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单词 system
释义 Word family  noun system systematization adjective systematic verb systematize adverb systematically  Related topics: Computers, Humansys·tem /ˈsɪstɪm/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  1  related parts 相关部分 [countable]SYSTEM a group of related parts that work together as a whole for a particular purpose 系统 an alarm system 警报系统 a well-designed heating system 设计良好的供暖系统 the digestive system 消化系统 the railway system 铁路系统2  method 方法 [countable]WAY/METHOD an organized set of ideas, methods, or ways of working 体制,制度;一套办法,一套工作方法system of/for doing something We’ve got a good system for dealing with complaints from customers. 我们有一套处理顾客投诉的良好制度。 I don’t understand your filing system. 我不明白你们的归档方法。under a system Under the present system, we do not have any flexibility. 在现行体制下,我们没有一点灵活性。3  computers 计算机 [countable]TD a group of computers that are connected to each other 〔计算机〕系统 The system has crashed (=stopped working). 系统崩溃了。4  somebody’s system BODYsomeone’s body – used when you are talking about its medical or physical condition 某人的身体(状况) 〔用于谈论病情或身体状况〕 All this overeating is not good for my system. 这么大吃大喝对我的身体不好。5. all systems go used, sometimes humorously, to say that you are ready to do something or that something is ready to happen 一切就绪〔有时为幽默用法〕6  the system RULE/REGULATIONthe official rules and powerful organizations that restrict what you can do 〔限制个人自由的〕既成秩序,现行体制,制度 You can’t beat the system. 你无法超越现行体制。7  get something out of your system informalGET RID OF to do something that helps you get rid of unpleasant strong feelings 消除强烈的不快情绪 I was furious, so I went for a run to get it out of my system. 我非常愤怒,便去跑步来消气。8  order 秩序 [uncountable]ORGANIZE the use of sensible and organized methods 条理;秩序 We need a bit more system in the way we organize our files. 我们的档案管理应该更有条理些。 COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: a group of related parts that work together as a whole for a particular purpose 系统nADJECTIVES/NOUN + systema heating system (=in a building)We’re waiting for the heating system to be alarm/security systemA new alarm system has been air-conditioning systemThe building hasn’t got an air-conditioning system.the rail/road system (=all the roads or railways in a country)Traffic problems are made worse by the country’s inadequate road system.somebody’s digestive/reproductive/nervous system (=in someone’s body)These vitamins are essential for a healthy nervous system.somebody’s immune system (=they system which keeps your body healthy)Some drugs can damage the immune system.verbsninstall a system (=put it into a building)Our security system is simple to install.a system works 系统有效nThe air-conditioning system isn’t system fails/breaks downIf your immune system breaks down, you will be vulnerable to infections.n THESAURUSsystem an organized set of ideas, methods, actions etc that you use to do somethingthe airport security systemthe system for dealing with refugeesprocess a series of actions that are done in order to achieve a particular resultthe process of teaching children to readRepeat the same process, until all the sugar has dissolved.procedure the official or usually agreed way of doing somethingYou must follow the normal complaints procedure.Large companies have a standard procedure for informing new employees about conditions of work.formula a method or set of principles that you use to solve a problem or make sure that something is successfulThe team are hoping to use the same winning formula that they used last season.There is no magic formula for success (=a method that is certain to succeed). COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: an organized set of ideas, methods, or ways of working 体制,制度;一套办法,一套工作方法ADJECTIVES/NOUN + systemeffective/efficient 有效的/高效的It was a highly effective system of communication. 这是一套高效的通信系统。inefficient 低效的He described the tax system as inefficient and unfair. 他说这套税收系统效率低下,有失公平。complex/complicated 错综复杂的The Australian health care system is extremely complex. 澳大利亚的医疗保健体系极为复杂。nan elaborate systemThe proposal has to get through an elaborate system of committees.the current/existing system 现行/现存制度nThe current system of taxation is unnecessarily complicated.the political/legal/educational etc system 政治/法律/教育等体制nThe country is rightly proud of its legal system.the economic/banking system 经济/银行系统nThere are fears that the whole banking system could collapse.the health care system 医疗保健体系nThe West should be helping these countries to develop modern health care systems.verbsdevelop a system (=create a new one) 开发一套系统The Environment Agency has developed a new national flood warning system. 环境署已开发了一套新的全国洪灾预警系统。introduce a system (=start to use it) 实施制度The government has introduced a system of student loans. 政府已开始实施一套助学贷款制度。adopt a system (=decide to use it) 采用制度They decided to adopt the electoral system used in Britain. 他们决定采用英国使用的选举制度。use/run/operate a system 运用/运行一个系统They use a system of grades to evaluate each hospital’s performance. 他们使用一套分级系统来评估每家医院的情况。nWe operate a booking system.a system operates/works (=exists and is used) 系统运行/运作He tried to explain how the planning system operates. 他试图解释这套规划系统是如何运作的。a system works (=is successful) 系统有效nThe public needs to see that the complaints system works.a system breaks down/fails 系统出故障/停止运行nAn alarm sounds a warning before the system breaks system collapses (=fails completely)The European Exchange Rate system collapsed in the 1970s. modernize/reform a system 使系统现代化/改革系统nWe need to reform the electoral system.phrasesa system of government/education/justice etc 一套政府/教育/司法等体制Why was Britain so slow to develop a national system of education? 为什么英国发展全国教育体制的速度如此缓慢?Examples from the Corpussystem• Ryan thinks he's discovered a system for winning at roulette.• They are introducing a system for dealing with enquiries from customers.• a car alarm system• Its special factors should be recognised and it should have a regional banding system more reflective of its house prices.• a democratic system of government• Most teachers are opposed to recent changes in the education system.• I work a lot more quickly now I've developed an efficient system of working.• I do the cooking and Andrew does the shopping; it's an excellent system.• They have quoted for linking the projector to our existing system.• This could not be happening if the brain and immune system were separate entities.• It gives us everything from our connection to the outside world to our artistic and intellectual systems.• the U.S. legal system• What we need is a cheap and reliable system of public transportation.• Florida's public school system• But 60 percent of all Audis sold in this country are sold with that system.• Our communications software tends to crash the system.• If the system could not or would not forbid such questions, its survival depended on their being rendered incomprehensible.• The system begins with almost no co-payments except $ 5 for each prescription.• We're going to have to make some changes - this system just doesn't work.under a system• Elections took place in May 1973 under a system of proportional representation and the new local authorities came into being.• They voted 249-108 to allow hunting to continue under a system of self-regulation.• The Cambridge public schools operate under a system of controlled choice.• Is majority rule under a system of parliamentary democracy a sufficient guarantee of legitimacy?From Longman Business Dictionarysystemsys‧tem /ˈsɪstɪm/ noun [countable] an arrangement or organization of ideas, methods, or ways of workingDeregulation has created worries about the stability of the country’s financial system.All staff will benefit from a well-run performance appraisal system. → accelerated cost recovery system → accounting system → banking system → card index system → computer system → database management system → decision support system → digital nervous system → disk operating system → economic system → expert system → filing system → fixed instalment system → Hay system → imputation system → information system → just-in-time system → kanban system → legacy system → legal system → management information system → monetary system → open system → operating system → pull system → push system → reward system → strategic information system → see also European Monetary System, metric systemOrigin system (1600-1700) Late Latin systema, from Greek, from synistanai “to combine”, from syn- ( → SYN-) + histanai “to cause to stand”sys·tem noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →COLLOCATIONS2 →n THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus group that of a related Business parts




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