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单词 Revelry
1. Sounds of revelry came from next door.
2. The sound of revelry filled the house yesterday.
3. We could hear sounds of revelry from next door.
4. The revelry continued all night.
5. The revelry was snubbed by my father.
6. After a night of drunken revelry they ended up in the dock.
7. The feasting, drinking, dancing and revelry continued for several days.
8. And what a sight of revelry!
9. Behind them Joe Alsop continued in revelry.
10. Faint sounds of revelry issued into the night.
11. At times last night, good-humoured revelry got out of hand.
12. In the midst of this revelry, Charles Darwin strides in.
13. Below the sound of revelry continued.
14. It'seems sounds of drunken revelry.
15. He knew their customary revelry was going on.
16. The revelry had reached its climax.
17. The revelry started shortly after night fell and lasted until midnight.
18. The spirit of this bacchanalian revelry of Europe found entrance into our demurely well-behaved social world, woke us up, and made us lively.
19. Their drunken revelry, their shameless flirting, must have offended the righteous believers in the jihad.
20. Rachel daintily arched one eyebrow as if I had mentioned inviting her servants to some feast or revelry.
21. He was also presenting ballets in a similar format to Rustic Revelry.
21. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
22. However, their devotions were often disturbed by the sounds of revelry and dancing as the villagers gathered around the nearby maypole.
23. Knockrin Castle was rented from Lord Boyne and the revelry was ceaseless.
24. People came from miles around to join in the revelry.
25. When the Sheriff and his men approached the brothers at Winchelsea, they found them in a state of drunken revelry.
26. Though naturally quiet, she enjoyed being surrounded by the youthful revelry so prevalent in London in those years.
27. Take care to avoid parties or games where thoughtless revelry and carousing are the norm.
28. Russians are also celebrating the end of winter with Pancake week, a pre-Christian carnival of revelry across Russia.
29. But the end to gruelling daylight abstinence and excessive night - time revelry is not the only relief.
30. Verse 25 tells us that the celebration degraded to revelry and debauchery. All restraint was gone.
1. The revelry continued all night.
2. After a night of drunken revelry they ended up in the dock.
31. It was generally believed to be a time of revelry.
32. During the 19th century much of the revelry was gradually moved to New Year's Eve so now it's put the kids to bed and pass the champagne flute.
33. They in god di revelry, they to spacious worship born that way.
34. At 2 A. M. the neighbors called the police to quell the bacchanalian revelry in the upstairs apartment.
35. Ostentation and revelry were ceased, for the sake of separation.
36. There was no mad student revelry to keep us awake and breakfast down in the Quod was a feast.
37. As we got close to Broadway, we heard the sounds of revelry getting louder and louder.
38. Grotesque masks along in a burst of pre - Lenten revelry in Nice, France.
39. While the house of the rich and powerful present a scene of feasting and revelry, cries of hunger and cold are heard out in the streets.
39. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
40. Life, and love, and revelry , and , most falsely, hope, called the forgetful, the human heart.
41. Just try to refrain from posting photos of drunken revelry or other questionable images that could land you in some hot water.
42. To scenes of pageantry and revelry, Ben - Hur stuns with the impact of and thundering action.




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