单词 |
Admiral's Cup |
释义 |
Admiral's Cup ˌAdmiral's ˈCup the Admiral's Cup an international sailing competition held off the British coast and consisting of four races, including the Fastnet Cup Race. The first Admiral's Cup took place in 1957, and the competition used to be held every two years. However, it was cancelled (cancel) in 2001 and 2005. The last time the competition took place was 2003, and its future is uncertain.ˌAdmiral's ˈCupSyllable |
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- same as somebody
- same difference
- same here
- sameness
- same old same old
- same-sex
- samesex
- same sex
- samuel pepys
- samuel-pepys
- samuelpepys
- samuel richardson
- samuel-richardson
- samuelrichardson
- samuel taylor coleridge
- samuel-taylor-coleridge
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- sam weller
- samweller
- sam-weller
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- Schoolfellow
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- By all appearances
- Monthly summary
- 凡知之贵,贵知化也
- 凡祸患,以安乐生,以忧勤免;以奢肆生,以谨约免;以觖望生,以知足免;以多事生,以慎动免。
- 凡虚损之由,无非酒色、劳倦、七情、饮食所致。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 凡见识出于道理者第一,出于气质者第二,出于世俗者第三,出于自私者为下。道理见识可建天地,可质鬼神,可推四海,可达万世。正大公平,光明易简,此尧、舜、禹、汤、文、武、周、孔相与授受者是也。气质见识,仁者谓之仁,智者谓之智。刚气多者为贤智、为高明,柔气多者为沉潜、为谦忍。夷、惠、伊尹、老、庄、申、韩各发明其质之所近是已。世俗见识狃于传习之旧,不辩是非,安于耳目之常,遂为依据,教之则藐不相入,攻之则牢不
- 凡言先生,谓年德俱高,又教道于幼者。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 凡读书必以五经为本,所谓非圣人之书勿读,读之百遍,其义自见,此外众书可以泛观耳。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 凡酌量天下大事,全要个融通周密、忧深虑远。营室者之正方面也,远视近视,曰有近视正而远视不正者;较长较短,曰有准于短而不准于长者;应上应下,曰有合于上而不合于下者;顾左顾右,曰有协于左而不协于右者。既而远近长短上下左右之皆宜也,然后执绳墨,运木石,鸠器用,以定万世不拔之基。今之处天下事者,粗心浮气,浅见薄识,得其一方而固执以求胜,以此图久大之业、为治安之计,难矣。
- 凡钱财女色,一切身外余物尽情放下,此即却病之方,长生之诀也。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 凡非凡《最美的青春我的班》抒情高中作文
- 凡食,无强厚味,无以烈味重酒,是以谓之疾首
- 凡食温胜冷,少胜多,熟胜生,淡胜咸。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 凡食物不能废咸,但少加使淡,淡则物之真味真性俱得。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 凤仙百科,凤仙寓意,凤仙赏析
- 凤仙花
- 凤凰
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