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单词 sword
释义  sword /sɔːd $ sɔːrd/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1. KILLa weapon with a long pointed blade and a handle 剑;刀2  a/the sword of Damocles literaryKILL a bad thing that might happen at any time 达摩克利斯之剑〔喻指随时可能发生的坏事〕 The treaty hung like a sword of Damocles over French politics. 这个条约好像一把达摩克利斯之剑悬在法国政坛之上。3. put somebody to the sword literaryPMW to kill someone with a sword 用剑刺死某人4. turn/beat swords into ploughshares literary to start using money, equipment, and skills for peaceful purposes rather than for fighting 铸剑为犁;偃武修文 → cross swords (with somebody) at cross1(16), → double-edged sword at double-edged(1)Examples from the Corpussword• As soon as a key was inserted it rang a loud alarm bell and palace guards would rush in with drawn swords.• Ramsay's lance snapped off, broken, and left his right arm and hand too numb to draw his sword.• Sauron's army is so overcome with fear that no swords are drawn and they run away.• Kruger's sword shook slightly as the dart struck his arm.• Setting one foot upon Asterion, he gripped the sword, twisted it, and pulled the blade free of the wound.• The sword was later recovered from a long forgotten underground lair by a combined expedition of Dwarfs and Men.• Their swords rang together, and Riven knew he was the weaker man.Origin sword Old English sweordsword nounChinese  a a Corpus handle weapon pointed and long with a blade




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