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单词 Snack
1, I grabbed a quick snack.
2, Usually I only have a snack at lunchtime.
3, Lunch was a snack in the fields.
4, You will have time for a hasty snack before the train leaves.
5, You can enjoy a quick snack while your children cavort in the sand.
6, We only had a little snack at lunchtime.
7, I only have time for a snack at lunchtime.
8, He's just fixing a snack.
9, We stopped for a snack on the way here.
10, He converted his truck into a mobile snack bar.
11, I only have a snack at lunch time.
12, Can I fix you a snack?
13, It's healthier to snack on fruit rather than chocolate.
14, The snack bar is open during the day.
15, Fresh or dried fruit makes an ideal snack.
16, I'm trying not to snack between meals.
17, a light supper / snack.
18, I fixed myself a light snack.
19, I prefer to snack when I'm travelling rather than have a full meal.
20, A snack in the afternoon bridges the gap between lunch and supper.
21, We were planning on just having a snack and catching the early train.
22, The children have a mid-morning snack of milk and biscuits.
23, If there's a cafe nearby,(http:///snack.html) we could stop for a snack.
24, It is customary to offer a drink or a snack to guests.
25, I had a huge lunch, so I'll only need a snack for dinner.
26, We stopped at a service station for a quick snack.
27, Salted peanuts were recently revealed as the nation's favourite snack.
28, It won't take me more than five minutes to knock a snack together.
29, We were in a hurry so we had to make do with a quick snack.
30, If you eat three good meals a day, you're less likely to snack on biscuits and crisps.
1, I grabbed a quick snack.
2, Lunch was a snack in the fields.
3, You will have time for a hasty snack before the train leaves.
4, If there's a cafe nearby, we could stop for a snack.
5, It is customary to offer a drink or a snack to guests.
6, I had a huge lunch, so I'll only need a snack for dinner.
7, We stopped at a service station for a quick snack.
8, You can enjoy a quick snack while your children cavort in the sand.
9, Salted peanuts were recently revealed as the nation's favourite snack.
10, It won't take me more than five minutes to knock a snack together.
11, He converted his truck into a mobile snack bar.
12, I only have a snack at lunch time.
31, The new snack bar will keep those hunger pangs at bay.
32, Many snack foods are high in salt, sugar and fat.
33, I don't eat much for lunch - just a light snack.
34, I'm not very hungry a small snack is fine for me.
35, I have breakfast at 7.30, lunch at 1 o'clock and sometimes a snack in between.
36, While never a big eater, he did snack a lot.
37, Most office staff prefer a snack lunch to a sit-down meal.
38, Kiwi fruit are just the thing for a healthy snack.
39, Poolside bar; club bar; snack bar.
40, Children who snack often develop poor eating habits.
41, A snack bar serves tea and cakes.
42, I feel the need for another fattening snack.
43, Another snack bar serves the fifth floor fitness facility.
44, For a quick snack I turned to milk chocolate.
45, Poolside bar; snack bar; nightclub bar.
46, An evening snack and light breakfast are included.
47, The small snack shop serves sandwiches, munchies,(/snack.html) and drinks.
48, Bring a snack to soothe hunger or a beverage.
49, Many of these are small, one- or two-person outfits, snack kiosks and the like.
50, These should include snack foods providing vital proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and fats.
51, There was the Ziploc storage bag, not to be confused with the Ziploc sandwich bag, snack bag or freezer bag.
52, Your average chocolate bar, far from being the energy snack advertisers would have you believe, is loaded with fat.
53, If the islands where they lived did contain strong jawed predators, such as hyaenas, their heads would make a crunchy snack.
54, Dinner or supper consists of three courses; soup, a savoury snack with wholemeal bread and a choice of flavoured desserts.
55, My days became focused on food: Was it time yet for a snack?
56, A nearby snack shop run by an organization of blind workers has shut down.
57, She was grateful for the cool drink, however, and for the really tasty snack.
58, And it may tempt you into a mid-morning snack of chocolate biscuits or worse.
59, Once at the College we settled into the homely and very adequate accommodation before having a light snack.
60, Remember that there is a snack bar in the Tower for sustenance, if it all gets too much.
61, I should have left you to fix your light snack and have an early night.
62, They usually give him a 20 pence piece and he heads straight for the bar to buy his favourite ready-salted snack.
63, Sometimes, too, Ruth had eaten in a snack bar, having saved up her pocket money for a beefburger.
64, The swimming pool has a snack bar which serves snacks and drinks throughout the day.
65, Just before bedtime he had a snack of bread and cheese.
66, I drink a lot of water or else I would snack a lot.
67, The breaking of the fast, called iftar, usually begins with a snack of dates and milk or water.
68, They can read, watch television, or snack while they are exposed to the light.
69, It has been a hectic three years, operating a round-the-clock snack bar, and restaurant service for 17 hours every day.
70, His bedside snack caviar dish - a functional item at two to three hundred.
71, It was not unusual for them to have a snack at the end of the day.
72, Not much flavour, but a fibrous-to-spongy chewiness which sets it apart from the average savoury snack.
73, The fact that foods can be cooked in olestra is an important point for snack manufacturers.
74, Each location has a counter service restaurant at lunch time, along with a coffee and snack bar open all day.
75, If you want to run out to the snack bar, go ahead, whatever just happened will happen again.
76, Or, if preferred, have a snack in the piano bar.
77, I started to hunt for a cheap restaurant or, better still,() a snack shop.
78, Silence broken, suddenly everyone seems motivated to have a snack.
79, Time Out is also significant for Cadbury as a mainstream snack product.
80, Would your children rather clean their rooms than raid the refrigerator for a snack?
81, "Cracker Jacks" are a snack with a long history in American popular culture.
82, If you must have a snack, keep to fruit or a stick of celery.
83, But Christine, 37, insisted on going home for a snack before an ambulance took her to Royal Hallamshire hospital.
84, It is almost half-past six and I am due to meet Sunil in our room for a quick snack.
85, A good performance from Pot Snack meals helped profits from consumer foods rise from £27.8 million to £30.8 million.
86, They eat reasonably generous meals and they snack in between.
87, They performed a series of tests and took an identical snack every 3 hours throughout the study.
88, Be it an alacarte dinner or a quick snack, Mulliners is the place to eat, drink and be merry.
89, While never a big eater, he did tend to snack it through the day and night.
90, Her snack bar was roughly equivalent to a trust fund.
91, At the turnstiles my bag, containing a snack for half-time, was searched.
92, On the other hand, there are times when a snack is needed.
93, There is a snack bar by the pool, a taverna in the grounds and an excellent restaurant in the Atlantis itself.
94, Whether neighbour, camp follower or convenient snack, the wolves changed little as their owners were transformed.
95, The evening will include election of officers, an open forum and social with snack and wine.
96, Admission is $ 3. 75, skates are $ 1. 75, and a full snack bar is available.
97, Impressive enough as a light visual snack, but ultimately a ten-minute gag stretched far past breaking point.
98, Don't eat or drink too many and don't snack on them during the day.
99, No, the sound of crunching from the hallway confirmed that Holmes was having a remote control snack.
100, The beach is about a mile long; at its midpoint are a snack bar and restrooms.
101, The hotel has two main restaurants, pizzeria, pool snack bar.
102, Most will need two injections of intermediate-acting insulin a day with some short-acting to cover breakfast, a mid-morning snack and lunch.
103, Even recently, fat-free snack manufacturers have had a problem: People would buy the products, but only once.
104, Enjoy a drink, a snack or a meal at one of Port Solent's delightful quayside bars or restaurants.
105, She'd have to be patient until lunchtime, then soften up Penry Vaughan with a snack before she made her request.
106, No Friday lunchtime at the pub with the other teachers, no beer, no snack foods, definitely no chips.
107, When does the snack bar open?
107, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
108, No, I'm afraid, just a snack bar.
109, What else is in this refreshing, low-cal snack?
110, Don't spend too much time at the snack bar.
111, You may select any beverage from the snack counter.
112, I ate a candy bar as a snack.
113, She whistled up an excellent snack for us all.
114, Have a snack - it'll take the edge off.
115, Snack food is the main cash crop.
116, He ate a snack before resuming work.
117, You and your friend go to a snack bar.
118, I have my lunch in a snack bar nearby.
119, Snack and first drink are charge free.
120, Keep order and cleanliness around snack area.
121, Is the snack bar in the basement?
122, Let's have a snack at the nearest restaurant.
123, Informal drop-in sessions include breakfast and snack clubs.
124, Snack Food is also culture, a root culture.
125, The snack bar's in the basement.
126, My hunger was curbed by the snack.
127, What did he go to the snack bar for?
128, Take along a hard-boiled egg for an easy snack.
129, Billy: Snack food is the main cash crop.
130, Shanghai snack: Yangcheng lake crab, Dumplings, Dired duck doze and Broad bean.
131, Our snack tin is filled with any confection you can imagine, including a bag with a 1/2 dozen of our Scrumptiously Delicious Gourmet Cookies.
132, They are a kind of snack food with stuffing, often mincemeat in them.
133, Don't forget to snaffle a snack mid - afternoon, to maintain your glucose levels.
134, Oh, I had a snack in the coffee shop around that corner.
135, This snack made from pork, shrimp, herbs, rice vermicelli and other ingredients wrapped in rice paper is served at room temperature.
136, Having a healthy snack on hand, like a granola bar or fruit can help your blood sugar levels and may provide a healthy boost of energy.
137, Guangzhou people eating breakfast like to eat some of the light products therefore Guangzhou will have a won ton noodle snacks and Shahe Fen Chang Fen such as a snack.
138, Gallery: Tropical Forest Wildlife A scarlet macaw is caught munching a snack in Brazil's Amazon forest.
139, Having a healthy snack on hand(), like a granola bar or fruit can help your blood sugar levels and may provide a healthy boost of energy. (Overeating will do the opposite and drag you down!
140, Waiters and waitresses work in restaurants, hotels, cafe and snack bars.
141, Bamboo ClothingTHE HOST: Now, bamboo until recently was something you made furniture out of or watched a panda bear chewing into for a snack.
142, Aji Ichiban is one of the largest snack food franchises founded in Hong Kong.
143, But don't stop there, sheng jian bao, steamed pork bun, makes for a perfect snack, while jian bing, egg-based crepes with a bean sauce or chili smear, is a local power breakfast.
144, Buy and additives for Food industries: snack foods, confectionery, canned food, meat processing, biscuit, sauces.
145, Lvdagunr ( Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour):also called Pastry Made of Soybean Flour, is an old Beijing snack.
146, CandyTechFactory Ltd. In 2005 plans to create a state of the art Gummi and Fruit snack manufacturing facility were initiated.
147, We would like you to visit us often and feel free to drop-in and relax with a snack or dessert or a soothing cup of tea and gossip with your friends.
148, Wujiang Lu, the city's famous snack street – where octopus could be had on a stick alongside Shanghai's beloved soup dumplings – is to be sanitised and redeveloped.
149, Be sure to include healthy carbs and protein in each snack such as: peanut butter and banana, trail mix, hummus and baby carrots, or an apple with low-fat Cheddar cheese.
150, Instead, plan ahead by packing a healthy all-carb snack, such as air-popped popcorn or a toasted whole-grain English muffin with jam.
151, Exactly the same size and shape as a conventional snack machine, the fresh produce on its shelves was packaged in small, opaque, crinkly bags similar to the sort of bags crisps come in.
152, Being traditional Beijing snack, yellow pea cake was introduced to the Qing Court together with French bean roll.
153, At that time, she works in hall of a snack, a colleague introduced a boy or girl friend to her pull wires .
154, A scarlet macaw is caught munching a snack in Brazil's Amazon rain forest. These birds are best known for their loud cackles, four-toed feet, and brilliant plumage.
155, Jill: Howdy , Dude. Who were you talking to at the snack bar?
156, Hard-boiled eggs are great to keep in the refrigerator so family members can snack on them.
157, Or it might be that kids already know that "a carrot is a carrot is a carrot," she adds, whereas they're not sure how a specific brand of graham cracker or gummy snack will taste.
158, You should be worklng at the snack bar, not playlng golf.
159, Today, let's discuss the snack with reputedly in ancient Beijing called Sheepshead Ma.
160, The crispy texture and size make it a perfect snack for on - the - go!
161, Where is the snack food ? You can't watch soccer without having some snacks.
162, For certain medications that should not be given on an empty stomach , offer client nonfat snack.
163, When I see my favorite snack, I just freak out and stuff my mouth.
164, In winter, I adore the waddling babies balled up in warm, puffball clothing, while I snack on the delicious, street-cooked wintertime noodle dish.
165, Enjoy a delicious side dish or snack with help from a professional cook in this free video on preparing yellow squash.
166, Little things like healthy snacks keep her from eating too much, too; her favourite snack, which she calls 'almost a cookie', is a dried apricot with two almonds.
167, Singapore's national parks are safe,() green environments in which to cycle (and rollerblade). A bike kiosk and snack shops are at hand for those who come empty handed.
168, As a new technology of food manufacturing, Microwave puffing tech no logy is becoming widely use in food industry, especially in snack food sector.
169, But don't stop there, Shen jian bao, steamed pork bun, makes for a perfect for snack, while jian bing, egg-based crepes with a bean sauce or chili smear, is a local power breakfast.
170, I eat a lot at home daily snack food should a pig.
171, Halloween has a lot of snacks, such as pumpkin pie, baked pumpkin seeds, popcorn, apple juice and corn sugar snack in Halloween New Year's Eve.
172, Doritos now pluckily fill the salty snack void. Once consumed, the next logical step is to use the facilities.
173, If you're feeling peckish at 10pm, have a small snack.
174, The crispness of different kinds of snack foods were measured with a TA.
175, Metal containers have been rarely used for cereals and snack foods due to their cost, despite their perfect gas barrier properties, convenience, and extreme strength.
176, Afterwards, she calls on her old friend at the snack a dirty, tiger - furred ca t.
177, Well, except that sometimes, when I really need a quick, fast snack that I can eat on the run, I toast a whole-wheat pita pocket and eat that.
178, Teenage white hair person, usable also snack will assist cure, be like a black candy, sesame seed candy, black soya bean, black confiture to wait.
179, It may also be that spending more time awake simply provides more opportunities to snack, Dr. Redline says.
180, If you must snack, brush your teeth or chew sugarless gum afterward.
181, Researchers recruited 39 students who are self-professed snack food junkies. They had the students fast for three hours, before rating the tastiness of snack foods like candy and chips.
182, Yellow pea cake (Wandou Huang) is a traditional Beijing snack which is eaten on the third day of the third lunar calendar month, according to Beijing's custom.
183, Wujiang Road, once euphemistically called Love Lane, was a center for prostitution in prewar Shanghai and was later known for its snack stalls.
184, Denmark is a place where stoic locals wear sensible shoes and snack on herring sandwiches.
185, Then, i will show u some snack in Kuala Kangsa and Ipoh!
186, Back in my school in San Marino California before the schools ends on June 14th the poster board stood in the breezeway during snack breaks and lunch time for a few days.
187, To promote the food of the native Marathi culture, the Shiv Sena said it was "making a chain like McDonalds" to sell a popular local fried snack.
188, Chuckle to oneself, see show: " come to, even snack " ?
189, As snack, they offer us water biscuit with cheese spread.
190, Xinjiang snack had eaten by me, think about now run at the mouth!
191, House of inn of inn of chaffy dish of a few distinctive, snack bar, face, dumpling, became white-collars the place of the consumption that decide a dot of lunch.
192, They're sweet, colorful, lickable and a manageably small snack in an age of gargantuan portions.
193, Also, light string cheese is a GREAT little snack, with only around 50-60 calories and 2.5g fat a pop. Not bad for hard cheese, people.
194, ERITREAN WOMAN: "Six spoons of fresh snow peas, five thick slabs of blue cheese, and maybe a snack for her brother Bob."
195, I hope a little treat of dumpling or some snack not to ruin your relationship.
196, Now , the guest leans on the snack counter .
197, Before you leave home for a feast, have a small,(http:///snack.html) low-fat snack.
198, We provide a snack of a biscuit during each morning session.
199, Lvdagunr RiceBean Flour : also called Pastry Made of Soybean Flour, is an old Beijing snack.
200, If you feel the urge to eat between meals, choose a low-fat, low-calorie snack, such as fresh fruit, vegetables with fat-free dip, or unbuttered popcorn.
201, Great snack ideas include cut-up vegetables, a few nuts, fresh fruit, a hard-boiled egg, etc.
202, Be familiar with cooking western food , i . e. meat, seafood, Pizza and snack food, etc.
203, On the day of the 6.0 Whittier earthquakes of 1987 I arrived at the building an hour earlier than usual and took the elevator to the top floor where the snack bar was located.
204, They like the fruit between - meal snack, but very little eats up a gallonage the ice cream.
205, Where's the snack bar?
206, Eat breakfast. You'll be less tempted to have a high - calorie snack mid - morning.
207, The theater chain Cinemark switched to the healthier canola oil, so their salty snack comes in slightly better at under 1, 000 calories for a medium popcorn.
208, Snack on the oregano - flavored Castellano Chorizo . Or do like the chefs.
209, Hele buckwheat noodles, with China's characteristics of the local flavor snack.
210, Well, back in the 1930s, a baker named James A. Dewar invented a sort of strawberry shortcake snack for Hostess; yellow sponge cake with strawberries crammed inside.
211, There is a snack bar in the lobby of the movie theatre.
212, The pork pie likely originated as a snack for hunting parties.
213, That morning, when she was talking about the article with a lawyer friend in the snack bar she often visited, a breakfast frequenter whom she was not familiar with came up and said, 'I was there.
214, Everyone knows Brad Pitt's 'Ocean's 11' character loves to eat; Rusty is always seen scarfing down nachos or burgers or some other tasty snack.
215, But if you want more reasons, look no further: A rich source of manganese, vitamin C, vitamin B1 (thiamin), copper, fiber, and vitamin B6, this juicy fruit is a super snack for fueling energy.
216, Suitable for anyone who look for a gluten-free diet, tasty breakfast or special chocolate snack.
217, And as thin , salted, crisp chips, they are a favorite snack food.
218, A man dressed as a revolutionary soldier from the Zacapoaztla tribe nibbles on a chicken claw, a popular snack, during the Cinco de Mayo celebration in Mexico City.
219, We built a big snack bar, and a recreation area behind the shop.
220, A famous snack of DaLian , it's made of pachyrhizus powder, similar like fried cold jelly.
221, What is the average unit price for the snack you buy most on the campus?
222, In the dialect of qingdao, the sugar-balls mean the stick of sugar-coated hawthorns, which is a famous snack made of hawthorn and hot sweet.
223, Serve fun snack foods like a big nacho platter or a layered taco dip.
224, They like the fruit taking between-meal snack, but very little eats up a gallonage the ice cream.
225, Every bathhouse has some sort of snack bar and a pay phone.
226, And the 44 tacos we ate at the snack bar were tasty.
227, This delicious, crispy, star-shaped snack is made from high-grade, US-imported Potatoes and baked to crispy perfection.
227, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
228, The solution: Pick a snack, as fruit, lowfat yogurt and honey.
229, We survived on snack food for the rest of the day.
230, They had the students fast for three hours, before rating the tastiness of snack foods like candy and chips.
231, Snack cart owner Pasang Sherpa of Queens had a deal with the city's parks department that required him to pay almost $643,000 per year for the vending rights near the museum steps.
232, Snack healthy. If you feel the urge to eat between meals, choose a low-fat, low-calorie snack, such as fresh fruit, vegetables with fat-free dip, or unbuttered popcorn.
233, He suggested we should go to have night snack together after graveyard shift.
234, Dewar invented a sort of strawberry shortcake snack for Hostess; yellow sponge cake with strawberries crammed inside.
235, Not long after, Eric's colleague, Jesse, brought me a plate of freshly made guacamole with chips for dipping -- a delicious and healthy afternoon snack, made from local avocados.
236, Valkyrie, the new one. Favorite snack? kids' cheeks or chocolate.
237, Beginning with breakfast, list every food, drink, and snack you consume in the left column.
238, If you want a snack then eat some almonds or other nuts, a banana, apple or pear or a low-fat cereal or fruit bar.
239, The original founder is a pastry shop - snack shop owner at Heights Ming-Shyan Huang, and later his son opened a branch Yuyuan Old Town God's Temple.
240, This paper studies the fishbone snack food which was made by the fishbone—the waste of Channel Catfish after its processing.
241, Could malaria-carrying mosquitoes be given a teensy head cold that would prevent them from sniffing out a human snack bar?
242, Snack Bar is the place where fast - food service is available.
243, You are better eating just a small snack than hurrying a main meal.
244, Made with white peas, pea flour cake is a favorite springtime snack, and was very popular among members of the imperial court.
245, Experts say potatoes raise blood-glucose concentration quickly, as do snack chips, white bread, low-fiber breakfast cereals, and breakfast bars.
246, Besides electric, its most developed industries are: iron casting, rubber manufacturing, logistics and snack food industry.
247, Make whoopee Instead of a bowl of ice cream as a bedtime snack, have a robust tussle with your spouse.
247, try its best to gather and create good sentences.
248, Of course, like in regular movie theaters, you can visit the snack counter for typical snacks such as buttered popcorn, hot dogs, soft drinks, etc.
249, Many schools now feature not only soda and snack machines but on - site outlets for fast-food chains.
250, At five, she was once blocked by several other children in the gutter, her snack and crystal hairpin being reft .
251, Buy: Fruit juices, Canned Food, Nuts & Pasta, Snack Foods, Tea.
252, THE HOST: Now, bamboo until recently was something you made furniture out of or watched a panda bear chewing into for a snack.
253, Where did you have your lunch? I had my lunch in a snack bar nearby.
254, Odd sleep patterns increase the danger of napping through a snack or mealtime.
255, A snack bar or small cafeteria, as on a military installation.
256, I've priced it out and buying a tub of pretzels and parceling them into snack bags is literally 3 times cheaper than buying the individual bags.




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