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单词 tangential
释义  tan·gen·tial /tænˈdʒenʃəl/ adjective  formalCONNECTED WITH tangential information, remarks etc are only related to a particular subject in an indirect way 〔情况、评论等〕不直接相关的,关系间接的tangential to The matter you raise is rather tangential to this discussion. 你提出的问题和这次讨论没有多大关系。 —tangentially adverbExamples from the Corpustangential• Even the tangential characters are wittily drawn.• Mona, Seth and Barbara make up the main focus of the book, but even the tangential characters are wittily drawn.• On the left-hand sides are the well-known expressions for the radial and tangential components of acceleration.• When this is augmented by oddly tangential keyboard sounds it's an enjoyable little maelstrom to be caught up in.• The Cartesian coordinates which result from this transformation describe a space which is tangential to the curved space at the point selected.• These are male-dominated arenas; women have historically been tangential to them.• There are two reasons for giving them only the most tangential treatment here.tan·gen·tial adjectiveChineseSyllable  information, related tangential are etc remarks only to Corpus




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