and is manifest in each of us through what we call the soul.
109. Yet doing so will be hard, not least because of the country's well-earned reputation for pervasive academic and scientific misconduct.
110. Media coverage of newsworthy cases has become so pervasive that picking an untainted jury can take weeks or sometimes even months.
111. Future bionic hybrids will be more confusing, more pervasive, and more powerful.
112. Pervasive computing can help us manage information quickly, efficiently and effortlessly.
113. Be in a country especially, usurious nowhere is absent, be all - pervasive, behave very actively.
114. And the brazenness of the firm's bribe-paying points to a rotten corporate culture pervasive across Germany at the time.
115. The confidence to change code and find those far-flung errors is the hallmark of pervasive unit testing.
116. Narcissism is defined in the survey, by a researcher at York University in Toronto, Canada, as "a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration and an exaggerated sense of self-importance."
117. Because even uninformed people understand how uncertain the outcomes are, fear is pervasive.
118. How did backdating stock options become such a pervasive problem?
119. And the Yemeni habit of chewing a leaf called qat, a mild stimulant not conducive to clear thinking or dynamism, is almost as pervasive as ever.
120. One further type of argument, pervasive in much Protestant theological literature, deserves brief mention.
121. Race, ethnicity, and nationality must be acknowledged as pervasive and potent.
122. While defensive programming effectively guarantees the condition of one method's input, it becomes repetitive if it is pervasive across a series of methods.
123. Specifically, the EIC and the Girl Scouts will work to reduce the pervasive "unhealthy" media images of young women and girls as "hypersexualized, " physically perfect, and superficial.
124. The second shock wave is that GGP's bankruptcy underlines a pervasive refinancing risk for the industry.
125. Based on the interconnected discrete and heterogeneous system, pervasive computing environment is a kind of transparent one .
126. As an important part of mathematical cognition, numerical estimation is a pervasive process in the daily life of both children and adults.
127. ' soderbergh does a fine job creating a moody atmosphere of pervasive anxiety. ".
128. This property comes about because inflation, by stretching the universe exponentially, erases, like a pervasive cosmic iron, all traces of any characteristic scales.
129. The mood of defeat was as pervasive as the odor of malfunctions and decay.
130. Many dishes, such as hummus, a delicious chickpea spread, are pervasive throughout the Middle East.
131. In 2004, a Turkish dance, named "Fire of Anatolia" triggered a pervasive fever for belly dancing in China.
132. Because the risk and impact of SOA is distributed and pervasive across applications, it is critical to perform an architecture evaluation early in the software life cycle.
133. "You have a cocktail of radicalization and a pervasive sense of deprivation and injustice, " said John Wilson, a senior fellow and terrorism expert at New Delhi's Observer Research Foundation.
134. Surveys of businesses and banks have shown no pervasive tightening of credit.
135. However, every solution contains idiomatic patterns, which are not formal enough to emblazon in a book but are pervasive nonetheless.
136. One of the pervasive features of Maoism was its voluntarist belief that human consciousness was the decisive factor in history.
137. For this scenario,[] you do not (yet) require Pervasive device access.
138. Mixed with its stiff - necked pride is a pervasive victim mentality.
139. People want to share the computing resource and information service anywhere and anytime, so the Pervasive Computing is a novel computing model which satisfies this requirement.
140. Or you can get it on the peer - to - peer networks How pervasive is cracked software?
141. Where the pervasive focus is more people, the goal here ismore affordable.
142. With the further development of quantum computation and quantum information, the quantum reversible circuit applications are more pervasive.
143. "Irrational exuberance has become pervasive gloom, " John Mitchell said at the end of his presentation.
144. As an important and pervasive semantic phenomenon across languages, polysemy has attracted much attention of linguists working in various branches of linguistics.
145. Pervasive computing is the trend of development for computing mode.
146. Next, we have a common data representation language in XML, which is also extremely pervasive.
147. InGermany, for example, Prussian and Calvinist beliefs about the value ofrising early are still pervasive.
148. The micro broker supports the specialist pervasive messaging MQTT protocol specification and provides a proprietary Java MQTT messaging client.
149. Metaphor is pervasive, and human language with various metaphors, thus study on metaphor is significant.
150. Reinvention can be even more powerful and pervasive than invention.
151. And although there are closed-circuit TVs in the luxury hotels, some office buildings, banks, airports and rail stations, they are not nearly as pervasive as in the United States.
152. Bullying is a serious and pervasive problem in our schools.
153. The mass of China lay before us, all - pervasive but invisible.
154. The tendency to dichotomize is stubbornly pervasive in human thought.
155. Israel's insecurity was so pervasive that even words were daggers.
156. It is not difficult to find symptoms of pervasive anti- intellectualism in our school.
157. The rhythmic pulse is pervasive, but the possibilities of the style itself strictly limited.
158. As Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania during the Three Mile Island crisis, William Scranton III observed and experienced much of that pervasive fear.
159. Sociologically, this seems like a good example of a pervasive technology serving as a mirror to spoof cultural attitudes.
160. This type of optimism is unmistakable all - pervasive in modern China.




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